Yellow Ribbons

Yellow Ribbons <-- listen to this it adds effect...somehow...?


______'s POV

Dear ______,

         In less that than 6 hours I will be let out of prison. I miss you baby, but because I have been in prison for two years now I don't know if you still love me.

        Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree infront of our house if you want me to come back. I'll get on the bus, forget all about us and put he blame on me is I don't see the ribbon around the old oak tree. 

       I love you very much, and I'm sorry.

                                                              Love Minho

After reading that letter from Minho I grabed my jacket and left the house.


Minho's POV

It's now 8:30 and i'm here on the prison bus on my way home to see ______, but i meant what I said in the letter I sent. It was my fault and it will be my fault if ______ does not love me anymore. I forgive her. I was really nervous, even the man next to me - his name is Matt - asked me a few times if I was ok because I look so pale and worried. 4 stops to go... now 3... every time we pass the more my heart pained because of the thought of rejection. Matt left, now the only people on the bus is my old room mate Mello, a dude called Jonghyun, JR and me. I checked the the watch that was ______'s birthday present to me. It read 9:15. Urgg!!! the second hand was mocking me *A/N sorry about the names :) like my Death Note reference? oh and for the people who don't know who JR is, he is the rookie group NU'EST's leader!!*

I am starting to recognise the roads around our neighbourhood. Just around the is my house. I wonder if there is a yellow ribbon?...whats gonna happen? those questions kept flashing in my mind. ARGG!!! my hands are now sweating.

~ at the same time in your bedroom ~ <-- change the song to this :)

______'s POV

I was sitting on my bed  thinking of my decision, it was the right thing to do. What if i regret? Whats there to regret? good poin there conscience. I checked the clock on the bedroom wall, 9:20. I hope he understands my decision.


Minho's POV

The bus turned the corner to my street and I could not believe my eyes!

______'s POV

"______, I'm home. are you asleep?" 'HE'S BACK!!!' I screamed in my mind as I ran out of the bedroom and was greeted with his out streched arms and grinning face. I ran up and gave him the biggest hug in my life. He hugged me back. I was so happy! " Minho, I missed you so so so so so much!" I mumbled in to his chest. tears soaked his shirt. He kissed the top of my head and pulled away and kissed me, oh how I miss his lips, they were as sweet as usual maybe even sweeter. He pulled away

"Baby, did you really have to spend that much money on 100 ribbons? And then tie them around every tree on this street?"

"Yep, pretty much."


"I'm not gonna tell you" I said as I turned my head

"Why?" he said I can not only hear him pouting  but i can smell it... or was that something else *A/N comment and tell me what you think the 'something else is' i'm corious about your answers* 

"Because..." I ran away to the bedroom leaving him hanging with a unanswerd question.

Then I heard his monster footsteps then the bed bounced as he laied down next to me wrapping an arm aound my waist.

"Now can you tell me why you used 100 ribbons?"

"Because I was afraid that you won't see one ribbon so I tied ribbons around every tree. I wanted it to be perfect." I mumbled turning over to face him. He wrapped his other around me and kissed my forehead.

"Baby, you are perfect." and that was the last thing he said to me before he driffted of to dreamland and soon I joined him. we fell asleep in each others arms. He was right and so was I it was the perfect decision to have him back.




Thanks for reading I hope you continue to support my fics when I write more!! 

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I read this a while ago before i made an account and this is absolutely one of my favorite stories! i love it soo much and have read it a couple of times ;) hwaiting! ^^
CB_Zinger #2
I would have done the same ^^
Omg. This is daebak(awesome)! I'm gonna check out the sequel. Kyah.
Ah Amazing >.< I'm gonna go check out the sequel now.
And btw when I read 'Mello' i screamed: OMG DEATH NOTE! and the you said that it was death note... yay :D:D
me gusta!
Update soon plz!!
Good luck and I'll be waiting!
nerdycakkkeezz #7
SEQUEL!!!SEQUEL!!!SEQUEL!!! PLEASE!!!PLEASE!!PLEASE!!! This oneshot was totaly awesome and cute!!! I wonder why Minho, Jonghyun, JR and Mello were in jail...well for Mello is normal lol
Ib loved it. It was adorable but i cant believe my minho was in jail lol keep up the good work :-)
I love this oneshot, its soo sweet.
Plz make a sequel or make it longer, plz plz plz.
soooo touching.... i love it