Innocent Crushes

One Shot Compilation

Teen Top - L.Joe & Niel

“This test score is going to bring my grade down... That means my final is going to be that much more important.” Minji smiled as Niel threw his head on the table. “I told you to study for this test!” Niel turned his head towards Minji and pouted. “I did...”

Right when their teacher handed Minji her test, she quickly glanced at her score and placed it face down. Niel sat up and grabbed her test. “What are you trying to hide?” He flipped it over and saw that she had only gotten one wrong. “Of course, one of the school’s top 5 and nation’s top 20 would get a nearly perfect score.” She just chuckled and said, “That’s not why... I just study really hard for each test.” Niel rolled his eyes and said, “You don’t even study as hard as I do.” She sighed and said, “Niel... your score’s not even bad.” Niel just flipped his test over and slumped down in his chair. “I guess it’s time for hardcore studying for finals. Gotta get that A.”

The bell rang indicating that it was lunch time. Minji went to her locker and stuffed her books inside while Niel waited for her at the cafeteria. She closed her locker and pulled out her phone to check texts. However, she wasn’t watching where she was going so she bumped into someone, dropping her phone along the way. Byunghun turned around and said, “Oh, sorry Minji-yah.” Minji stared at him with slightly wide eyes as she said, “Oh... no! I’m sorry. I wasn’t watching where—“ Byunghun leaned down and picked up her phone. He handed it back to her, smiling. Minji quickly grabbed her phone and started to run to the cafeteria as she felt herself turn red. Watching her run away, Byunghun softly smiled before turning back to his friends.

“Whoa there, why are you running?” Niel grabbed Minji’s arm as he pulled her back towards him. Minji sighed and said, “I ran into Byunghun.” Niel tilted his head. “So you ran away from him?” Minji just ignored him and went over to grab food. While waiting in line, Niel told her, “You’ve been crushing on him since our 1st year. Our 2nd year is coming to an end... don’t you think it’s time to move on to someone, oh I don’t know, easier?!”

Niel was right. Minji was basically a nobody in the social world of their high school. She leaned more towards the nerdy side while Byunghun leaned more towards the popular crowd. He was known at school for his rapping skills which he showed off at every school rallies and talent shows. His rapping wooed in many girls like Minji. What made Minji admire Byunghun was that he wasn’t a jerk nor was he a playboy like his friends. He was kind and sweet while he put in his best effort towards his priorities.

The question was: how did this popular boy know Minji? They had a small encounter in the beginning of their first year on the bus.

On their way home from school, the bus was crowded with students and workers heading home. There was one empty seat next to Minji who was sleeping with open, nearly drooling, and leaning her head back on the window. Because she was wearing their school uniform, Byunghun sat down next to her. When the bus began to move, Minji’s head landed on Byunghun’s shoulder as she continued to sleep. Byunghun just smiled and remained still. When the bus arrived at Byunghun’s stop, he slowly got up which woke Minji up. Her eyes widened and said, “I’m so sorry!” Byunghun just smiled and said, “It’s okay.” She began to look out the windows and jumped up. “Oh no! I missed my stop!” Then she followed Byunghun out of the bus.

As they both walked on the streets, they would awkwardly glance at each other while walking meters apart from each other. “So are you a first year?” Minji looked at him and nodded. Byunghun smiled and said, “Me too. My name’s Lee Byunghun. What’s yours?” Minji quietly said, “Kim Minji.” Byunghun walked closer to her and said, “That’s a pretty name.” Minji smiled and said, “Thank you.” Byunghun chuckled and asked, “Are you usually this shy?” Minji slightly bit her bottom lip and said, “Yeah... sort of.” Byunghun nodded and said, “Well since we’re the same age and we go to the same school, I’m gonna talk comfortably with you. You should too... Minji-yah.” He smiled as he started to walk slower. Minji just blinked a couple of times and said, “Okay...Byunghun...ah” Byunghun’s smile widened as he started walking around the corner. “I hope I see you around school!”

And indeed they did. The next time Minji saw him was on stage at one of their school’s pep rallies, rapping. That’s when her crush began. Afterwards, they would always see other in the hallways. Byunghun would always say hi to her and acknowledge her while she shyly responded and ran away. Sometimes Minji would just stare at him in the cafeteria, poking at her food.

And that was exactly what she was doing again today. Niel waved his hand back and forth in front of her face. “Are you daydreaming about dating Byunghun again?” Minji shot him a glare and said, “No!” Niel rolled his eyes and said, “Sure...” Minji just pouted as she started to stare at him again. He was laughing with his friends while drinking water. She muttered, “When he smiles and laughs, it completely melts my hearts.” Niel shook his head and said, “Like I said before, you don’t really stand a chance. Just lower your standards.”

And by that, Niel meant him. He had known Minji since junior high and he finally admitted to himself that he liked her beginning of their 1st year right when Minji began to crush on Byunghun. Just his luck. But because Minji was so oblivious and clueless, she never knew.


After school, Minji and Niel walked out of the school gates together when Byunghun stepped up and said, “Minji-yah!” Minji’s eyes widened as she looked at Byunghun approaching her. “Ahh, I was waiting for you. I needed to ask you something.” Minji continued to stare at him. Was he really waiting for her and only her? Her heart fluttered as he was talking, almost to the point where Minji had no idea what was coming out of his mouth. It was as if a ray of sunshine was shining down on him.

“I actually really need some help with my math. I have to boost my grade up and finals are coming up soon so I was wondering if you could help me out?” Minji blinked and said, “Um... uh... yeah, of course!” Byunghun smiled and said, “Thank you so much! Let’s start tomorrow after school?” Minji put on a small smile and nodded. She held onto her backpack straps tightly as Byunghun ripped out a piece of paper and wrote his number on it. “You can just text me or call me. Thanks again, see you tomorrow!”

Minji turned around to Niel with open. “Did that just happen?” Niel put on a small disappointed smile and said, “I guess so.” Minji started pinching herself. “How am I gonna spend alone time with him? I can barely talk to him!” Niel just shrugged, “Just act like you’re talking to me.” Minji nodded and pinched herself one more time to make sure.

That night, Minji was under her covers staring at Byunghun’s number on her phone. Her heartbeat was racing, excited for the next day.


“Hey Minji!” Byunghun walked over to Minji in the hallway during break. She put on a shy smile and said, “Hey.” He smiled and asked, “So right after school right? Where do you want to go?” Minji slightly bit her bottom lip and said, “Anywhere is fine.” Byunghun thought about it and said, “The library? Or you can come over if you want.” Minji shrugged, “I don’t really mind where we go.” Byunghun gently chuckled and said, “Alright, just come over then. That way we can freely eat.” Minji squeezed her backpack straps again and said, “Okay then.” Byunghun began to walk back to his friends, waving at Minji and said, “Okay, I’ll wait for you at the school gates again.”

As soon as Byunghun turned around, Minji let out a long sigh of relief. “I can’t even handle 1 minute with him. What am I going to do today...”

At lunch that day, Minji was poking her food and staring at Byunghun again. “I swear, you’re going to end up drilling a hole in his face with all that staring.” Minji sighed and said, “I’m scared... what if I do something stupid.” Niel shoved more rice in his mouth and blurted out, “You always do something stupid.” Minji smacked Niel’s head and continued to stare at Byunghun. Then suddenly, Byunghun turned to look at Minji and smiled when he saw her staring. Her eyes quickly widened as she avoided his gaze and looked at Niel. “Aish... why do I always embarrass myself in front of him?!” Niel laughed and said, “It’s a sign.” She just glared at him and smacked his head again.

Watching this, Byunghun let out a small sigh and muttered, “They seem really close.” He looked down at his phone and thought, she still hasn’t called or texted me... Chunji gently smacked Byunghun’s arm and said, “So that nerd’s gonna tutor you?” Byunghun clenched his fists under the table and said, “She’s not a nerd. And yeah, she’s helping me.” Chunji furrowed his eyebrows and asked, “Why do you even need a tutor? You have straight As.” Byunghun smiled and said, “Just an excuse.” Chunji tilted his head and asked, “Ay, you like this girl or something?” Byunghun looked up at him and smiled as he got up. “Time to get back to class.”

As all the students were walking back to their classrooms, Minji tripped over her shoelace. Someone quickly grabbed her arm and said, “Be careful.” Minji looked up and saw Byunghun smiling at her. Her eyes widened and she quickly pulled away. “Ah... uh... thank you.” And then she grabbed Niel’s arm and started running to class. As soon as they were inside their classroom, Minji smacked Niel. “Ow! What was that for?!” Minji slumped down in her seat and placed her head down in her arms on the table. “I’m always embarrassing myself in front of him. Aish, so annoying!”


As Minji and Niel walked towards the school gates, Minji held onto Niel’s arm tightly. “I’m losing blood...” But she didn’t let go. “I’m so nervous.” Niel sighed, “I bet you wouldn’t have been so nervous if you guys were going to go to the library.” Minji looked at him with a worried expression and said, “Should I just say I’d rather go to the library?” Niel scoffed, “If you can talk to him.” Minji just tightened her grip on him and said, “I’m so nervous...” Niel sighed, “I swear, you treat me like your personal punching bag and sponge.”

When they got to the school gates, Niel said, “Alright then, have fun!” Then he pulled out of her grip but she grabbed him again. “No, wait... he’s still talking to his friends.” That’s when Byunghun turned and saw her. He smiled and told his friends, “Hey, I’m going to go now.” Minji’s grip on Niel tightened and Niel shouted, “Ah!” Minji shot her head towards Niel and said, “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” She gently massaged his arm.

Byunghun saw this and silently sighed to himself. He slowly stepped in closer and said, “Hey Minji... you ready?” She looked at him and nodded. She turned back to Niel and waved, “Bye.” Niel just waved and began to walk the other way.

“So how was school?” Minji was holding onto her backpack straps tightly and said, “It was good... what about you?” Byunghun nodded and said, “You know, the usual.” Byunghun looked at her holding onto her backpack straps and asked, “Is that a habit? You’re always holding onto it whenever I see you.” Minji quickly let go of them and said, “Yeah, I guess you can call it a habit...”

When they got on the bus, there were two empty seats on the side. Byunghun quickly walked over and sat down. Minji followed him but someone came and said, “Hey, Byunghun-ah!” He sat down next to him, leaving Minji in a confused daze. Byunghun put on a small smile at his friend and said, “Hey...” as he looked at Minji. She went across from Byunghun and sat down in an empty face, facing Byunghun. Byunghun watched as she let out a short sigh and looked down at her hands. While his friend continued to talk, Byunghun just stared at Minji as the bus moved. She was looking out the window and playing with her phone. At one point, Minji looked over at Byunghun and her eyes widened when she saw him looking back at her. She quickly turned her head and looked out the window again. Byunghun couldn’t help but smile at her as she avoided his gaze.

At the next bus stop, the lady sitting next to Minji got off the bus. Byunghun looked at his friend and said, “Hey, I’m going to go sit next to her.” He nodded and said, “Alright. Good seeing you again.” Byunghun got up and sat down next to Minji. She just stared at him. Byunghun looked out the window and said, “I can’t just let a girl sit by herself on the bus.” Minji’s heartbeat started to accelerate when he turned to her and smiled. “What if she starts to fall asleep on a stranger’s head?” Minji felt herself turn red so she just looked down at her hands so that her hair would cover her cheeks.

When they got to his house, Minji placed her bag down on the dining table. Byunghun chuckled and went to grab her bag. “We’re going to study in my room. A dining table is for eating.” Minji nodded and just followed behind him upstairs to his room. To her surprise, his room was really clean and neat. “I’m not usually this neat and clean. I just cleaned everything last night for you.” He looked at her and smiled.

Byunghun brought in an extra chair and some snacks into his room. They started their study session with Byunghun doing most of the talking. He purposely made mistakes and when Minji would explain to him, he would just stare at her. “Alright, if I get the next problem right, you should give me a reward.” Minji looked at him and asked, “Like what...” Byunghun shrugged, “You can buy me food after school tomorrow.” Minji looked at the problem which was harder than the problems they had been working on. “Okay then.” Byunghun then quickly finished the problem with ease. Minji looked at the answer and pouted. Byunghun chuckled and said, “Okay, to be fair if you get this problem right, then I’ll give you a reward.” He pointed at the hardest problem on the page. Minji looked at him and asked, “What reward?” Byunghun shrugged, “I’ll think of something that you like.” Minji began to solve the problem and Byunghun smiled when she got it right. Byunghun playfully frowned and said, “What’s something you would like...” Minji smiled and said, “You can just cancel me buying—“ Byunghun leaned in and quickly kissed her on the cheek. “There’s your reward.”

Minji was frozen. She just stared at the table and felt herself turn bright red. Byunghun smiled and asked, “You do like that, right?” She stayed still. Byunghun sighed and closed all the books on the table. “Minji-yah... I know you’ve had a crush on me since our 1st year.” Minji slowly looked over at Byunghun. “I saw you always getting excited when I walked up on stage. How you always run away whenever I say hi. I know you always look at me in the cafeteria during lunch. How you turn bright red when you do something embarrassing in front of me.” Minji looked down so that her bangs and hair would cover her embarrassed face expression but Byunghun gently pulled her chin up. “And I think all of that is cute. I’ve thought it was cute since our first year.” Minji blinked, not understanding what he was trying to say. Byunghun smiled at this and said, “Minji-yah... I like you too. I’ve had my fair shares of staring at you too. You leaving the school gates with Niel, waiting in line for your food, when you put your books away in your locker during break. I’ve seen you beating up Niel, devouring your food, and yawning so wide that I can probably fit my fist in your mouth.”

Minji covered her face and said, “Aish...” Byunghun pulled her hands down and said, “You were too oblivious to ever notice. And the truth is... I don’t really need help with math. I have an A in that class.” Minji looked down at the books and said, “So all the mistakes you made... were all made up?” Byunghun nodded. He held onto her hand and said, “Just an excuse to be with you” as he slowly twined his fingers with hers. Minji stared down at their hands. “Oh my God... am I dreaming...” Byunghun chuckled. “No you’re not.” Minji sighed and said, “But you’re like the popular boy and I’m the nobody.” Byunghun tilted his head. “You’re somebody to me though.”

Byunghun walked Minji out and said, “You know... it’d be a good time to text me your number...” Minji gasped and said, “Oh yeah...” She quickly took out her phone and started to call him. Byunghun smiled at her phone number ringing on his phone.


The next day at school, Minji didn’t tell Niel. He didn’t ask her what had happened and Minji didn’t know how to bring it up. By the time it was lunchtime, Byunghun texted Minji and said, You should eat with us today. I sort of told all my friends. Minji looked at Niel and said, “Niel... I have something to tell you...” They walked into the cafeteria as he looked at her and asked, “What is it?” Suddenly, Byunghun walked up to her and said, “Hey.” Minji smiled and said, “Hey... not today.” Byunghun looked over at Niel and back at Minji. “Alright then. I’ll wait for you after school.” Niel turned back to Minji and asked, “What is it?” Minji shook her head and said, “Never mind. I forgot.”

While they were sitting down eating, Niel asked, “So you decided not to stare at Byunghun today?” Minji looked up at him and slightly smiled. She looked over at Byunghun and Byunghun turned to look at her as well. He smiled at her before returning to eating.

After school, Niel and Minji were walking to their school gates when Minji said again, “Okay, Niel I really have something to tell you.” He looked at her and asked, “What is it?” They walked out of their school gates and Byunghun walked up to her. “Minji-yah...” Minji turned around and Byunghun smiled. “My friends want to meet you.” He slowly grabbed her hand, twining his fingers with hers and pulled her over to his friends. She slowly turned around to Niel as he stared down at their hands, his heart breaking into a million pieces. They looked at each other before Niel sighed and left.

“So you’re Byunghun’s girlfriend...” Minji just smiled. “She’s pretty cute.” Byunghun smiled and said, “Yeah, she is. Well we have a date to catch so see you guys later.” Then Byunghun pulled Minji out of the group and they walked over to a local kimbap store. When the lady brought all the food out, Minji started to get excited and grabbed her chopsticks. Byunghun looked at this, smiling. “You like kimbap that much?” Minji looked at him, smiling, and nodded.

Normally, Minji would’ve stayed shy and calm but somehow, she started to grow comfortable around Byunghun now. She wasn’t so embarrassed anymore so she started to devour the kimbap to the point where she started choking. Byunghun laughed and handed her water. “Remember to leave some for me.” When they were done eating, the lady brought over the check. Minji started to pull out her wallet but Byunghun put his card down and gave it to the lady. “But... I was supposed to buy you food.” Byunghun smiled and said, “You can pay next time.”


“Oh my God, Byunghun and Minji are going out.”
“How did that happen? Did they even know each other?”
“Minji’s so lucky...”
“They’re actually pretty cute together.”

Niel was sick of hearing all of this. Minji and Byunghun was the only thing students were talking about. When he walked into his classroom, he saw Byunghun standing in front of Minji’s desk talking to her. “Alright then. I’ll see you later.” Byunghun leaned down and kissed her on the cheek before leaving. Niel felt anger and jealousy spread throughout his body but he kept it in.

“So you guys are the talk of the school now.” Minji sighed and said, “I’ve heard...” Niel sighed and said, “Don’t let him get in the way of your studies.” Minji smiled at him and said, “I know.” Then suddenly, Minji hugged Niel tightly and said, “Niel... you don’t know how happy I am. It’s like a dream come true. I don’t know who to tell this to except you since you’re the only one who knows how I truly feel.” Then she let go. Niel smiled and said, “At least you’re happy.”

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Chapter 3: i'm back, and truly loving all of these so far!??!?!!! ch.2 was so sad, and this one was so sweet... all of them remind me of plot lines in shows that i'd love to watch...
Chapter 1: aaah, i'm only one the first one so far but this is amazing!!! their argument during the intermission is well-written, i was captivated by each word.
Chapter 4: Oh my god poor Niel T_T
ack. “I’m not jealous cause starting today, you’re mine.”

Awww these are really sweet.
So sweet!
hha..didn't expect that he would suddenly do that..
cutynup #8

Sungyeol is really cute here~ Sequel for You're Mine would be great!
awwwwwwww..... can you do a sequel for woohyun's? it's so heart wrenching. /sniffs