
The Prince Behind The Mask


Donghae & Sungmin brought Reika back to her kingdom with a worried look as Reika kept looking down & haven't spoke a word...
'Reika, we're here...' Sungmin called but she still ignored him
'Hyung...she keeps ignoring us...' Sungmin said & Donghae sighed
'Come on, Sungmin...let's bring her inside...'
Yesung saw them & immediately stood up from his chair and went to the 3...
'Good morning, Yesung-Oppa...' she said like a disappointed child
'What's wrong, Reika?'
'Nothing, Oppa...' Reika lied
'W-we'll explain it to you, hyung...' Donghae stuttered
'I'm going to the throne room...' Reika went to the throne room, leaving the other people
'Tell me what happened...that includes you two, Zhou Mi & Henry' Yesung said & the 2 once-animals humans ran to them
'Well, we saw the princess fell into a hole covered with flowers...then Zhou Mi-gege grabbed her arm & pulled her to safety' Henry started
'Then we found out that she was alone on her birthday AGAIN--'
'She's...alone again? Aish! What kind of a brother am I? I'm always busy that I can't even spend time with her on her birthday!' Yesung sighed
'Please continue...' Leeteuk suddenly said
'So we blindfolded here & brought her to Prince Eunhyuk's castle...' Zhou Mi continued
'But me & Zhou Mi-gege had a fight, while doing that--we didn't notice that the princess bumped into Prince Eunhyuk...'
'We only noticed when Prince Eunhyuk was already asleep while hugging the princess--since we didn't want to wake them up, we just left...' Zhou Mi finished
'That's it?' Donghae & Sungmin shook their head at Leeteuk's question
'We found Zhou Mi walking away from Hyukkie's room while dragging Henry who was shaking uncontrollably...' Donghae said
'Then we ran to Eunhyuk-hyung's room & saw Reika asleep with him. It was Hyoyeon's birthday that day & she will have a date with him...'
'So we woke her up & told her that, but she still wanted to stay like that because she misses him...'
'But then Hyoyeon came, and made the 2 wake up...then Eunhyuk-hyung said that we have to leave & so we did. I covered Reika's eyes after seeing that Eunhyuk-hyung kissed Hyoyeon...' Sungmin finished
'Jong Woon, go to Reika...she might need your comfort at her condition' Leeteuk ordered & Yesung ran to the throne room
'Donghae, over your brother & make sure he doesn't hurt Reika or at least cause Reika's pain' the 2 Lee brothers nodded
'And as for you, Zhou Mi & Henry...make sure that Reika is always protected and pay attention about her, there's always a chance that she might hurt herself...' Leeteuk said & left
Reika was staring at the thrones where her parents once sat, the King & Queen's thrones...
'Can I be a good queen like umma? I don't even have...someone...' Reika thought
'Maybe I'll be a queen alone? Aniyo, I promised umma & appa that I won't be a queen unless I'm married...'
'Then...someone else would take the throne. Like...Hyoyeon--who's the queen in this kingdom but then, if she's the queen...the king would be Hyuk Jae-ssi after they get married' Reika sighed
'Mianhe...' Reika took the staff of the queen
The staff of the queen had magical powers that can almost do anything, it was silver staff with gold siwrls & colorful gems that represents the colors and elements of the world...
'Please forgive me, umma & appa...' she removed her princess crown & Reika used the staff to transport herself to the stable
'Reika?' Yesung opened the door but saw no one
'Where is she?' he looked around & stopped when he noticed that something was missing
'Where's umma's staff???' he looked down & saw a princess crown
He observed it then ran outside the room with it...
'This is Reika's crown! Is she giving up her position?!'
Blue Heart & Dark Star were panicking as they saw Reika with the Queen's staff and without her crown. They knew that she was leaving...
'I'm sorry, Dark Star...take care, alright?' Reika apologized & rode on Blue Heart
Blue Heart galloped outside the stable but was ordered to stop by Reika...
Reika started at the castle for the last time...
'Reika! Reika, stop!' she heard a voice calling her
Then she saw Yesung running towards her...
Reika pointed the staff towards him & the wind pushed Yesung back inside the castle...
Then Reika made a semi-circle motion with the want & made a magical dome around the castle and trapped everyone inside it...
Yesung tried to ran pass through it but it didn't work...
'No! Reika! Wait!' Yesung kept screaming for her but Reika just stared
'Reika, please...don't leave!' Yesung yelled at the top of his voice
'Stop it!' Reika hurt his brother by sending an electric shock from the wand
'Let's go, Blue Heart...' Reika ordered & Blue Heart galloped away from te castle, and soon--away from the kingdom
'NO!!!' Yesung was trapped inside along with the others
'Jong Woon, what happened?!' Leeteuk asked
'R-Reika...s-she left. S-she trapped us i-in the castle...s-she used umma's staff...' Yesung said in his crying voice
'S-she...gave up her position...' Yesung showed Reika's princess crown to Leeteuk
'No...she's in great danger...'
Yesung kept crying & his tears wouldn't stop from falling...
'What have I done? I disobeyed umma & appa...' Yesung thought
'We're trapped...'
Wow...I cried while writing this chapter
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uhmm hi? Remember me lel its been what 3 or 4 years? Hows everyone been doing?


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DLite4Life #1
Chapter 59: YOUR BACK!!!! WE MISSED YOU!!!
Sujuelf1 #2
Chapter 59: Im oretty sure we alk understand :D just get into a good school and take your time studying
Chapter 28: Sapphire blue . *sobs* I miss ss5 ...
Chapter 59: good luck on your tests! Study hard!
Lots o'love!
Chapter 59: Its fine school is more important.
Chapter 59: Author-nim! Hwaiting for your tests! I know you can do it! :)
Chapter 58: OMG that was SeoHyun?
Chapter 58: I'll be watching!
Chapter 57: shiwon why so mean, hey author shi bring sibum together!!
Chapter 56: yays another chapter!!! \(^o^)/
ahhh hyuk's kind of acting normal!, i wonder where the which is who eunhyuk is enchanted by...hope she doesn't show up anytime,

i think it'll be better to progress with the story line, :')