Angel boy?

Love Story


Mia P.O.V.


I kept running as fast as I could! I was so annoyed at the girls! I was so lost!


"Why are they so nosy? I don't even know him! So, how do they expect me to answer their questions?" Said, Mia mumbling to herself, rolling her beautiful, frustrated eyes. 


Mia finally, started getting out of breath. She stopped, and sat down besides the School window. Trying to catch her breath. Mia sighed, as she looked out the window and said,


"I wonder if, I will see him again.... He was so beautiful... " Said, Mia sighing. 


End of P.O.V.



Mia wondered and wondered who he was but, she was hopeless. 


*RING* The bell rang! It was time for time for class! Mia sighed as she started walking to her next class. She kept walking and walking, searching for her class. Mia finally, realized that she was lost.... Mia looked and looked but, the school was TOO big! Mia tried asking for help but, she was unlucky. 


"UGH! This school is TOO STINKING BIG!" Mia pouted to herself! Mia was getting irritated! 


When all of a sudden someone tapped her on the shoulder. Mia quickly, turned around. 


"Hi! So, we meet again? Huh? Lost?" The boy asked, very friendly.


Mia was in complete shock! quickly, dropped! Mia thought to herself.


"Oh,....My,...Gosh... This is the boy who looks like an angel! Ahh! I must get his name!!!" Mia thought to herself.


"Umm, yes I'm lost..... I'm sorry but, I don't remember meeting you, before..." Said, Mia clueless. Mia knew EXACTLY who he was! She just wanted to act clueless. 


"Oh.. I am too!" Said, The boy giggling. "We've met before umm, you bumped into me today remember?" Said, the boy whispering. 


"Yeahh, umm sorry about that..." Said, Mia scratching her head. 


"It's okay.." Said, the boy giggling. He pinched her cheek, smiling towards her. 


Mia blushed when the boy pinched her cheek. Mia felt herself turning red and quickly cupped her cheeks. The boy giggled himself and started blush. The boy was quite embarrassed. 


"Umm, let's go!" The boy said, reaching out his hand. 


"Okay, let's go!" Said, Mia smiling, grabbing ahold of his soft hand. 


They continued to walk. They were both lost! 


"Umm, you're Mia right?" The boy asked, looking straight forward. 


"Ye-ess how did you know?" Asked, Mia curiously.


"Umm, I have my ways." The boy replied, winking his eye towards Mia.


Mia blushed like CRAZY! She cupped her cheeks again.. She was so embarrassed, she sighed. The boy noticed that she was embarrassed. He also, noticed that she was blushing. The boy pulled her hands slowly down from her face, smiling. Which made her blush even more! Finally, she stopped blushing and asked him a question.


"What's your name?" Asked, Mia looking up at him.


"Oh, my name is Lee Taemin but, you can call me Taemin." Taemin replied, smiling.


"Oh.. Okay..." Said, Mia.


Taemin and Mia have been walking for quite awhile now. They are both lost, hopeless for directions. When finally, someone started yelling out Taemin's name from behind. 


"Taemin!" The person shouted.


Taemin quickly, turned around for that voice sounded very familiar. Taemin eyes widened. 


"Hyung!" Taemin stopped, still holding Mia's hand.


"I've been looking all over for you! You had everyone worried! Where have you been?" The boy's hyung asked, very worried.


"Oh, I got lost... I couldn't find my way back. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you guys worried." Said, Taemin.


"It's okay, next time let me know." The boy said, smiling. Slightly shoving Taemin's shoulder.


"Oh! Hyung this is Mia!" Said, Taemin swinging her arm back and forth.


"Hi! Nice to meet you, Mia. I'm Minho, Tamein's hyung." Said, Minho being very friendly.


"Umm, Hi! Nice to meet you, too." Said, Mia smiling.


"Well, Taemin we better get going. I know the rest are getting worried!" Said, Minho.


"Oh! Yes, Hyung! Let's go!" Said, Taemin releasing Mia's hand.


"Oh! Bye Mia! I hope to see you again!" Said, Taemin turning around. Waving his hand in the air, smiling. 


"Yes! Bye!" Said, Mia smiling gently. 


Mia quickly, found her way back. She saw her friends, pacing the floor back and forth. Her friends quickly, saw her and ran towards her saying,


"Unnie!!! Where have you been!? We were so worried!" The girls said, hugging her tightly! 


"I'm okay, you guys! Ugh, it's a LONG story! I'll tell you everything, when we get home. Okay?" Said, Mia hugging her friends! She couldn't wait to get home and tell her friends what happened!


"Okay, Unnie!" The girls said, hugging her.


Finally, school was OVER! The girls couldn't wait to reach home and hear what had happened! 



Writer's P.O.V.


Will she see Taemin again? Will everything continue to run smooth for the girls? Who knows?



Hi everyone! This is Kayplovekpop. I finally finished Chapter 2! Whoo-hoo! :) I hope everyone enjoys it! If, you have any suggestions, private message SHINee2Min or me, Kayplovekpop. Thanks! Also, don't hesitate to leave comments! We absolutely, love reading them. :) Comment and Subscribe! 


Thank you. 

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Omo from what i see i am liking the plot ^-^ i cant wait till the rest of it comes out :D