
A special lost memory


OMG. I'm asking myself why am i so cheesy >< Kyaa~ Hope you like this Wen :)



It was already 8 in the morning and school had started half an hour ago but EunKyung was not in the state to go anywhere. She felt really horrible that morning. It was unlike her to absent herself from school since she would always get perfect attendance every year. Yet that day was an exception for her since she could not even feel her own toes. 


She groaned as she sat up from her bed. Her head felt like it was going to explode anytime soon. Her body was slightly burning and her nose was blocked. She rubbed her right eye and looked around her room. It was still a little messy from yesterday. She took a bath once she reached home and went to sleep soon after, too tired to even dry her hair. Her uniform was on study table and her books were scattered everywhere. Her backpack was no where in her room, probably on the couch in the living room. 

*I should clean this mess..* She thought as she slipped into her comfortable pink slippers at the side of her bed. She groggily walked up to her windows and draw the curtains. Rays of light began to make its way into the room; making it much brighter. EunKyung smiled as she tried to take a deep breath but her block nose didn't allow her to. 

*Aish. Annoying.* She pinched her nose and frowned. Despite the beautiful morning, she still felt stuffy. She gave up in breathing properly and decided to gulp down a glass of warm water. She wrapped her arms around herself as an attempt to warm herself while she made her way to the small kitchen. She poured a glass of warm water for herself and cupped the glass in her hands and brought it up to her lips. One gulp, two gulps and she pulled away. *So warm*  She smiled. 


She turned around with the glass still in her hands taking sips occasionally. Just then she realised her grandparents were not around. She started searching the house for her grandparents. She had searched the whole house but she was the only living soul there. Just then a yellow note caught her eyes. She picked it up and read. Almost immediately relief spread across her chest. They had went to go meet an old friend then to  grocery shopping at the other side of town and might return only in the evening. She was glad that they were alright if not she wouldn't know what to do. A smile once again formed on her lips but then she pouted. 

"That means i have to see the doctor myself.." She whispered, "Oh well." After putting the glass back at its original place, EunKyung went to get a quick bath and put on some warm clothes although the weather was warm. She was literally freezing.


She made sure the house was in good condition before she locked the gates and walk down the stairs to the open air. She tugged on her thin white cardigan as she walked down the neighbourhood towards the clinic that was nearest in the neighbourhood. She had a tissue in her hand constantly wiping her nose. Her head hurts so much. After 10 minutes, she finally arrived at the clinic. She took her number and waited for her turn patiently like the obedient girl she is. The thing was her nose was making her feel more and more agitated by the minute. When her number was finally called, she got her check up and went to buy her medicine. She was getting dizzier. 


*I better hurry home.* Her eyebrows pinched together as she rubbed her temple. 

"Thank you for coming." The cashier handed her the change and bowed politely. EunKyung was too distracted to return the bow and she scurried out of the clinic. A few students from her school were already found around the neighbourhood. The colour of the bright uniform made her headache worse. She quickens her pace and made the last turn to the apartment building. She was moving too fast that she collided with another body that was way taller than her. Due to the sudden impact her body rebounded and she was falling backwards and the other quickly reached out and wrapped an arm around her petite waist. Their bodies collided once again. EunKyung's hands were on the other's firm chest. She felt that strong arm around her and the other's heartbeat beating under her palm. Her eyes were shut tight and her face was burning red - from both the embarrassment and her sickness. Her headache and nose block was not helping at all. 


"Are you alright? I'm Sorry." A sweet voice called out. The guy holding her was looking directly at her with worry. 

She didn't have the guts to open her eyes but she had to anyways. Slowly her eyelids opened and she craned her next upwards but then shut her eyes half way due to the sun's rays. It took her a while to realise who it was but once she did her eyes widened. 

"Are you hurt?" His voice had a hint of concern. He released his arm from her waist and held her shoulders. He started to scan her body looking for any bruises but she was too in shock to react. 

"Jaebeom sunbae..." She mumbled incoherently trying her best to stand with her wobbly legs. Suddenly her legs gave out and she almost collapsed but Jaebeom held a tight grip on her before she could hit the ground. 

"Hey..What's wrong? Are you sick? You look pale.." He was panicking then he noticed that she was carrying her medicine.

"Home...." She mumbled once more. 

Jaebeom leaned his ear closer to hear her better, "Home? Where? I'll take you..." 

Weakly she held a finger out and pointed to the building just 5 meters in front. Jaebeom took note of it and turned back to her.

"Which floor?" 


Jaebeom gave a firm nod and bent down in front of her. She was too weak to do anything else and her body lay on his back. Jaebeom linked his arms under her legs and carried her to the building. He looked around for a lift but he managed to find the stairs. He carried her up the flight of stairs and then came to a halt at the 3rd floor. He looked left and right not knowing which door was the door to her apartment. 

"Which door?" He asked himself. EunKyung was knocked out, lying lifelessly on his back. 


Just then, someone came out of the one of the doors. A middle aged lady was opening the door to her apartment.

"Ajumma." Jaebeom called. 

The middle aged lady looked up and gasped. 

"EunKyung-ah.. What happened?" She touched EunKyung's cheeks. 

"She's feeling unwell." Jaebeom replied, "Can you tell me which one is her apartment?" 

"Come.." The lady walked a few more steps with Jaebeom tailing her and they reached a red door. The lady started to punch in the pin number and the door to the apartment opened. Jaebeom rushed in and took off his shoes in the process. He looked around the rooms. Luckily there were only two bedrooms and he guess the one that was in baby blue was hers. He went into the room and carefully laid her on the bed with the help of the middle aged lady. 

"I'll take care of her clothes. Get me a wet towel." The lady ordered and pushed Jaebeom out of the room. 

Jaebeom was dumb-founded for a second but then started to look around for a towel. He opened the drawers and cabinets. He went into the toilet and finally found a towel. He rushed to the sink and placed the towel under the running water. The door to EunKyung's room opened and the lady called out to Jaebeom. He ran back to her and she placed the towel on EunKyung's forehead.


"Where are her parents?" Jaebeom asked minutes after out of curiosity. 

The lady paused then sighed, "She lives with her grandparents." 

Jaebeom didn't quite understand at first but then her realised what it meant. He cleared his throat. 

"Then..Where are her grandparents?" 

"Probably had something important to do.. they don't leave unless its really important." The lady adjusted her blanket then straightened up. "Poor girl. She's been working too hard.." 

Jaebeom was lost for a while but then curious of why the lady said that. He gazed intensely at her. He felt like he's seen her somewhere... 


"You go to Seoul high too?" The lady asked. 

Jaebeom was cut-off from his train of thoughts and looked at the lady. He blinked a couple of times before answering, "AH! yes. I do.." He showed his uniform. 

"Then you should know EunKyung right? She's in her sophomore year." 

"Sophomore? Oh. I'm in my Senior year now.." Jaebeom cleared the misunderstanding. 

"Ah..EunKyung is well known for her singing in school. Have you heard her sing before?" 


"I guess you’re really clueless." The lady shook her head and went back to taking care of EunKyung. 


Jaebeom stood there thinking for a while. He had heard her name somewhere. Where was it? Was it because she was one of his stalkers? No. He barely knows any of his stalkers. Who was she? EunKyung... It rings a bell. What is her family name? As though he knew where the answer was his eyes feel upon her study table and saw her books. 


"Jung EunKyung..." he quietly mumbled. 



"I think we should let her rest. You may go now young man. Oh! and may i know your name? I'm sure EunKyung would want to know who helped her." She smiled. 

Jaebeom rubbed the back of his neck and awkwardly smiled back,"Uh..Im Jaebeom." 

"Im Jae..beom. Ok. Thank you very much for the help. I think you should return home before your parents start to worry." The lady showed him the way out. 


Jaebeom sloppily put on his shoe and he went out of the apartment. The door closed but he was still standing there. He tilt his head slightly and scratched his head. "Weird Ajumma." 

He turned around and walked a few steps away then he stopped. 

*Jung EunKyung... Where have i heard that name?* He turned his head around and stared at the door for a while. Then he shrugged his shoulders. 





"Ah! Embarrasing!" EunKyung cried as she covered her face. 

"THE IM JAEBEOM OPPA carried you back to your apartment?!" EunKyung's friend, Haewon asked with her eyes wide. 

EunKyung peeked between her fingers and nodded while pouting. 

"Damn. You're one lucky girl." Haewon chuckled, "He always play hard to get."

 EunKyung slammed her arms on her desk and started to squirm while Haewon chuckled. 


EunKyung was finally back at school after two days of having a cold. She couldn't get over the fact that she had 'thrown herself' onto him. The bell rang and it was break time. Haewon stood up from her seat along with the other students in the class. Haewon turned back to check on her friend and saw her still covering her tomato face. 

"Come on! Let's eat! I'm hungry~" Haewon whined. 

"BUT! what if we bump into him?! What if he sees me?! What if-"

"JUST COME ALREADY!" Haewon grabbed EunKyung's wrist and pulled her out of the classroom. The two of them squeezed through the thick crowd of students and went to queue up for their food. Haewon was too distracted with the food to notice that EunKyung was warily glancing around. 


"Haewon-ah.." EunKyung tugged on Haewon's sleeve,"Let's eat outside..It's better out there.." 

"Yeah. Sure. Let's GO!" 


The two of them walked out of the cafeteria and out to the picnic tables outside. Some students were there too enjoying their food. Haewon sat down and waited for Eunkyung who was searching the area before sitting down. 

"Chill Eunkyung. I'm sure he's in the dance studio with his crew." Haewon took a bite of her bun. EunKyung finally relaxed a little and took her bun. She quietly nibbled onto the bun as her eyes still glanced left and right once in a while. 

"Haewon-ah.. If you see him tell me alright?" She nudged her friend who was busy stuffing food inside . 

"Hm?" Haewon finally looked up and her jaw fell open. 

EunKyung blinked at her and waved her hand in front of her. 

"Haewon? Haewon-ah!" She called out. 

Then Haewon snapped out of her daze, "You know what EunKyung? I forgot that i have to do something..Uh... Have fun!" Haewon took her juice and ran away. "Yah! Were are you going?!" EunKyung cried but once she turned around her jaws too fell. Jaebeom was standing behind her with an intense yet soft gaze. 

"Jaebeom..Sunbae." EunKyung mumbled. 

"Eunkyung-ah... I finally remembered." He started. 

EunKyung frowned at his statement, "Remembered?" 

"Last year.. During the masquerade parade. It was you who saved me from those stalkers. The one that sang on stage! " He said. 

"Masquerade?" She thought for a second, "Oh! Yeah!" 

"You came in a red velvet dress with black laces right?! You wore a black and red mask too!" Jaebeom started to get excited. 

EunKyung tried to recall what she wore and realised what he said was true so she simply nodded. 

"It is you!" Jaebeom suddenly pulled EunKyung into his embrace. 

"Whoa~" EunKyung jerked forward and stiffen. She felt her face heat up once again. Students around started to whisper among themselves. "uhm. Jaebeom sunbae?" 

"I promised myself. I would only accept that girl who saved me. I owe you my life. Heh, i was dumb that time. I couldn't remember half of the things i did that night." He smiled as he rested his chin on her head. His arms wrapped protectively around her. EunKyung started to loosen up and she felt comfortable in his arms.  

"But.." He pulled away and gazed at her, "I remembered you." 

EunKyung turned 10 shades of red and she tried to hide her face. Jaebeom lightly took her chin and lifted her head to let her face him. 

"Be mine?" 



YAY! done <3

How was it? 




Was i good?


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Give me 5 buddy!



If no....




Oh well... I had fun writing this ^^ Wheee~ Tomorrow is the last day of school! 



hahah~ I HOPE YOU LIKED IT Wen... :)  I LOVE YOU !!  

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G-d told me to get out so............


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Chapter 1: cute!!! hahaha i love your gifs/pictures at the end. sungmin looks creepy though >.> what the heck is JYP doing with JJ project?? they need to be back already!! >:O
It's sooo sweet!!! :)