Chapter 19

My First Job

Chapter 19 

“Let’s sit down,” Sho said and took him to the living room. 

“Anou… I’ll go make some tea,” I said and went to the kitchen. They didn’t really pay attention to me anyways. 

While I was in the kitchen, I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. I wanted to know what was going on. 

“Why are you so mad?”Sho asked him. 

“Because you didn’t tell us that you got back together!” 

“But it just happened yesterday and-“ 

“So? You were like a complete wreck when she left you. Do you know how worried we were? And now you forgive her and get back together. And you won’t tell us. Such a good friend you are.” 

“Sorry for making you guys worry.” Sho said. 

Oh so that’s why he was mad. Nino must hate me for causing Sho so much pain. Who wouldn’t? I hated myself as well…. 

“Why did you get back to her? Are you serious about it this time?” Nino asked. 

“What do you mean?” 

“Do you plan on ever getting married to her? You know, living together…” 

“I think she is the one.” I heard Sho say. What? Really? “Is this what you want me to say?” Sho added. Oh! “I actually am not sure.” 


“Then if you are not even sure why did you get back with her?” Nino asked him. 

I shouldn’t listen to this. No, I really shouldn’t. I wasted more time with making tea. What did he mean? Of course I was not thinking of a marriage or something but I was serious about him. Did he not care? The teapot whistled loudly and brought me back. When I went back inside they immediately stopped talking. Awkward. 

“Douzo.” I said and passed them the cups. 

“Thanks for the tea, but I need to go.” Nino said. “Oh, and sorry for the intrusion.” He smiled warmly at me. 

“Oh. It’s ok.” What was his hurry anyways? 

“Bring Shou back when he gets better, okay?” 

“Hai!~” I said trying to smile. 

“Jane!~” he said and left. I closed the door behind him and sat next to 

“So” he said. 

“So…” I replied. “Don’t you think you should call your parents or something? Also you should go rest at your own house.” 

“But the roads are blocked. Do you not want me here?” 

“What? That’s not it. Also the roads seem fine since Ninomiya-kun came.” 

“Are you mad at me or something?” 

“Eh? Why should I be?” I said trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. 

“Because I’m sick. Because Nino came.” He stopped. “Because you were eavesdropping on us?”He added giving me a look. 

“Eh? I did not for your information.” I denied. “And it is none of these reasons. I just want you to rest properly.” I smiled up at him and stood up collecting the teacups. 

He came into the kitchen after me and hugged me from behind. I enjoyed feeling the warmth of his body, it was sort of like a feeling of… security….however I unclasped his hands around my waist and turned towards him. 

“I’m not joking about going to your house you know. You need to see a proper doctor if you want to get better fast.” 

“Hai~” he said pouting. He was so adorable it made me wonder which one of us was the older one. I shook my head and giggled. 

“Don’t give me that look Sakurai-san!~” I said. 

“Eh? Why are you so formal suddenly?” 

“To bring you back to reality. C’mon go upstairs and get ready to leave.” 

“You don’t want to take care of me, I get it.” 

“I do. But you need to go see your doctor, so” I pushed him towards the stairs, “Go upstairs and get ready!” I gave him a quick peck on his cheek and pushed him forward. 

Soon after he was ready and already had a taxi waiting for him outside. 

“Call me once you see your doctor, okay?” I said. 

“Sure thing!” he replied and got into the car. The taxi started driving away and I realized that I had forgotten to give him his New Year’s present. I had made a scarf for him, when I was in Osaka. I thought I wouldn’t have a chance to give it to him ever but it was a nice thing to do during my free times to keep my mind off of things. 

I ran after the taxi. But it was too late. I guess I’ll give this to him the next time I see him, I thought to myself. 

Then I heard a car honk! It was coming towards me- fast! I threw myself to the side to avoid the collision however the roads were icy because of the snow so I slipped. I missed the car but I slipped and injured myself. 

“Itai itai itai ITAI!!!!” I shouted and bit my lips. I tried to stand up and it was a bit hard at first because my feet hurt a lot. Gradually I started to get used to the pain and walked back to the house. 

Even thought I hadn’t run too much after the taxi the distance seemed too far away because of the pain. Once I got home I called another taxi, for myself this time and got ice for my ankle while I waited for the taxi. 

Once I arrived at the hospital I realized that I had forgotten to take my phone with me. Oh Darn! I called my parents because I knew my mother’s number and told her that I was at the hospital. The good news was that I didn’t die but the bad news was that I needed a surgery to get the bones fixed. 

Apparently, as the doctor stated “By walking on your feet you have damaged the bones more. Can you not tell that you already have weak bones that are prone to breaking easily? Why would you walk on it? Are you an S, Buse-san?” 

“What? Of course not! I had to go home to make a call you know.” I tried to explain. He said that the cask would not fix it and I needed a surgery which he would perform early tomorrow morning because his schedule was full. Until then I had to keep it under a caste and stay at the hospital. Oh boy, this was going to be pricey. 

I called my work and told them what had happened. They were not happy that I had to skip two days but since I could not walk at the moment they excused me. I probably would not be able to take the day off for the rest of the year. 

I wanted to call Sho to check up on him however I did not have his number memorized. Too bad… 

After spending the night at the hospital, mostly in minor pain the doctor was ready for the operation. It was such an easy thing that they just had to anestize my leg and perform the surgery while I would be awake. 

However, I could not stand the sight of blood and bones so I asked the doctor to put me to sleep. 


A/N; Also thank you to all my lovely readers for commenting and subscribing:)

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junnosuke1 #1
Chapter 21: Yay they got married!! though after 5 yrs hehehe .Great story I enjoyed reading it hehe
junnosuke1 #2
Chapter 12: Ahh that Turkish ice cream seems delicious to eat hehehe
junnosuke1 #3
Chapter 5: Sho is teasing her hehehe
Great story! :)
So cool! Love it and it is so realastic too!
delikizzz #6
@kazue-chan: thank you!!~ I'm glad you enjoyed it!~
This was amazing!!! I can see myself reading it again soon.Great!And the end is just perfect!!!Great job :)
delikizzz #8
ty for the comments :)
belladory #9
:D I'll read the new story now~
I LOVED IT!!! i liked how they got married in the end, and ohno's too cute!!!<br />
i subscribed to your next story btw :D