Until You Love Me Back ~


What If

It seems as though the accumulated time is being greedy..
Seeing as it hurts more today than yesterday
It was after I realized that I couldn’t be totally happy with that smile towards me
That there was nothing special.. 

What if It seems like you’re going to love me
Because it seems like you’re going to come to me,
if I wait just a little
With these anticipations
I can’t leave you
Even though I know that as time accumulates
It becomes pain

Even though I wanted to believe that that smile was just for me
It probably isn’t, right?
But still Just maybe

What if I met you first
No, if I didn’t know you
These thoughts are useless
For I’m already living in the deeply set times of you

Even though love increases as much as time’s weight 
Even though pain is heavy
Still, I feel like you’ll love me
Because it seems like you’re going to come to me,
if I wait just a little
With these anticipations
I can’t leave you
Even though I know that the accumulated time has made today

~  What If by Super Junior


This was based on the song of Super Junior, "What If"..

A story on how Kyu waited for the love of his life even though he knew that her heart's already taken by somebody else..
A story on how he endured all the pain and still waited..

A story of love, patience and destiny. .

JaeAn_429 presents.

Until You Love Me Back ~


P.S. : This story was made by me, any similarities to any other stories are pure coincidence.. I swear! :)
Promise! Haha! Enjoy and Please do leave a comment!~^^


Anticipations may lead to hurting your own self when you expect too much, but it goes the other way.. 

Loving someone so much who loves someone else will definitely hurt.. 

But he anticipated.. 
He expected.. 
That someday, she will love him back when the right time comes.. 
He waited.. He still loved her even though he was hurting secretly seeing her with the person she truly loves.. 
Everyday.. He still hoped..

He still waited.. until it hit him..  He grew tired.. 
He grew tired of hurting himself.. 
He grew tired of ignoring reality..
Reality that he couldn't face because he loved her too much..
He was afraid to face it because that reality might hurt him too much when he accepts it..
Reality that says.. "It's impossible.."
He grew tired of waiting, anticipating and expecting her to love him back..

He grew tired.. Too tired..
But did he grow tired of loving her?

He made a decision to stop..
Will it be the end?
Will he eventually forget about her, that girl he once loved too much?..
Will he just remember it as a part of the past?


"LOVE is game where sometimes, 
you play the hard part first, before you reach the easy part..
It's a matter of patience to wait for the right person
and a matter of strength to fight for what you feel..
But sometimes, you can call a time-out..
Or you can eventually end the game..
Right then and there, another game of love starts..
And when the right time comes..
Endless love and happiness are all yours . . ."


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Like the story of my bestfriend? Kyaaa ^^
I don't have one, but I have a boy Bestfriend and I do love him. ^^
NAAh. He already has a girlfriend in America ^^
I'm feeling happy for THEM :) I'm just now entertaining and distracting myself from these by you know FEELING THAT KYU IS MY BOYFRIEND xDD / my other biases ^^ Kyaaaa CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM AGAIN ^^

Nice. NO FUDGE THAT. 'GREAT' STORY <3 ^^ fighting ^^

P.S Make a sequel pretty please? *puppy eyes* ^^
Awwwww so sweeeet!!
Sweet!So sweet!:">
Some tears fell from my eyesTT.TT
Kekekeke.Nice one!:D
HeartGold426 #4
New reader here! I really like your story so far! ^ - ^
I really really really really really really LOVE This!!!