Choco-mint ice cream therapy

Shape Shifters

During the entire class, you were unable to concentrate.  For one, you couldn't stop thinking about this Teen Top situation.  Secondly, L.Joe's words and kiss left a permanent mark in your memory.  Every time you would think about it, your heartbeat's pace would fasten a bit.  When you finished class, it was already 6:30pm.  You still had half an hour.  You decided to walk back to your dorm until you bumped into someone.


"Sorry." You looked up and saw Myungsoo.  "Oh, Myungsoo, it's you."


"Hey Jiyeon, are you alright?" he asked with a concerned face.


"I'm fine, we just bumped into each other, no big deal."


"I wasn't talking about that."


You were taken aback.  Did you really seem different?  "No, I'm doing perfectly fine." you lied as you faked a smile.


"Jiyeon... If you need to talk, I'm always here."


"You wouldn't understand" you sighed.


"Come here." He took your hand and lead you to an ice cream shop.  You sat at a table as he ordered some ice cream.  When he came back, he had two ice cream cones.  One chocolate and one choco-mint.  You looked at the choco-mint one with big eyes.


"Here" as he handed it to you.  A smile appeared on your face.  "My favorite flavor!  Why didn't I know they had this last time I came here" You pouted.  "They didn't have it, but I'm close with a guy who works here, so I asked him to make it for you."


"How did you know this was my favorite flavor?"


"Lucky guess?" He shrugged off the question with a smile.  "Now that I have given you your favorite ice cream, why not tell me about what's in your mind?"


"No fair!" You exclaimed.  "Okay,  well I guess I owe you one.  I guess... It's just... I don't know."  You sighed not knowing how to explain what was happening.


"Is it about Teen Top?"


"What? How?" Those were the only words that could come out.  You didn't understand how he could guess these stuff so easily.


"I guess I can tell."


"I've seen some stuff and it's just been stuck in my mind since..." You looked down.  "And now L.Joe wants to talk to me."


"You like him, don't you." it sounded more like a statement rather than a question.  You quickly shook your head denying it.  "Of course not.  How can a guy like him like me back anyway?  I'm plain, boring and there's surely other girls who would be better for him."


"I wasn't talking about him liking you.  I was talking about you and your feelings.  But now we're drifting of the subject.  I say you should go listen to what he has to say.  Maybe it will answer your questions and put whatever has been bothering you to ease."


You nodded in acknowledgment and glanced at the clock.  "Oh no! I'm late." You said while taking the last bite of your ice cream.  "I'm sorry Myungsoo, I have to go.  I also wanted to say sorry for last time, for leaving like that." You said as you remembered how L.Joe dragged you away from Infinite.


"It's fine, don't worry about it."


"You're such a good friend Myungsoo.  Thanks for everything." you expressed gratefully.  "Can I ask you one last thing before I leave?" He nodded.  "Last night, you and Infinite weren't attacked or anything... right?" you felt stupid for asking such question but after hearing Teen Top and seeing them, you just wanted to make sure your friends were alright.


"We were perfectly fine yesterday night" he smirked as if it was inside joke.  "Don't have to worry about us.  Oh, and Jiyeon, if ever you're feeling down or whatnot, don't hesitate to come find me.  I'm usually where the forest is."


"Thank you again." you said as you waved goodbye.  You quickly walked back to your dorm.  You were already an hour late.  I hope L.Joe isn't mad at me you thought to yourself.


When you got to your door, you found L.Joe sitting right in front of it, his back against the door, sleeping.  You quietly and slowly crouched down, approached him and poked his cheek.  He slowly opened his eyes.


"There you are.  I thought you were giving me a silent treatment or something.  Didn't class end an hour and a half ago? What took you so long?"


"I'm sorry, I got distracted." you said apologetically.  "I hope you didn't wait to long."


"In fact, I did wait a long time! I waited here for an hour.  It's okay.  You seem happier, something good must have happened.  Let's go inside and talk.  I have to tell you something." he said before you entered your dorm room.

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Chapter 57: Authornim...i hope you can update this story.i'm nee reader and found your story is ssooooo amazing and interesting. Please update i'm curious abt the ending ^^
bangerzz_ #2
Chapter 58: Please continue with the story !
Chapter 58: please continue!! i think, the story is about to end.. after this encounter.. please~
Priincessg1 #4
Chapter 58: Please do continue! :)
Jennyskater #5
Chapter 58: Please continue!~
Chapter 58: Hi~~~~
Welcome back, update soon ^.^
MinJung11 #7
Chapter 57: Yah Author-nim! If you're not gonna update soon, I'll find you and beat your a**! JK! JK! Just remember to update soon!!! This story is one of the best one I've read so please continue to write!! Hwaiting!
Chapter 32: This is so interesting!!!
WonZiGyuMin #9
Chapter 57: OMG!!!!!
What's going on???
Why do they need Jonghyuns help??