Of Cute Baristas and Black Coffee

Of Cute Baristas and Black Coffee


He sat as his usual table, his styrofoam cup of steaming black coffee resting comfortable between his fingers as always. Taking a sip, he let out a sigh, a breath of hot steam leaving a trail of white mist in the air.


He looked up to see that cute barista working away at the machine, a small smile on his lips, his caramel brown hair falling gently above his eyes.


Jingle. Jingle. Jingle.


A gust of icy cold wind hit his cheek, and Woohyun turned to the noise. The door to the small cafe was opened, a young man with dark chocolate brown hair and adorned in casual wear standing with a bouquet of white lilies and purple lilacs bundled carefully in his arms.


Woohyun watched as the brown-haired boy made his way over to the counter. The barista greeted him with a wide smile, so big that his white teeth shined and his eyes creased into small crescent moons. He's gorgeous, Woohyun thought.


They made small talk for a few minutes, before the cute barista took the bouquet and made his way into the back room.


Damn, Woohyun silently cursed in his mind, Is he taken?


He slumped in his chair, placing down his cup of black coffee. Of course he would be upset, he had only been coming to the same cafe every day for the past two weeks so he could catch a glimpse of the cutie behind the coffee machine.


Tapping his fingers irritatedly across the table top, Woohyun looked back at the brown haired man who had given the bouquet. He was quite handsome. Scratch that, he was absolutely dashing. One would spot him from miles away because he just exuded brilliance.


Woohyun was sliding a little further down in his seat, when his eyes caught a flash of caramel followed by a flash of inky black. His cutie was back, and he was being followed by a very tall, childish looking man wearing an apron. Who was currently holding the bouquet of purple and white flowers.


A large, cheeky grin adorned his childish features, his chubby cheeks puffed out, making him look like a small preschool kid. Woohyun looked back down at his coffee.




Woohyun jerked his arm in surprise, almost tipping over his cup of now-cool coffee. He quickly looked back up at the sound, only to find that the tall guy had run around the counter and, quite literally, glomped the shorter, brown haired boy, who just grinned really big and chuckled.


Damn it, why does he look so y and I, not? Woohyun thought in jealousy before he shook his head and downed the rest of his cold coffee. But at least that means Mr cutie isn't taken. He smiled to himself as he let the thoughts eat up his mind. He didn't even feel the presence beside him at his table, too far lost in his little field of daisies, prancing around hand in hand with that cute barista, in his mind.


Only when he heard the small sounds of sloshing and felt a invitingly warm sensation on the backside of his hand, did he look up and snap out of his daze.


“You looked a bit cold sitting there all bundled up in you're seat, so I thought you could use a refill. Black coffee, right?” The cutie just smiled that big smile, eyes crinkling at the corners, before grabbing hold of Woohyun's old, empty styrofoam cup.


“Yes, and thanks,” Woohyun, grinned, leaning over the table to get just that little bit closer to the one who'd been running his mind a wreck. “What's you're name, cutie? I'm Woohyun.”


An adorable pink blush quickly spread across the boy's milky white skin, before an almost silent, “Sunggyu,” slipped from his tongue.


“Sunggyu... A cute name for an even cuter person.” Woohyun winked, giving his signature dazzling smile.


Sunggyu's blush got deeper, and he quickly turned around and began making his way back to his station behind the coffee machine.


Woohyun giggled, looking at the flustered barista quickly trying to busy himself by making orders that had never been placed.


Cute. He thought again to himself, before standing up and grabbing hold of the steaming cup of black coffee in front of him. He wound his scarf tighter around his neck, before grabbing his backpack off the chair and making his way to the front door.


“See you tomorrow then, Sunggyu.” Woohyun bowed his head in Sunggyu's direction, who in turn blushed and mumbled a small, “See you then,” before looking down and fiddling with the machine once again.


When he stepped onto the cold street and the door behind him had shut tight, Woohyun looked up to the slowly falling snowflakes, reaching out and letting a few melt in his palm.


Taking a sip of the extra hot coffee, Woohyun didn't know if his day could get any better than it already was.

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Chapter 1: yaaaaa so damn cute !!!! woogyu always so adorable.
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaaa...keke Kyu is son cute and innocent!!! I love him!
Chapter 1: myungyeol. \ o / and Sunggyu is adorable homyf- ; ;
Chapter 1: so cute! i really do love woogyu fluff with sunggyu being the whole barista AU hahha! :)
hisoyuki #5
This is so sweet and adorable~~ Woohyun's little monologue after he saw Sunggyu with the bouquet is so cute~ and Sunggyu is cute as always <3 I wish there's a hamster baristas working at the coffee place near me~ XD
awww yeah slight myungyeol and woohyun's line! cute
So adorable!~
baristaGyu, woohyun heart must be flutter everytime he comes to coffe shop xD