The Story

First Love Story

“Zelo’s coming! Zelo’s coming!” girls were screaming. I could hear them feets away from the gate. I sighed, *Another day dealing with fans…*

I walked pass the gate and got surrounded by girls and boys. Some were giving gifts, others would pull me next to them. I got used to this daily routine. Every morning was the same. Sometime I wish I wouldn’t’ve debut and just go to school normally like before.

The bell rung at last. The crowd around me started to run to class.

“Junhong!” a voice shouted. As I recognized the voice, I turned around smiling brightly. “Why aren’t you walking faster? Trying to break the records on being late?” she laughed.

“Yah, Han Hyuna, aren’t you the same?” I retorted.

“I told you to call me ‘noona’!” she cutely pouted.

“Why? You’re older than me by only a month.”

“I’m still older!” she pulled her tongue out.

“But shorter” I smirked. She frowned and lightly pushed me.

“It’s because you’re too tall” she snickered back.

Out of nowhere, she grabbed my hand and started to run. When we got in class, she made a victory sign to her friends who were giggling.

“Great! We’re not late~” she proudly said and went to sit at her place. I smiled looking her go and went at the back of the class, where my seat was.

The minute the teacher walked in, the class quieted down and stood up. We bowed to him and sat down. Since the class was boring, I took a look at Hyuna. *As expected, she’s sleeping again*, I quietly laughed. I kept staring at her for the rest of the class, reminiscing the first time we met.

I was sitting in the train, looking outside with my headphones on. My feet were following the beat to the song, even my fingers were taping lightly on my bag.

There were still three stations left before I reach the school...

As I felt tired, in such early morning, I rested my head back on the window. Suddenly, I felt a little weight on my shoulder. I looked on the side and saw a girl sleeping. Her face seemed so angelic, I kept staring at her. My eyes travelled down to her uniform and I noticed we were going to the same school. She didn’t seem like a senior, she’s probably a junior or a freshman just like me.

Since we almost arrived to the station, I lightly nudged her to wake up. She woke up in surprised and looked at me with round eyes.

“OMO! I’m so sorry, I didn’t meant to sleep on you..” she apologized and bowed many times.

“It’s fine” I smiled. “I just wanted to warn you that we’re almost there.”

“Ah, gomawo…..”

“Junhong, but you can call me Zelo.”

“Hyuna, here” she said, as she cutely did a peace sign. “Oh! You go to TS High School too? 1st year?”

I nodded and the doors opened. We walked out of the train and she spotted her friends.

“I need to go, hope we’ll be in the same class!” she said as she waved her hand. “Annyeong!”

I smiled to myself as I watch her walking away. It surprised me, we only met for few seconds and she acts like we were so close already. Seems like school wouldn’t be as boring as I thought.
-End of flashback-

I smiled to myself, ignoring whatever was happening around.

The day was ending quite quickly.

I was sitting by myself in class, flipping pages of the homework since manager-hyung won’t come to pick me up for the schedule until an hour from now. I looked outside and sighed in boredom.

The door suddenly opened and I took at look at who it was. *Hyuna!*, my mood completely changed.

“Oh! You’re still here?” she asked as she walked to her desk. I nodded, looking bored.

“Yeah, the hyungs won’t be here until 6.” I explained “What are you doing here?”

“Forgot something” she showed me a pink notebook. She turned to the exit and waved goodbye.

Since she wasn't looking where she was going, she tripped on a bag.

“Careful!” I ran to her and caught her before she’d hurt herself, but things didn’t go as expected.

I fell on my back and she was on top of me. But that wasn’t the point. My lips and hers were touching. She looked at me with big and round eyes. She quickly got off me and ran out of the class.

I stayed in my position for a few seconds and got up, still sitting on the floor. I looked at the door, as my fingers went up to my lips, remembering how it felt.


The next morning, I walked to school like usual. However, this time, I didn’t saw Hyuna anywhere. I asked her friends, and they said she was absent today. I sighed and went to my seat. Was it because of what happened yesterday?


A whole week passed since the accident. She would come to school, but avoided me as much as possible. Although she acted normally with the others, when our eyes would meet, her expression would change.

I got enough of this always happening. Every time, my heart started to ache whenever she acted that way. I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I went to see her.

“Hyuna..” I called, she ignored me and walked faster. “Hyuna-noona!” I attempted a second time.

She looked back surprised since it was the first time I called her ‘noona’, but it didn’t make her stop. She quickly turned back and walked away even faster. I ran after her and grabbed her wrist. *This misunderstanding has to stop right now*, I told myself. I lead her to the roof since we were close it the stairs leading to here. I pushed her to the wall and she whimpered a little. I softened a bit, and looked at her in the eyes but she turned away.

“Hyuna, why are you avoiding me?” I whispered, but I received no reply. I sighed, if that meant that I had to yell, then here it goes. “Noona!” she flinched but still remained silent.

 I realized that my grip was hurting her. I released her hands and sighed.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you…” I looked away. “But I just want to let you know that since I met you, my life changed. My heart will beat incredibly fast every time I see you. Ever since Day 1, I realized that this boy here, standing in front of you, is head over heels for you.” I took my courage and uttered as I looked at her in the eyes, “I love you”. There was no reply, I bit my lower lip and felt something tightening inside. “Forget what I just said…” I sighed.

“Zelo!” she called.

I turned myself to face her. Suddenly, her lips crashed onto mine. I was surprised by the sudden contact, but replied back. After a bit, she broke the kiss and looked at me in my eyes. And whispered,

“I love you too”



Author speaking
Yeeh~ Sweet and fluffly love, keke. I hope you enjoyed reading this short story!

Thank you for reading this fanfic! ^^ ♥ ~

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chachacha20 #1
hyogyeong #2
it's so sweet. love it <3
Really cute! KYAHHH!!! <333
KYAAAA~ >////////////< so sweet :'3