Chapter 17

My First Job

Chapter 17 

I arrived in front of the jumisho. I did not know what to do. Through all the chaos that was going on I did not see him anywhere which was good. I did not know what to do if I saw him. Now I was at the backstage of Tokyo Dome, working. I had fixed up B.A.D’s make-up so now I was helping others working on whoever I could help. Then I saw a familiar face. Aiba was here. If he was here then Sho would be here,too. What should I do? Where should I go? I was looking around frantically when I saw him. He saw me too. 

We stared into each other’s eyes. I thought everything around me had stopped and there was only him. I don’t know how long we stared but then he looked away and walked off. I knew that if I saw him I would break emotionally but I did not thought this would affect me this much. I could feel the tears coming to my eyes. 

I had to get away. I could not cry in front of everyone. I was here before when I was working with Arashi so I knew this room which was always empty because it was small. I ran towards the room and sat down on the floor. Then I started to cry freely. This was not good for me. I had to forget about him.I was the one to break up so why was I crying now? 

I heard footsteps coming towards the door, then I saw him. 

“ Somehow I knew I could find you here,” Maruyama said. What was he doing here? I quickly wiped the tears away but they were still flowing down. “ you should stop crying. Do you want to cry for the rest of your life? This is the new years you know.” 

“We still have four hours to go,’ I said laughing weakly. 

“With you it would last for 4 hours. Last time my shirt was soaked.” He joked. 

“You know I feel like you are my niisan. Trying to make me happy” 

“I see you as my little sis,too. She is a crybaby just like you.” 

“Hey, I am not a crybaby.” I protested. “How did you find me anyways?” 

“We were reharsing for the last time and I got bored and decided to say hi to you, then I saw you running out of the room so here I am.”He explained, “So, hi” he said trying to make me laugh. 

“Well hi to you too” I replied back. 

“you know you should stop crying because of him” he said. 

“You know why I was crying?” 

“I read the news, and well gossips spread pretty fast around JE so even if you are in Osaka you can still keep up with the news.” He said. 


“Now get up and go wash your face ok?” he said and pulled me up. 

“hai, hai” I said and we exited the room. 

We started walking and he was telling me he was supposed to be back by now. But then he suddenly hugged me. I tried to push him away but he was too strong and I did not have power after crying.It did not feel like a romantic hug anyways, more like the protective ones. Now i was sure that I was soaking his shirt. After a few second he pulled away. 

“Sorry, people were passing by and I did not want them to see you crying like this” he said. 

So it was a protective hug. “Arigatou, Maruyama-san” I said. 

Sho’s POV 

When I arrived at the Tokyo Dome, I did not expect to see her here. I had heard that she was working at our Osaka branch now. I did not ask people but I heard Maki-san talking about her, and I could not help but evesdrop. I was able to block her from my thoughts. This was the first time I was this in love with someone. 

“Aiba-chan, save your energy for later. We are the MC’s of the show.” MatsuJun told him with his serious look. 

“Gomen, gomen. I am just too excited. I love these countdowns. We get to see so may people”Aiba said. Nino was too into his DS to shut Aiba up. Ohno was talking on the phone. And here I was thinking about her again. What should I do? Then I heard her voice. Okay, now I am going crazy. What the hell? 

“Oh is that Buse-chan? I should say hi to her” Aiba said happily. So I was not going crazy. When I looked at where Aiba was staring I saw her. She looked the same. Then she realized me. We stared into each others eyes for a while but then I looked away. I wanted to talk to her. 

“Oi Aiba-chan, I should talk to her first dont you think? Then you can say hi to her” I told him. 

“oh right,” Aiba said. 

Then I walked to where she was but she was gone. I could not spot her at all. I looked around the room but could not spot her. Where was she? I started to walk around the place looking for her. Where did she disapper to? 

Then I spotted her, when I was about to walk towards her I saw her being embraced by another guy. I felt like something was boiling inside me. She was hugging Maruyama. Maruyama looked at me like he was challenging me to come. He looked like he was saying dont you dare... 

So she had made a new boyfriend in Osaka after she left me. She really did not love me at all then? It was this easy for her to find someone new when I was trying to make her come back to me... 


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junnosuke1 #1
Chapter 21: Yay they got married!! though after 5 yrs hehehe .Great story I enjoyed reading it hehe
junnosuke1 #2
Chapter 12: Ahh that Turkish ice cream seems delicious to eat hehehe
junnosuke1 #3
Chapter 5: Sho is teasing her hehehe
Great story! :)
So cool! Love it and it is so realastic too!
delikizzz #6
@kazue-chan: thank you!!~ I'm glad you enjoyed it!~
This was amazing!!! I can see myself reading it again soon.Great!And the end is just perfect!!!Great job :)
delikizzz #8
ty for the comments :)
belladory #9
:D I'll read the new story now~
I LOVED IT!!! i liked how they got married in the end, and ohno's too cute!!!<br />
i subscribed to your next story btw :D