No Other

The Pizza Boy Who Fell in Love

Call out my heart, free my soul
It always felt like the first time, these remaining days are more than the time
that I came to love you

~No Other, Super Junior

Kangin and Leeteuk turned to stare at Sungmin who had also said his name.

"Hi Minne!" Kyuhyun smiled.

Kangin gaped between them. "You know him?!"

Sungmin nodded "We go to the same college and we have an art class together."

 "Why did you tell them?!" Leeteuk rounded on Kyuhyun.

"Whoa!" Kyuhyun put up his hands. "I had to Leeteuk hyung! She threatened to destroy my parent's factory!"

Leeteuk sighed. Kangin wondered if this 'she' was Leeteuk's mother. Surely one wouldn't go that far just to have her son back in her clutches.

"Sir?" One of the securities asked.

Leeteuk turned to Kangin. "I'm sorry. They barged into your home without permission. We'll be leaving now. Bye Kangin-ah."

He patted the man's head. Kangin felt the affection wasn't the same as a kiss, but he could see why it shouldn't be done in front of their friends and his mother's security.

Sungmin had begun to cry. He threw his arms around Leeteuk. "Umma! You can't leave!"

Leeteuk laughed but his voice sounded sad. "Sorry. I'll be back soon."

Kyuhyun watched in the background, his face expressionless.

"Bye!" Leeteuk waved as he was escorted out. Kangin waved back then looked away feeling very lost.

Once he had gone Kangin and Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun who hadn't gone with him.

"Why are you still here?" Kangin demanded, annoyed.

Kyuhyun smiled. "I think you need to know some stuff. Also, it's nice to see Sungmin!"

Sungmin motioned him to sit on the couch beside him.

"Leeteuk's going to inherit his mother's industry which is all about shipment of foods and other things to and from several places in the world." Kyuhyun tolld them.

"Like America?" Sungmin asked.

Kyuhyun nodded. "Leeteuk's very...well she's a to be honest."

Kangin and Sungmin's eyes widened.

"She's possesive of Leeteuk and she wants him to be with his fiance all the time and--"

"WHAT?!" Kangin and Sungmin exclaimed.

Kyuhyun looked between them. "What do you mean what?"

Kangin stood there stunned. Leeteuk had a fiance...all this time...

"Why does my umma have a fiance?! He was with Kangin hyung!" Sungmin demanded.

"Ohhhhh! Okay, now I get it!"

"Get what?" Kangin asked without any enthusiam to actually know. Leeteuk had lied to him....

"That's why he's been so weird. Like he's usually all happy and cheery but lately he's been depressed and confused. He keeps telling us he's not gettting married and he's going to run away."

Kangin snorted. "That didn't work out so well."

"Yeah." Kyuhyuyn replied."Also he tried to tell his mom once but she said she was going to hunt you down and destroy your home or anything that means a lot to you so..."

"WHAT?!" Kangin and Sungmin yelled in dismay.

"But he ran off. And I didn't tell them!" Kyuhyun added.

Kangin breathed in relief. "Okay good."

"I gave them a Kim Jongwoon instead." Kyuhyun laughed. "Whoever the hell that is."

"But Kim Jongwoon is...."

"Yesung hyung!" Sungmin gasped.

"Uh oh...I saw the name on a advertisement and I panicked!" Kyuhyun said in defense.

Kangin shook his head."You're unbelievable!"

Kyuhyun waved it off. "I'm sure he'll be fine!"

Kangin glared at him but the young man ignored him and turned to Sungmin instead.

Sungmin smiled. "I believe you Kyu. Want to go out now?"

Kyuhyun pulled him closer and kissed him. "Sure..."

"What the HELL?!" Kangin shouted in alarm. "You're gay?!"

Sungmin nodded guilty. "I thought Appa would be diappointed..."

"I'm not your Appa! And what do I care..."

Kyuhyun stood up and bowed repeatedly. "Thank you Appa--I'll take good care of Sungmin!"

Kangin grumbled and went over to the kitchen.

"Hey you should probably go and visit your friend to see if he's okay. I doubt Leeteuk's mom would have left him alone..."

"You said he was fine!" Sungmin slapped his arm.

Kyuhyun had a worried look. "Yeah but..."

Kangin pulled out a bottle of water. So many things were still confusing him. His feelings for Leeteuk were still there. Even if he had someone else...Why do I still like him?!


Kangin looked up at Kyuhyun. "Who are you calling Kangin-ah?" He growled.

Kyuhyun smiled. "Sorry hyung." Not looking sorry at all.

Kangin then went to his room and grabbed a sweater. He came back. "I'm going to Yesung's house. Please don't do things here."

Kyuhyun laughed while Sungmin blushed.

"Oh wait!" Kyuhyun called Kangin as he left through the door.


"Ryeowook is the only one who still keeps in touch with Leeteuk. You know in case you want to..." Kyuhyun trailed off.

"I see." Kangin nodded. He then aimed to leave but Kyuhyun called him back. "What now?"

"Tell your friend to leave my friend alone!"


"Yesung? Kim Jongwoon guy?He's been Ryeowook-ah's philtrum and he keeps visiting him. It really unnerves Ryeowook-ah."

"Since when?" Kangin demanded.

"Since they met."

Ohmygod! Everyone's gay! Kangin thought as he nodded to Kyuhyun and left.

When Kangin arrived to Yesung's house he gaped in astonishment. The whole building was being demolished.

He spotted a familar big head watching the destruction unfold.


Yesung turned and smiled with relief when he spotted Kangin on his motorcycle.

"Hey Kangin-ah!"

"What's happening?!"

"Kyuhyun, the kid from the beach told Leeteuk's mom it was me who likes Leeteuk. Sorry, I know he's yours..."

Kangin interrupted with a hard stare.

"I got out with my babies though." Yesung said happily.

Kangin looked behind at a box where there was probably three bored looking turtles and a small black furry dog. "That's good. Come on get on. Let's get out of here."

Yesung went to grab the box and ran over getting on awkwardly. He put the box behind in the basket and then turned to Kangin. "Okay let's go."

They took off.

"Do you know where he lives?" Kangin asked suddenly.

"Where who lives?"

"Ryeowook, Leeteuk's friend from the beach. Kyuhyun says he still keeps in touch with him, and that you've been getting chummy with him."

Yesung looked away embarrassed.


"Okay show me where tommorrow okay?" Kangin said. Despite everything...he needed to see Leeteuk or at least get a valid explanation.

They arrived at another part of Belledonni the next day. Unlike Leeteuk's small stylish apartment this house was huge and had a tall gate with a buzzer.

Kangin and Yesung exchanged glances and Yesung pressed the buzzer.

"Hello?" A quiet voice said a couple seconds later.

"Ryeowook-ah! It's me Yesung!"

"Hyung..." There was reluctantcy in his voice.

"Oh on I'm here with Kangin!" Yesung added.

"Hi Ryeowook!" Kangin greeted.

"Okay." Ryeowook buzzed them in.

They got back on the bike and rode up the driveway. Ryeowook let them inside the house and to a living room that probably cost more than Kangin's whole apartment.

Kangin and Yesung took their seats on a fancy looking couch and Ryeowook offered them tea.

"You're here about Leeteuk right?"

Kangin nodded. Yesung sipped his tea.

"I can call him right now if you like. His mother is keeping him at her house now. In preparation for the wedding..."

Kangin fought the urge to cringe when he heard wedding. The thought of Leeteuk getting married bothered him so much.

"That'd be great." He managed a smile.

Ryeowook looked at Yesung then at Yesung's box. "What's that?"

"Oh my babies." Yesung put it down and picked up his small tortoise and his puppy.

"They're cute." Ryeowook smiled.

Kangin chuckled silently as Yesung's face looked dazed at the sight of the young one's smile.

Ryeowook then made the phone call.


"Hello. Miss. is Leeteuk there?" Kangin perked up. "Ah, yes. Very excited. Okay thank you."

Ryeowook smiled at the two and gave a thumbs up.

Leeteuk grabbed the phone from hsi mother and gave her a look.

She didn't bat an eyelash and instead returned the look.

"5 minutes." She said stiffly then walked out of his room.

Leeteuk glared at her back. "Hello?"

"Hey. "

"Ryeowook, god i can't take this anymore. It hasn't even been two days!"

"I know. But Kangin is here. I'm a pass it to him."

"No wait Wookie-"

Leeteuk cut himself off as he heard the transition of two people.


Leeteuk flinched." hey..."

"Why did you lie to me?" The question was cold and straight to the point.

"I didn't mean to! I tried to get away but then, you pushed me in the alley--and you...I'm sorry. I tried to run away and now..." Leeteuk said frenziedly.

He paused as he heard Kangin sigh.

"Leeteuk sunbae. I want to tell you...that--something i never told anyone else...."

Yesung and Ryeowook looked at each other, stunned. Love confession?


Kangin jumped as he was cut off by a stern voice.

"I'm sorry but Leeteuk can't talk anymore."

Kangin panicked and threw the phone at Ryeowook.

Ryeowook hastily replied. "Ah! yes sorry ma'am I understand." he then hung up.

Yesung looked at Kangin who seemed very disappointed.

Ryeowook then sighed. He glanced at the tortoise walking slowly across his rug. "Wait why did you bring that hyung?"

"My house was destroyed." Yesung then went into the story of Leeteuk's mom and Kyuhyun's confusion.

"I'm so sorry." Ryeowook gave a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay." Yesung smiled back."Actually, do you mind if i stay with you?"

"Sure." The young man beamed.

Yesung nearly attacked him but then remembered the shy one's personal space and coughed instead.

"The wedding is in five days, Kangin hyung."

Kangin looked up, shocked.

"i'm going to be the best man along with Hangeng, Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun. We're allowed to bring guests however."

Kangin narrowed his eyes."You're not suggesting..."

Yesung sat up. "Brillant!" He hugged Ryeowook. The shy man surprisingly allowed it.


Ryeowook and Yesung ignored him and grabbed the phone already beginning to call everyone and tell them.

Kangin sighed. He wasn't going to crash a wedding! That sounded ridiculous....only someone like Leeteuk would do something like that! Leeteuk...Kangin felt his mouth go dry. He missed the older guy....but was he really prepared to ruin another person's happiness just for his own? Maybe his fiance loved him? he couldn't do that to her. Who ever she was...

It wasn't until the sun had gone down that Kangin and Yesung returned back to the apartment Ryeowook and Yesung had devised an entire plan on the "Destruction of Leeteuk's Wedding". Step one was to buy everyone tuxes.

Kangin stepped inside his apratment with a sigh. A good long sleep would relieve him of this insane---


The lights went on and Kangin stood there dumbstruck.

Kyuhyun was still there with Sungmin. Along with Eunhyuk, Donghae, Zhou Mi, Siwon, Manager hyung, Kibum and Henry.

"Henry?! What the hell are you doing here?"

"He's an art class friend. I invited him to the wedding." Kyuhyun spoke up with a smirk. Kangin gave him a look.

Sungmin hugged him. "Hyung! We heard about the plan! We're going to get your boyfriend back!" He cheered.

Everyone agreed. "Yeah! Kangin's boyfriend FIGHTING!!"

Kangin gaped. "Oh my shisus..."

It was offcial. Everyone was nuts...

OMG sorry I haven't updated or been on. It's just SUPER JUNIOR'S BACK!! *fangirls* So I've been all over that!

I pre ordered the album and I'm excited to get it!!

Oh God I missed Kangin so much! It's so good to see him back with his Super Junior brothers. So yeah...

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guys in Mexico they have internet but i have to pay and I only have a little amount of time sorry I havent updated the story is so close to being done! hang on!


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MrSimple0508 #1
IAmToastFood #2
I really enjoyed this and an Eunhae prequel would be just fantastic~!! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Yes.. Do it!! :D :D

kekek^^ excited... :))
MrSimple0508 #4
Do it!!!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awww.. It's so sad that's this story have to end.. But I'm happy that their ending is happy!! Nice Ending you got there!! :D

Super Junior!!! Hwaiting!! ^^
IAmToastFood #6
Omo! Teukie has no idea that his mother thinks it's Yesung :O !! And as for Gulliver, I'm obsessed with it!! It's just so cool! And Kangin ghiayhfuhrufakh!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Update soon author-nim :)
hebteuk #8
can't wait...i luv daydream so much and kangteuk's pic too...i really missed their moments ~ <3...about Gulliver i didn't listen to it yet,but my sis did and said it's amazing.
...i hate kyu and teukie's mother >:/...i'm waiting for the happy ending :DDD
yes teukie kangin is yours!!! ahaha...up date soon dear author-nim^^