Chapter One

Say You Love Me

 [Guigui POV]

I walked up to the stage, wearing a huge smile on my face.

            "Guigui, i'm so nervous! Look at everyone staring at us!! We've finally graudated high school!" squealed Ya Tou, on the verge of tears.

Of course, in my eyes I wasn't looking at the audience, for my eyes were searching for a special someone. I let my eyes wander around as the graduation commenced. Only when Ya Tou nudged me did I realise that it was my turn to receive my graduation certificate.

            "Please congratulate our year 12 graduates for 2010!!" announced the principal.

Everyone cheered and whistled as the students walked off the stage.

            "Guigui, aren't you happy? Today might as well be the happiest day of my life, not counting that time Ah Wei asked me out, the day he borught me to meet his parents, the day..." Ya Tou droned on and on.

I tried to make my way through the crowd, as I desperately tried to find him. I walked into the garden when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

            "Not now, I'm kind of busy." I said, walking around.

            "So now you don't have time for me?" asked an oh-so familair voice.

I turned around and saw him standing in front of me. Not thinking, I threw my arms around his neck. He laughed a carefree laugh, wrapping his arms around my waist.

            "Finally graduated huh? I still remember that day when I graduated, I was so-"

            "Enough! Whenever you start the whole 'I still remember the day' talk, you never stop until nightfall." I laughed at his disappointed expression.

            "Fine then, I guess you wouldn't want to waste time on this boring person. I'll be going." he said, pulling away.

            "I was just joking." I said, grabbing his hand.

            "Let's go home, mum and dad are holding a surprise party for you." he said.

I frowned when he said 'mum and dad'.

            "Eh, why do you look sad?" he asked, putting a finger under my chin, lfiting my face so that he could see my expression.

            "It's not so much of a surpirse anymore, is it? You've ruined it!" I lied, trying to hide my disappointment.

            "I'd say sorry, but I'm not so let's just go home. We wouldn't want to keep them waiting for too long." he mused, taking my hand in his.

We walked off together when I heard people murmuring.

            "Are they a couple? They look so cute!" said a student.

            "Yeah, they do too!" said another.

            "Too bad they're siblings..." said another student.

'Step siblings' I wanted to say, but didn't have the courage to do so. The ride home was quiet as I was deep in thought.

            "Guigui, we're home!" he enthused.

I forced a smile and walked in with him.

            "Surprise!" shouted everyone when we opened the door.

I acted all surprised, though I already knew about the party. Aaron, beside me, was trying to hold back his laughter. I pulled him over to one side.

            "Why are you laughing at me?" I asked, demandning an answer from him.

            "You looked really funny! I can't beleieve you fooled mum and dad that you were actually surprised!" He laughed. "Acting is so not going to be one of your careers!"

I pouted, but upon seeing his carefree laugh, I joined him.

            "Aaron, can you help me inside?"

I looked to see who was talking, my smile immediately replaced with a frown.

            "Hebe! We were just teasing Guigui over here. Her acting skills are so bad!" laughed Aaron.

            "Stop annoying the poor girl. This is supposed to be her graduation party. Can't you be a bit nicer to your sister?" asked Hebe, shaking her head in disapproval.

            "Anything for you baby." he said, kissing her on the cheek.

I turned away from the scene. I could feel my heart breaking.

            "Bye Guigui. Have a good time!" Said Hebe and Aaron in unison.

I watched as they left. They were really the perfect couple, they even said things at the same time!

I wasn't in a good mood for the rest of the night. I wlaked around greeting everyone with a fake smile.

Finally, everything was over. I pushed myself onto the couch, covering my eyes with my hands.

            "Wakie wakie!" someone shouted in my ear.

I looked up, smiling at the person.

            "Aaron, go away." I said, pushing him off me.

            "You did not just push me!" He said, covering his mouth in mock horror.

            "So what if I did?" I said, a playful smile forming on my lips.

Before I knew it, he threw a pillow at my head, making me fall back. And with that we started a pillow fight.

            "Aaron, I'm going home." said Hebe, entering the room.

He got up and left me, already forgetting about my existence.

            "Can't you stay the night? I'll make sure you won't regret it." he said seductively.

            "Aaron! Guigui's her-"

I ran out of the room, not wanting to see more of their actions. I ran into the garden, hiding in my usual hiding spot - behind the big bush. Unknowingly, tears started running down my face. It seemed as though evry year, I fell in love with him even more. Everytime I saw him smile, I couldn't help but smile myself. But why was it that he could never see me?

I sat there, burying my head into my knees. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I looked up to see Aaron pulling me so that my head was resting on his shoulder.



We sat in silence. I closed my eyes, enjoying this feeling of being in his arms.

            "Feeling better?" he asked after a long silence.

I smiled at him.

            "Good, Hebe was so worried about you. I'll drive her home now." he said, kissing my hair.

Upon hearing him mention Hebe's name, I got up and psuhed him away. He also got up, surprised by my sudden action.

            "Did i say something that offended you?" he asked, bewildered by my sudden mood change.

I avoided any eye contact with him, just staring down at the ground. I saw a tear make its way to the ground.

            "Guigui, don't scare me. Tell me what's wrong." he pleaded, putting a hand on my shoulder.

            "Don't touch me!" I screamed. "Don't come near me!"

I backed away from him. He stood there, his expression full of worry and concern.

            "Don't be so nice to me." I cried. "It'll only make me fall for you harder."

Silence enveloped us. I stood there, my tears falling relentlessly.

            "You're joking right?" asked Aaron, letting out a nervous laugh. "You really got me there."

I looked up, staring at him straight in the eyes. It was as if he understood everything just by looking into my eyes. His smile was replaced with a blank look.

            "Surprised? Surprised that I love you?" I laughed at the question. "Do you know what's even funnier? I've loved you for the past 7 years! I've been able to hide it for 7 years, but now I can't take it any more. Everyday I see you with Hebe. Everyday, my heart feels as though it's being ripped from my chest, thrown away and stamped on. DO you know how much it hurts in here?" I asked, poiniting at my chest.

He remained silent.

            "Of course you wouldn't. You will never understand." I looked away, wiping the tears from my eyes.

            "Guigui..." he said, his voice full of sorrow.

            "Guigui what? Sorry? Sorry for making me fall in love with you? Sorry for hurting me? Sorry that you can't return the feelings?" I asked bitterly. "I don't need your pity. Afterall, I was the one who fell for you, not vice versa. You don't have to say sorry."

            "Guigui, if there's anything I can do to help..."

            "Help?! What can you do now?! I'm head over heels in love with you Aaron! You can't help me now..." I fell to my knees.

            "I can't bare to see you like this. Tell me what I can do to help you mend this problem."

I laughed.

            "You know what you can do?!" I walked over towards him. "Say you love me, and everything will be solved."

He froze. I held back my tears.

            "Say you love me and I will forget about everything else and be with you. All you have to say are those three words..." I looked into his eyes, looking for a sign, but I saw nothing.

            "I'm sorr-"

            "Don't say sorry! I already knew it was impossible." I turned around, my back facing him. "Go back to Hebe. She's probably worried about you."

I stood there, a part of me hoping that he would pull me into his arms and whisper those three words, but of course, he never did.

I turned around and saw that he was gone. I laughed at myself for having the slightest thought that he would love me. Soon, my laughter turned into tears. I crouched down, covering my mouth as I cried, letting out all of the pain I had endured these past 7 years.

Now, it seemed as though everything was just a dream. The happy days I spent alongside Aaron - all of it seemed like it had never happened. All I could see now was the darkness that surrounded me - the darkness of the night.


~5 years later~

[Aaron POV]


            "Aaron, how do I look?" asked Hebe as she walked out of the dressing room wearing a wedding dress.

            "Beautiful, just as always." I replied cheekily.

She hit me across the head, checking herself out in the mirror.

            "Try on the suit Aaron! Please!" she pleaded, giving me her famous puppy dog eyes.

I smiled at her, grabbing the suit and walking into the change room.

            "You sure look handsome!" she squealed in excitement. "If only..."

            "If only what?" I asked.

            "Do you think Calvin will look this good in that suit? You guys might be the same size, but it depends on the guys facial features as well whether or not they'd look good in this suit." she said, deep in thought. "Thanks for trying it on though, and for accompanying me here."

I smiled, looking at my watch.

            "Yes yes, save the thanking for later. We are running late!" I informed her, tapping my watch.

Her eyes widened as she rushed back into the change room to change out. I also rushed into the change rooms.

We arrived at my place, seeing many cars parked outside.

            "Everyone's already here?" she asked.

            "We are late afterall." I answered.

We walked inside, seeing many friends and family. Everyone got comfortable in the living room as my mum had something to announce.

            "Just wait a little longer. The surprise is about to show up." she enthused, her eyes full of excitement.

Suddenly, the doors opened, revealing 2 people.

            "I'm back!"

My eye widened as the girl removed her sunglasses.

            "Guigui?!" said everyone in unison.

SHe let out a smile. I looked at her from head to toe, stopping when i saw her hand linked with the guy next to her.

            "Sorry for not intorducing myself earlier. My name is Wang Zi." he introduced himself, after seeing me staring at him.

Suddenly, all of the girls in the room got up from their seats and ran over to Guigui, lifting her hand.

            "Is this a...ring?!" they all screamed.

            "Yes! Wang Zi and I are getting married!" she screamed, as did the girls.

At that moment, everything seemed to have fallen apart. I felt a certain pain in the chest. I held it, biting my lip in pain.

            "When?!" asked Hebe.

            "In another 3 months!" replied Guigui.

Again, all of the girls squealed in excitement.

3 months? So fast!

I looked at her, but it seemed as though she refused to looked at me. I slammed my hand on the table, grabbing everyone's attention.

            "Aren't you rushing it a bit?" I asked.

            " cute! An over-protective brother." said my mum.

Soon, the whole room was filled with 'awws'. Angry, I stormed into my room, slamming the door hard, making sure that the people downstairs could hear it.

I laid on my bed, deep in thought.

            "Why am I even so angry? This is so stupid!" I shouted at myself, running my hand through my hair.

Another 2 weeks and Guigui would be having her wedding ceremony, and ever since she came, I never had a chance to talk to her. After her sudden decision to study overseas 5 years ago, we never had a proper talk.

I walked around the garden when I suddenly stopped at the big bush that Guigui used to hide behind. I walked over, recalling the last memory I had with Guigui at the place.


            "Say you love me and I will forget about everything else and be with you. All you have to say are those three words..." She said, looking into my eyes

            "I'm sorr-"

            "Don't say sorry! I already knew it was impossible."

~End of Flashback~

I shuddered at the memory, shaking my head, trying to forget it. I opened my eyes and saw the bush rustling. I walked over when something popped up. I took a step back when I realised that it was Guigui.

            "Aaron?!" her eyes widened.

She turned around, about to make a run for it when I held her arm.

            "Don't try to avoid me." I said, a bit hurt that she didn't want to see me.

SHe took a deep breath, slowly turning around to face me.

            "Can you let go? It hurts." she said, her voice a bit hoarse.

Even though she was looking at her arm, I knew that there was an underlying message behind her words. Reluctantly, I let go of her arm. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever.

            "I should go. Wang Zi is waiting for me outside." she said.

When she mentioned his name, a sudden surge of anger powered through me. I held onto her arm again, this time a bit tighter.

            "Why are you marrying him?" I blurted out after a moment of silence.

            "Because he's my fiance." she stated, avoiding eye contact.

            "I know that! Why are you with him?" I asked again.

            "Why do you care?!"

            "I don't like him." I answered bluntly.

            "So, I can't marry him becasue you don't like him?!" she asked, looking me staright in the eye.

            "Yes." I replied.

She shook her head in disbelief.

            "I can marry whoever I want." she spat.

            "No, you can't! You have to have your elders agree first."

I saw building tears in her eyes.

            "Do you really want to rub it in?" she suddenly asked.

I was surprised by her question.

            "Can I have your permission to marry Wang" she asked, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I relaised what she was saying.

            "Guigui, I didn't mean it that way..." I said.

            "Whatever, I'm going."

            "Wait, you still haven't told me whhy you want to marry this guy yet." i said.

She looked at me with pure hatred in her eyes.

            "You really want to know why?" she asked.

I nodded.

            "Because 5 years ago, when you rejected me, he was there for me. Because he was always there for me. Becaus ehe never hurt me - never made me cry." She stopped, looking at my reaction. "And because he loves me."

I held onto her arm tighter, knowing that that last snetence was aimed at me.

            "Then do you love him?" I asked.

She burshed my hand off her arm and started walking away.

            "What does it matter to you?" she asked, her back facing me.

            "I...I...I just want to know."

The truth was, I didn't really know why i asked her that quiesiton.

            "Yes, I do love him." and with that, she left me standing there alone in the garden.

Again, that same pain in my chest came back, however this time, it was hurting even more.

What was this pain?

            "Aaron!" shouted my mum from the living room.

I walked down and sat down besdie ehr.

            "I know Guigui's wedding is in 2 weeks, but I want you to make a trip to Japan. I want you to chekchow our comapny is going up there. But remember to be back before your sister's wedding." she informed me.

I smiled bitterly when she mentioned the wedding, but what disturbed me the most was when she said 'sister'. I nodded, walking upsatirs to pack my bags.

I arrived in Japan.

            "Aaron, over here!" shouted Chun.

I smiled and greeted him.

            "HOw's the company?" I asked.

We started a conversation as we made our way back to the hotel.

I looked at the calendar. Tomorrow was Guigui's wedding, and I was still in Japan.

            "Everything's over now. You can go back to Taiwan if you want, or you can stay here for an extra holiday." said Chun, handing me a cup of coffee.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a sip of my coffee.

            "Isn't Guigui's wedding tomorrow? Maybe you should go back. Girls hate it when their closest relatives can't make it to their wedding." he informed.

I heaved a sigh.

            "I don't think she wants to see me there."

            "What did you do now?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

            "I...I don't know how to explain it." I finally answered, after a long moment.

            "I won't pester you to tell me. I just want you to know that whatever you do, always think twice before you do it, becasue life is too short to have regrets."

I smiled at him.

            "Do you really want to know?" I asked.

He nodded and so I told him everything, even what happened 5 years ago, the last time I saw her.

            "Psh. I thought it was something else." he said after I told him the story.

            "What are you talking about? 'Smething else'?! This is a crisis here!" I shouted, surprised by his calmness.

            "What? I knew she liked you ages ago! Man, you're really slow for an intelligent man." he laughed.

            "This isn't funny, Chun." I reminded him.

            "She loves you, you love her. it's that simple." He said, rolling his eyes.

            "I love her?" i forced each word out.

            "What's wrong with that?"

            "We're siblings!" I complained.

            "STEP siblings." he reminded me.

I slumped back onto the couch, thinking of what he just said.

            "Tomorrow's her wedding. I advise you, if you truly love her, you would stop her from continuing this wedding. Run away with her or something. It's really up to you." He said. "Well, I have to go now. Don't regret you decision."

He shut the door behind him, leaving me deep in thought.

            "I love Guigui? As in Guigui, my STEP sister Guigui?" I repeated those lines over and over again. "That's impossible, right?"

I thought back to our last conversation, when we were in the garden. I was angry that she was getting married to Wang Zi, but that's just ypical because the guy looks like a ert anyways. I shook my head, laying on the bed.

            "I'll decide everything tomorrow."

I woke up the next day to the bright light in my room.

            "Rise and shine Aaron. I see you didn't decide to go back to Taiwan. And, oh yeah, your mum sent over pictures of Guigui's wedding photos with Wang Zi this morning. She said that this was to compensate for you not being able to come." said Chun.

I rushed over to my laptop, checking my messages. I opened the attachments and saw the photos. Anger burned inside of me upon seeinf the pictures.

            "I have a booked plane ticket for Taiwan. I don't know if it will be there in time for her wedding, but it's still worth a tr-"

I snatched the ticket from out of his hands, as well as my passport and wallet. I caught a cab to the airport. The whole while, all I could think about was how to stop Guigui from continuing this marriage because I finally undertsood why I was so angry when i found out that she was getting married, so angry when she said she loved him. It wasn't anger - it was jealosuy. I held onto the plane tickter tightly.

            "Please make it there in time..."

It seemed like forever when I sat on the plane, but after a while I finally arrived in Taiwan. I rushed out, ctaching a cab to the church in which Guigui's wedding was held.

I paid the driver and ran into the chruch.

            "Aaron?! I thoguht you weren't going to make it in time!" shouted my mum.

I ginored her.

            "Where's Guigui?" I asked.

            "Dressing roo-"

I dashed towards it, stopping once I reached the door. I slowly twisted the doorknob, opening the door.

            "Mum, I'm so nervous! Can you get me a glass of wate-"

She froze upon seeing me. I took in a deep breath and walked over to her.

            "Aaron? I thought you were in Japan." she said.

            "I came back."I replied.

SHe forced a smile.

            "Good, at least my brother is here right?" she mused.

            "STEP brother." I corrected.

She looked away.

            "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

Gaining all of the courage I could muster, I held her hand in mine.

            "I'm sorry." I apologised, looking into her eyes.

Her eyes started getting watery.

            "Sorry for what?" she asked.

            "Sorry for hurting you these past few years, sorry for not understanding your feelings." I pulled her in for a hug. "Sorry for not knowing that I've loved you all along."

I pulled away seeing her tears running down her face.

            "And why are you telling me this now?" she asked.

            "Because I've finally relaised how I feel."

            "It's too late."

            "What do you mean? The ceremony hasn't even started yet." I complained, tightening my grip on her hand.

            "You're 5 years too late." she said.

            "I know that making me admit my feelings for you took a long time, but now you know I love you. There shouldn't be any problems."

            "I'm getting married right now Aaron. This is the problem."

I looked into her eyes.

            "We can run away, and never come back!"

            "What about mum and dad?" she asked.

            "We'll call them and visit them after everythingnis settled."

She shook her head.

            "It's not that easy." she stated.

She pulled her hand out of mine.

            "I'm sorry Aaron."

I shook my head as tears ran down my face.

            "Guigui, don't do this. If this is the punsihment for not accepting your love 5 years ago, then I have nothing to say, but to tell you to change the punsihment. You can hit me, not talk to me, ignore me, but please don't say sorry." I looked into her eyes. "I can't live without you. I know 5 years is a long time to find out that I loved you, but it's better late than never."

She shook her head, turning around.

            "Aaron, it was also 5 years ago, when you said sorry to me that I realised that we could never be anythign other than siblings. Please don't make this any harder for me." she cried.

            "We are just STEP siblings, Guigui. We're not blood related! We CAN be together."

She laughed, walking over to the mirror.

            "Look at me now Aaron. I am getting married. If i leave you now, what will happen to Wang Zi. I can't just leave him, he is my saviour." she said, looking at herself in the mirror.

            "Saviour?" I asked, confused.

            "5 years ago, when you left me for Hebe, I felt as if there was nothing left in this world that held my attention - nothing that kept me here. You had abandoned me. At that time, I could only think that a life without you was like no life at all. I was even foolish enough to jump off a cliff!" she laughed at her own stupidity. "That was the first time I saw him. He had jumped in after to save me. And from there, our relationship started."

            "You...wanted to end your life becsuse of me?" I looked at her in disbelief.

            "I know, stupid right? But at that time, I couldn't be without you." she looked away from my eyes.

I was in a state of shock.

            "It's nearly time Aaron. You should get seated." she said, adjusting her dress.

            "Do you really want to get married to him?" I asked her once again, my hands balling into fists beside me.


I felt the tears falling relentlessly down my face.

            "Do you love him?" i asked.

            "Haven't we already etsbalished that yet?" she asked.

            "I just want to hear you say it again. DOn't lie to me."

She remained silent. A felt a little hopeful because of her silence.

            "Do you still love me?" I asked, holding onto her arm.

She turned around to look at me, tears falling down her face.

            "Say you love me." I repeated.

            "Even if I did, it wouldn't change the fact that I am getting married." she stated as a fact.

I was about to press it even further when the door opened.


Wang Zi walked in wearing his suit. He walked over, giving her a light kiss on the cheek.

            "Oh, you're here too Aaron? Well, at least her brother is here for her. She loves you very much, did you know that? When we were in the States, she would always talk about you. She even had a little box that contained a lot of photos of you guys." He said, staring lovingly at Guigui. "She really loves you."

            "I know she does." I stated.

            "Guigui, our pianist hasn't arrived yet, and our ceremony is about to start. I was wondering if any of the guests can play the piano?" asked Wang Zi.

            "Aaron does." she said as soon as he said it.

            "Really? Aaron, can  we trouble you to play the piano at our wedding please?"

I couldn't beleive what was happening. I could only nod.

            "And by the way Guigui, you look very beautiful." he complimented her.

She giggled. I turned away from the sight.

I sat in front of the piano, letting my fingers run past the keys before playing. I watched as Guigui walked out, looking like an angel in her wedding gown. Her smile was enough to make me smile, though tears were running relentlessly down my face. She walked down the aisle, her eyes on Wang Zi. I could only watch in pain, as the girl whom I loved, was walking into the arms of another man.

The father started the ceremony, sniffs and cries heard from the audience. I was different from them - their's were tears of joy, and me...mine were tears of sorrow, tears of regret.

            "Do you Miss Guigui Wu, take Qiu Sheng Yi as your lawfully wedded husband?"

            "I do." she answered.

My heart shattered into a million pieces. I sat by the piano, gripping the side of it for extra strength.

            "You may now kiss the bride."

I turned my head away, not wanting to see anymore. People cheered and whistled apart from me. I got up from my seat, letting myself look back once. I smiled bitterly to myself upon seeing them kiss.

I walked out of the church, lfiting my head up high. I could feel the tears falling continuously, but i had no intention of holding them back. I was in too much pain to do so.

I thoguht back to chun's words. 'Life is too short for regrets'. I laughed at myself. My whole life was full of regrets. Regret for not knwoing that I loved her. Regret for not being able to hold her back. But the worst regret by far, is not saying those three words to her. The three words that meant so much.

            "I love you." I said.

But what was the point in saying it now. She was gone. Saying it now was pointless. Our relationship will forever stay as family, nothing more than that.

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SilverChocolatte #1
Wonderful fic
VictoriaCookie #2
i cried so hard T_________________T<br />
Ur stories are described so vividly, care to teach me how to write stories like that?:)
T___________T I read this on winglin mei. SO SAD. Geez, AAron's three words that means the world for Guigui was so LATE. And we can't do anything anymore....crying...They can leave together, but I will feel bad for Wangzi cause he don't deserve it, but STILL....I think Aaron got his punishment with this. It's his fault, now he finally understand that they were just STEP-siblings and all pain my dear Guigui has gone though while watching him being so sweet with "his babe"...He's stupid, for just realizing his love, and now he's regretting this. Thanks a lot sis. Like they said, you're amazing. And like I said, you're the tragedy writer queen. Thanks again. I LOVE GUILUN, just want to say it, hehe.
Around #5
Around #6
I really really like it .... It was full of emotion .....
Why you re-post it? but anyways re-reading this one shot made me cry did you know? just tears came out, i cant believe you always make a sad one-shot ending for GuiLun why are you so mean? always trying to make me cry, but when I was reading this I was picturing "Wedding Dress" by Taeyang, so sad for Aaron, he was so stupid for not realizing how he felt for GuiGui, it is his fault, but she should have left with him..urghh so complicated, you got to make more one-shotfanfics sooon!! and UPDATE YOUR STORY!!<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥