Nothing means more to me than you

Super Junior Leeteuk

Waking up, I stretched my arms up into the air, allowing the muscles to loosen up. Turning my head to the side I see the space where my boyfriend was supposed to be sleeping is empty; replacing him, however, is a neatly folded piece of paper. 

Morning love. 
Sorry I couldn't be there to watch your beautiful face awaken. 
I hope you slept well, I'll be home very soon. I'm just at rehearsals. 
Your Tukkie-oppa

"Awe!" Smiling, I get up from the bed and put the note into a blue box inside the wardrobe. 

Every letter and sweet note that Leeteuk wrote to me ever since we started dating, maybe even before, I put into a sapphhire blue box. 
At first it was red, but I found it more meaningful for it to be sapphire. 

A nice warm shower woke me up completely for me to have a lovely, lonely breakfast. 


Once I cleaned up the kitchen, I took a seat on the couch with the book I have been reading for a few days.
As I became more and more engrossed into the pages, I shrank further down the furniture until eventually I ended up laying down. 


Since that morning I had not recieved any contact from Leeteuk, and it's now...7 hours later. Worried and hungry I venture back into the kitchen; both for food and my phone. Carrying my book with me for some strange reason. 
No new messages. 
1 hungry stomach. 
What to do? 
Deciding on the fact that he might be alittle preoccupied I got myself a small snack first before texting him. I know it is terrible of me to eat before him, but it's something small and I'm hungry; plus, s might have got some food. Maybe. 

There were no new messages from Tukkie-oppa for awhile. Then I got back into my book and after reading a few lines, my phone rings. 
"I'm so sorry for not contacting you! I've been really busy and I haven't been anywhere near my phone so I never got the chance to think-" His voice was strained as if he was crying. 
"I don't mind, it gave me the chance to read my book a little more." Before he could reply, I carried on, "your job is very important to you, I understand that. There isn't any need to get panicky because you didn't tell me all about the latest prank Kyuhyun pulled, or what random treat Ryeowook baked. Although I do like to hear them." 
His adorkable laugh echoed through the phone, "I'll be home shortly." 
"How short?" 
"Real short." The front door opened. The phone disconnected. He's laughing still. "I'm home!" 
He came and flopped down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my lips. "You're an adorable dork. Did you know that?" 
"No, but I don't want to stop hearing it. Do you know that nothing means more to me than you?" 

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