
Why won't you tell him


When Kyungsoo woke up, the first thing he noticed was the smell of alcohol that filled the room. He didn’t drink any last night, and he was sure Suho didn’t either, since he’d never disobey the manager’s orders. Maybe someone just spilled their drinks on our clothes. He glanced over to Suho’s bed and noticed the leader was still sleeping. This was weird because Suho never slept in late, Kyungsoo decided to just let his hyung sleep and take a shower first.

When he walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, he saw that his eyes were red and swollen. Have I been crying that much yesterday? He quickly splashed some cold water on his face to try and reduce the puffiness. After that he got into the shower and let the soothing warm water run over his skin. Memories of last night came back to him. The vocalist cursed himself for being an idiot and actually believing Suho that Kai might not be as straight as he thought he was. Because, as Suho said that night, he had indeed never seen Kai doing any skinship with girls. But that slightest bit of hope he had, came crushing down all together when he saw Kai dancing in the club last night.

I should move on. Kyungsoo thought and decided that forgetting about Kai from now on was for the best. 







A/N: Small teaser~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

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Kd1288 #1
Chapter 1: Wow!! I just love reading nonau Kaisoo fics. Your writing is really good and the initial confusion they're facing is so on point. I'd love to read more from you.
Jinu86 #2
Chapter 5: sweet kaisoo
Chapter 1: the part when Luhan is helping Kyunggie in the kitchen waaah, idk but it makes me saddd, I miss ot12 : ( nice fic tho! <3 cute start
Kmjnginch #4
Chapter 5: I really liked this story
And the end was very funny???
Chapter 5: Hahahaa that was really great! I love it when other exo members treat Kyungsoo well since they already knew about his feeling towards Jongin. Jongin is just toooo naughty sometimes! Lol. I love them so much. They really suit each other. Thank you for writing! xoxo.

Ps: really love the ending part! <3
Chapter 5: I loved it!!!
Chapter 1: damn he heard everything didn’t he omg
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 5: So cute. The ending though haha
Kara137 #9
Chapter 5: That was really great!
The end killed me!! Lmao I was 'oh it's so cuteee' and then that scene with the clingy Jongin
I really liked it! ♡
TotallyKaiwaii #10
Chapter 5: This is amazing ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤