Chanyeol's Story: The Monster within

Rise of the Demigods

Fire swept a village, children running around due to the chaotic flames, mayhem strikes a village of farmers and what seems to be fire is not ordinary fire as it burns the villagers right into their bones, everything melts, even the tractors which is made out of metal, wood which would normally burn melts rather than burn, everyone in a state of emergency and in the middle of it all stood a man as he turns around he screams.

"No! No!" Chanyeol wakes up from a nightmare that he keeps on having for several days now ever since the eclipse happened, during the eclipse, he saw a vision, he saw what hell looks like, he saw the tormented souls swimming in liquid fire, it is not lava but liquid fire, he small rocks smoking and then exploding and in the midst of all the chaos from the burning sea rose a huge bird which flies towards Chanyeol and then the vision ended. 

That night as his mom calms him down and hands warm milk to Chanyeol, Chanyeol heard a voice saying the word Vulcan, it was a fading female voice, that word echoed in his head. The next day, Chanyeol went with his friends, Leejoon and Kwanghee, the three makes the funniest trio in their school, they cherishing their moments together as the three of them will graduate and move to separate colleges. while waiting for their sundaes to be served, Chanyeol googled the word 'Vulcan' and the results showed that Vulcan was the God of Flames. 

While eating their ice cream, an explosion was heard all the way across Seoul, the three decided to check it out, a small apartment building was caught in flames and the firefighters are trying their best to contain the flames. as the boys spectates the disaster, a lady cries to let her go into the building, 2 of her child are still inside the building, she was crying "my children in there" begging to let her go into the building. Without thinking, Chanyeol jumped into action as he searches for the two children, it walked through the flaming building like it was not even in flames, he didn't feel the need to cover his mouth or his eyes, he was breathing the harmful air like it is clean. 

He searches and searches until finally he heard two children crying, the door was locked so he busted the door wide open, the two children were hiding in their closet "it's okay, come with me let's go to your mom" and he piggyback one boy and carries the smaller girl. his path was blocked by fire but just then as he gets closer to the flames, the flames retreated as if it was making way for him. without realizing it, he was already outside of the building. the children were picked up by their parents and they thanked Chanyeol for saving them. "Dude, your hand is on fire" Lee Joon said, Chanyeol just dusted the flames like it was dirt, the paramedics came to him to treat his hand but there was no scar or any marks, "this is strange" while looking through Chanyeol's body head to toe, no sign of bruises, no fire burns, nothing indicated that Chanyeol was even inside the flaming building. 

That night Chanyeol went to sleep and he had a dream, it was frozen barren wasteland and there was a valley, over the valley was an oasis, while outside of the valley was freezing cold, blizzards and even abominable snowman running around but inside the huge valley which was acting like a defensive wall was warmth and sunshine, flowers with dew drops on it, the city was massive, they enjoyed a life of warmth and on the very end of the huge valley stood a crystaline castle, it signifies as the building which governs the safety of the people and the harshness of the outside world and Chanyeol saw a person seating on a throne, a beauty she was. Enjoying the dream so far, Chanyeol was woken up by his mom, "Chanyeol wake up, it's time for graduation" 

"i know all of you will make a better future for yourself" the dean said and the graduates throws their graduation hats to the sky. While everyone was celebrating, Chanyeol was still thinking about the dreams and nightmares he is having lately. "what's the matter yeol?" his close friend, Nicole said looking at Chanyeol who was spacing out at that time "Nothing cole" he smiles but Nicole knows something is bothering Chanyeol. after the graduation ceremony while handing back the toga that belongs to the school, Nicole meets up with Chanyeol, "Channie" she calls to the wandering Chanyeol "Yeol, spit it out, what's bothering you?"

"cole, do you know what you wanna be when you grow up and finish college?" Nicole smiles brightly "a vet ofcourse, you of all people know that" Chanyeol looks at the ceiling "the problem is, i'm not sure what i wanna be, it's so hard living like this, i just wish everything would be so simple like those old times when we were kids, saying we want to be something impractical like superheroes or the president of South Korea" Nicole nods "i miss those old days as well" 

That night while walking, he received a vision, the vision was Nicole will get hit by a car when he finally returned to Earth, Chanyeol sees Nicole walking a few steps in front of him and he sees a car speeding red lights from a far, he runs to save Nicole, Chanyeol pushes Nicole to the ground while he gets hit instead. the driver reversed his car and immediately drove away, Nicole screams for help as he holds his dying friend. when the ambulance finally arrived, Chanyeol is long gone. Nicole holds his cold dead hands as she cries non-stop when suddenly, Chanyeol's body was hot like fire and Nicole felt his pulse, Chanyeol wakes up from the dead like he was shocked by a defribillator "Cole! you're not dead thank goodness" Nicole hugs the resurrected Chanyeol and the paramedics checked his body for any injury or damage. he was carried to the hospital with Nicole, Nicole smiles at Chanyeol "why are you looking me like that?" Chanyeol asks Nicole.

when the park family finally arrive to the hospital, the doctor informed them "despite getting hit by a speeding car, Chanyeol's body is A okay, there is no fractures, no scars, no bloodloss, no internal damage to the organs and no sign of trauma but even though his health is okay, i suggest you let him stay here" the father asked why should Chanyeol stay if he is okay and the doctor said "he is forced to stay because he is okay, sir no one has ever been this 100% fine like Chanyeol is, even if the car is moving like a snail, a scar can be seen but Chanyeol's condition is abnormal"

That night after he went to the bathroom, a man appeared sitting beside him

"Who are you and how did you get here?"

"i am Ares or as to you Humans, i am Junjin, God of War" 

"what the hell man?" 

"Tell me Chanyeol, are you able to explain the things that happen during the burning building, Nicole's accident and also your nightmares?"

"wait how did you know i've been having these nightmares?"

"like i said i am Ares, the God of War, if you were not able to explain it then let me explain it to you, you are Vulcan, the living phoenix, worshipped by flames, you're the God of Fire and those nightmares you've been having, that's your past life, you were Angra Mainyu, the being who torments the human beings, in practicallity, you were the living devil and also about the accident, you have the power to predict the death of people and you're able to resurrect yourself countless of times since you are not yet a Demigod" 

"I'm a Demigod" and when he looked at Junjin, he was nowhere to be found.

He went to the bathroom to wash his face when rinsing his face, he heard a faint voice "come here" seducing him to find out where the voice originated, he went outside of his room following the orders of the voice and when he was on the main hall a nurse spotted him, "boy why are you out here in the middle of the night, get back to your room" 

"sorry i was just..." and the nurse said with a deep scary voice "get back to your room", Chanyeol was shocked to hear her voice like that and the nurse grew wings as she transforms into a monster. Chanyeol runs away from him when out of nowhere he screamed "Yool Toor Shul" as flames came out of his mouth like a flaming roar, the creature was burned alive but she is not dead as she said "You've won this round Vulcan, mock my words, Avada will come for you" and her body disapate into ashes. 

"what just happened?" and Junjin appeared behind him "it seems Avada made his move" Chanyeol's expression showed he doesn't know who is Avada and Junjin said "Avada is a beast made out of darkness conjured up by the devil's vomit, Avada's rank may not be high but he is indeed a force to be reckoned with" Chanyeol asks Junjin "what do they want from me?" Junjin annoyed by Chanyeol's multiple questions "They want you to free all those who entered hell, only the God of Fire can open the door of Hell as he is immune to the pain of flames, Avada wants an army of the dead" 

the two looked at the corspe and Chanyeol said "what did i just do?" Junjin told him "that was a Dragon shout, only you and the other half can do that and the Holy Kings but since they are stripped of their dragon, i don't think they are even able to do it again" the proud Chanyeol smiles and remarked "you gotta admit, that was damn cool" Junjin said to him "it'll be even cooler if you're able to conjure up your godly powers instead" Chanyeol just said in his head "you're just jealous"

Chanyeol goes out still shocked of his gifted powers, at first he seems obedient of his abilites but then a thought came to his mind "payback" he ran to a youth mall where teenagers likes to hang around and just walk around the mall with their pals, one particular person he is focus on is a big buff guy who likes to bully him long time ago, Taecyeon.

Junjin did not care to stop Chanyeol to misuse of his power, with both hands in his pocket he says "i'm not responsible for him, so don't expect me to make him do what he doesn't want to do" and a being with wings appear out of nowhere, Onew (St George the Dragon slayer, arch-angel Michael) appeared "he is still you sire, you must protect your image by guarding the boy" Junjin rubs his chin "i'll think about it, besides even if there is any deaths just tell Amber (Joan of Arc, arch-angel Metatron) to resurrect them. Onew mutters "that's easier said than done" 

Chanyeol walks in the streets of soul in the middle of the road during rush hour at midnight, Chanyeol just burn every single car that stood in his way, he was a mad men, the police tried to detain him but he snaps his finger and the police officer burned alive, where his bones turned into ash. Chanyeol laughs maniacally as he approaches the mall "today i will get my revenge, you will pay for hurting nicole" 

the tall boy enters the centre of the mall and he yells "alright Taecyeon, came at me, i am ready to beat you to death" Taecyeon and his friends looked at the crazy boy who called out Taecyeon, Wooyoung said to the soon-to-be-dead friend of his "Taec, are you gonna let this nerd walk all over your face?! go in there and just beat him up" Taecyeon nods agreeing with Wooyoung's foolish words. 

"Ahh there you are mr.ugly, have you come to set the words i shall put on your tombstone?" Taecyeon immediately punches Chanyeol's face, even though Chanyeol was bleeding he just laughed, "is that all you got, i seen my girls punch better than you, oh wait that'll be an insult for the girls now wouldn't it" and he gets another punch, Taecyeon fully taunted by Chanyeol's words "come on dork, stand up and fight like a man" 

Chanyeol stands up and said "i'm standng up and i can't fight like a man, i'm truly sorry" Taecyeon and his friends laugh at Chanyeol's wimpyness but then Chanyeol said "although i can fight like a god though" Taecyeon can't help but think he misheard the word and he said "excuse me?" Chanyeol claps and the lightbulbs in the mall exploded, Chanyeol said "it's showtime" Chanyeol's fist was immersed in flames

Chanyeol throws fireballs at Taecyeon who avoided it and ran away as fast as he can, calling for help from his buddies, Chanyeol purposely throws the fireball at the wrong direction to scare Taecyeon. "That's right, you better run, run like a man you are" Taecyeon picks up a fire extinguisher and aims it at Chanyeol who was later covered in white. Chanyeol screams he is in pain, the other people who were running plus Taecyeon and his friends jump around celebrating they're victory

"I lied" Chanyeol said as he covers his entire body in flames looking like the human torch, Chanyeol flies around the mall and burns every single corner in the mall, the flames rages on as the exits were blocked, the shoppers run around in a state of panic, Chanyeol says "people, people no need to panic" and the people stood still "now you can panic" as he burns every single one of them, the whole building was engulfed in flames, the fire was far more powerful than any fire as it was god's flames. 

the fire fighters managed to control the flames until it properly vanished after 22 hours, Chanyeol was right in the middle watching Taecyeon suffer as his skin was burning, Taecyeon begged for forgiveness for 20 hours and all Chanyeol did was crushing his head with his foot to the ground, Chanyeol said "you deserve to suffer, i can forgive you for the bullyings but i can't forgive you for playing with Nicole's feelings, you toyed with her Taecyeon, you deserve hell in the living world" as he walks away, he heard someone said his name.

"Chanyeol.." upon closer inspection Chanyeol's tears flowed immediately, "cole! no no no no no! why were you here? you said you'll never go to the mall again, this wasn't suppose to happen, why are you here nicole? you should've just stayed home" Nicole said with a dying voice "i saw you burning everything and i followed you to the mall, i was hoping to stop you.." Chanyeol kept on shaking her, trying to wake her up "hang in there cole, hang in there i'm sure you'll be healed in no time, hang in there" Nicole couldn't resist, she closed her eyes "Nicole? Nicole!! Nicole!" he gives Nicole mouth-to-mouth but it was no use "Nicole! Nicole! Nicole!" as he screamed repeatedly, "don't leave me alone Nicole, no don't do this nicole" Nicole's heartbeat stopped and he stopped breathing as well

The police plus paramedics came, the police said "halt, you have the right to remain silent" as they approach Chanyeol who had Nicole in his hands, "no stay back!" as a ring of fire surround the two, Chanyeol cries as Nicole was in his hands. Chanyeol let's go of Nicole and looks at himself "what have i become?" and he flies away from the scene.

on top of the Tokyo tower, Chanyeol stood as he drinks a can of beer and three people appeared before him, one was Onew, Amber and Sulli (Saint Theresa, Archangel Chamuel/Angel of love) came before him plus Junjin, Onew sits with Chanyeol, "quite a work you did back there" Chanyeol looks at Onew and he asks "who are you?" Onew stands up and said "I am Michael or better known as Saint George and this is Amber better known as Joan of Arc and this is Sulli better known as Saint Theresa" 

Chanyeol sums it up "so you're all angels? and you are all saints?" Chanyeol continued "what do you want from me?" and Junjin came "they have come to rescue you from sinning any further, isn't that right?" and Onew adds "also to protect them from the monster within you" Chanyeol looks at onew "what will i get if i do go with you" and Amber said "we will resurrect everyone of those poor souls who died including Taecyeon" Junjin says to Chanyeol "look boy, we are not forcing you to do anything you don't want" 

"i surely don't want to join you but i ain't gonna let Nicole die just because of my mistakes, where are you taking me? Heaven?" Sulli answers Chanyeol "we are here to bring you to Jotenheim or better known by you people as 'Pluto' the frozen planet" Chanyeol didn't think twice as he know it is for Nicole's sake. 

Chanyeol closes his eyes and soon after, he opens his eyes to see that he is in a frozen wasteland a huge castle was in front of him, it was dark and very cold but because of Chanyeol's powers, he can withstand the freezing temperature of Pluto. Chanyeol looks around to see if there is any living thing. out of nowhere "You've finally come, i've been expecting you, though i was expecting a more build man but atleast you've come" seating on top of her throne was a beautiful girl with a white dress and a tiara. 

Chanyeol remembers the beauty from his dream "wait you're that girl from my dream" the princess calls out the beasts who guards the castle the huge ape-like beasts who have snowy white fur and also hounds who were absurbly large, they were larger than lions and tigers, there were hundreds of yeti and hundreds of fenrirs.

The princess walks to Chanyeol, "so you are Vulcan, the god of flames, the arson of hell" Chanyeol stood still to avoid angering the huge beasts. Chanyeol asks the princess "where am i?" and the princess said "you're in a war torn land, a land in constant war every since the darkness came. the darkness swallowed the snow people and then the transformed into these giant beasts, welcome to Jotenheim and i am their rightful ruler, Princess Jessica" 

Chanyeol at first attempted to approach the princess but the dogs won't let him, the princess pets them "forgive these puppies of mine, they are just too over-protective" Chanyeol asks "what about those white apes?" Jessica approaches one and he kneeled before the princess and said "these are my handmaiden" Chanyeol shocked to hear that the apes are her guards who can transform into these ten-foot monsters

 The girls transform into these beasts while the boys transform into white or black bears. Chanyeol was escorted into his room, it was full of white, everything is white but they are not ice. Chanyeol lays down on his bed and said "I wonder how Nicole is doing" as he looks at his ceiling. 

These are some pictures for you

This is Jessica's castle, Milonir 

Jessica's 'puppies' the Fenrirs

Jessica's guards, Yeti

The Frost Giants, rebellers

So how is the story so far? the next story will be a past life story so be ready alright

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Rise of the Demigods, first Suho chapter is out!


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GuardianAngelSuho #1
Chapter 3: Update soon !! *o*
it's so awesome !!
wow, it's so confusing with all those names, but i love how you sometimes get a reference to some other band, or another mythology or even games :) i'm looking forward to next chapter, hoping for more Shinhwa and H.O.T :)
Suho is King Arthur of Antheia??? So he will marry Taeyeon?
Yeay for SuTae:) And Chanyeol-Jessica? The Fire and the Ice?
I love your stories because i always love myths :)
And you wrote it really good. I like that you put the explanation of their names too.
It makes people easier to understand this story.
Cann't wait for the next chapter. Who will be the next demigod?
seomate_sone #4
i have loved greek mythology ! ! ! and your creating a fic based on it its just pure awesome. can i have a request author-nim ?
You blow my mind. *O*
Eva22SNSD9 #6
Oooo... I love it!!! You made my day by creating a story based on the greek gods...^_^… update soon!! I'll be your no. 1 reader...^_^…
seomate_sone #7
epic ! ! ! so cool !
@RusseeLa1015 thanks, after 8th june, updates will probably be more frequent as my exams ends then.
Homaigod this is so damn cool. *O*
@glamzchic yeap maybe after this one ends or when this one is about to end.