The Name Of My Angel

The Date I Meet My Love

After the hour of fighting with DongWoo, My brother finally called mom to get the right answer and yes I had to go to work with him. Something he would usually never let happen but he knows what ever mom says goes. As we walked into his practice together we got questions like "CNU, is she your girlfriend?" or "Is she your friend?" I looked up when we got to the room we were going to, I saw four other boys, one caught my eye. Half way through their practice they took a break DongWoo called me over to were they were. I started blushing alittle. They introdused the one I like his name is Sandeul, well his stage name anyway. The more I thought about it the more I liked it no him! Just him the way he singed the way he danced, I know I'm falling and I think DongWoo noticted and maybe Sandeul too! I have a hard time keeping my feelings to myself. Sandeul (to my suprise) came up to me grabbed my hands and started dancing with me. I laughted and he did to. I knew my brother everyone was looking at us I sarted blushing, but we kept dancing. The rest of the day went by great he told me I was beautiful, asked my out even though DongWoo was no agreeing with it he still did I said yes, and it all sarted because my mom said yes.

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Wae cant i see the forward???????
but the description is kind of ummmmm.....Breath Takin?!?!?!?!
keke LOL *________*
Update soon!!
Wow! I just read the forward and thought it was great! Like I say judge a book by its cover! Update soon! FIGHTING!!!