
Do Kyungsoo is my bestfrien

"Did you see that....? Oh my gosh, DID YOU?" I was unconciously hitting D.O on the arm, a habit of mine, whenever I got excited or shocked.

I was both at this moment. 

Park Chungho. Just. Winked. At Me.

No joke. 

"No, what. What was it?" D.O said swatting my hand away with his elbow, not bothering to look up from his book.

"Park. ing. Chungho. He just winked at me!!" I whispered incredulously. The librarian looked up and gave me a look.

D.O finally looked up from his book, only to see the back Chungho's figure walking out of the library. 

"Pshh... have you been smoking something funny?" he said with a laugh, and went back to reading. I was too excited to care. 

"I'm not kidding. I've been noticing it all week now! He smiled at me on Monday at the cafeteria. Then Tuesday when I walked past the football field, a ball flew past me and landed near me, so I gave it back to him when he ran up to get it and he said thanks all y like. And then ever since then, I've been seeing him EVERYWHERE. And EVERYTIME it's like he's looking at me."

"You're probably hallucinating. You know, seeing what you wanna see."

"Oh please. If that were the case, I'd have started hallucinating many many a blue moons ago."

D.O shrugged. I kept talking.

"I wonder what it is. Did I suddenly get pretty? Is that why he's noticing me now? Yah Do Kyungsoo, have you noticed an exponential increase in my attractiveness in the past week or so?" 

D.O snorted. 

"Sorry to steal your thunder, but it's probably all just your imagination. Park Chungho and you? Never gonna happen."

I sighed. "You're probably right. I mean... that's impossible. Chungho, a senior, not to mention captain of the football team noticing me." I said glumly.

"I'd count that as a blessing" D.O. muttered. 

When I questioned him about what he meant he put down his book, leant back in his chair and sighed. 

"I don't like him." he said bluntly.

I rolled my eyes. I knew that already to be honest. "I know that. But why don't you like him?" I never understood D.O's dislike of Park Chungho. If anything he was a sort of idol figure for all guys in the school. One does not simply not like Park Chungho. 

"He's a player. He plays girls."

"No he is not."

"Miyul. Be real. You're not exactly in on the goss around this school. You're too busy running the school with your class presidency and prefect position, to hang with us lowly civilians and hear any real stories."

Okay. I admit. I'm a little behind on the gossip. Actually... I don't really know any gossip that goes on around here. But I trust my instincts. 

D.O. and I were still arguing about the credibility of those said stories he's heard, and whether or not Park Chungho was a "Park Baram"when Kora, Baekhyun and Kai found us. 

"I think we walked into a Kyungie vs. Miyul argument." Baekhyun said, eyeing D.O and I.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" Kora asked curiously.

"Kora! Tell him. Tell him Park Chungho is not a player and to not believe every stupid rumour on the planet" 

Kora popped a sour gummy lolly in . 

"Park Chungho? Oh, Park Chungho is the biggest Baramdoongiof Seoul High, possibly even this beautiful megacity Seoul itself. Everyone knows that, right guys?"

"Right." Kai and Baekhyun agreed in unison. 

D.O shot me a triumphant look. 

"Cheer up Mi ~ It's not like you were even on his radar to begin with." Kora said light heartedly, stuffing a lolly into my mouth. 

"Gee thanks. Always the harbinger of such joy. The instiller of self confidence."

"Speak of the devil..." Baek nodded towards the door. It was Chungho. This time, walking beside him was none other, but our Chanyeol. 

"Chanyeol knows him?" D.O asked, genuninely surprised. Kai and Baekhyun both shrugged, both just as surprised.

But before any of us could say anything else, Chanyeol waved to us and approached.

"Hey guys, we just got off the Sports Captain's meeting. You guys know Chungho right?" 

Oh of course. Chungho was captain on the football team, Channie was captain of the basketball team. That's how they know each other.

We all nodded and said our greetings. The guys shook hands. I played it cool. 

"So I'm having a party next Saturday at my place. You guys should all come. It's going to be pretty big, mostly seniors, some second years like yourselves and so on." Chungho said with his signature lop sided smile.

I think we were all a little in shock. Not because party invites were unfamiliar to us. Senior party invites were...

"Um, yeah sure, we'll be there" Baek finally said.

"See you next Saturday then. Dress code is smart casual by the way. Laters." he said, staring right at me and winked. Then he slapped Chanyeol on the arm and walked off. That wink was not missed by the others.


"Did we just get invited to a seniors party...?"

"Did he just wink at you... Mi?" Kora said turning to me.

"Wait, Chanyeol you never told us you guys were friends..."

Chanyeol shrugged. "We're not really... until today. I'm serious. After the meeting he came up to me and just said he wanted to invite us to his party..."

"And he winked at Miyul!" Kora said incredulously. 

"I told you I wasn't imagining it..." I said quietly to D.O, still in shock. He remained silent.

"Alright~~~ Party time! Man, perfect timing. Things were getting boring around here. Time to take out my rusty dance moves and polish 'em up!" Baekhyun said, starting to dance in his chair enthusiastically. 

"Stop it. Do you want me to die from second hand embarrassment?" Kora said, which only made him dance with more vigour.

Baekhyun's kkap was so entertaining that I hadn't noticed how quiet D.O had become...





* Baram is short of baramdoongi (playboy) - borrowed from suju's leader Leeteuk ;)


Well well well.... what an interesting turn of events. Why is the infamous bad boy Chungho suddenly paying attention to innocent Miyul... is there a third party involvement? Hmmmm..... but anyhoo IT'S PARTY TIME. ^^ Please comment guys! No silent reading kay?? Get's lonely sitting here writing but not receiving feedback :'( and subscribe too if you like ^^ Until next timeeeee <3


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Editing chapters 1-9!


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pls update soooooon :D
MsJuohli #2
Chapter 11: It's such a cute story! Love it~ and kyungsoo of course
Chapter 10: Actually the whole story is not only good but it's one of the best stories I've read so far:)(correction: I've been looking for...).
Chapter 10: Same here! Haha please update soon! It's a nice chapter...and honestly I've looking for kyungsoo fanfics too and I'm quite disappointed to see only a few of them so I was literally jumping all over my room when I found a good one and it's this story:) author-nim fighting!
Chapter 10: YESS UPDATE!! :D omg I love monster. Currently on repeat for me :3
Chapter 9: Omg the last time I read this was like 2-3 years ago! I really like this story so please update soon!!
Chapter 9: Please do update!!!!
Chapter 3: I'm liking the story till now :)
Ilovekyuhyun23 #9
Chapter 9: I think Kyungsoo likes her :)
I have a guy best friend too but since he had transfered to another school in town we've never seen each other again since 1,5 years ago but we still keep in touch

I hope he could be as caring as kyungsoo lmaooo