
The Gay Theory


-Top pov-


After school sessions over, Minzy and I stealthily followed Daesung liked professional. Well, more liked stalkers.


But hey, we’re doing this because of curiosity. I know that curiosity kills the busybody, don’t you agree?


Anyway, we followed Daesung’s to his house. His house is just okay since he’s a commoner, no offense Daesung. Beside, I’m just being honest here.


“So?” Minzy asked as she looked at me.


I looked at Daesung who’s already entered his house. Hmm, what next?


“Wanna visit him?” I suggested.


“Visit him?”


“Yeah, who knows we might find out something more interesting.”


“Like what?”


“Like videos or should I say, gay videos, gay stuff or whatever.” I crossed my arms.


“You’ve got point. Let’s go then.”


“Wait, should we do this the hard way or the easy way?”


“What do you mean?”


“Well, shouldn’t we be more dramatic, hard, scarier or something?”


“Are you saying that you wanna barge in?”


“Sure, why not.”


Minzy smirked and pulled my arm, “Be stupid somewhere else will ya? Beside, we’re not police to do such things.”


“You’re boring.” I pouted.


Minzy rolled her eyes and before she could knock on the door, the door suddenly opened.


“What are you guys doing here?” Daesung asked in wonder.


“Well, we’ve just want to visit you.” Minzy replied.


“Where are the others?”


“They can’t come. They’ve got something to take care of.” I smiled.


“Okay, come in.” He motioned us to follow him.


The two of us shrugged and followed him from behind. I looked around his house and wow, not a bad place to live.


He led us to the living room and told us to wait here while he went to the kitchen to get us something to , I mean, something to munch and drink.


I hope it’s something delicious because I’m starving to death now.


Any seconds now…..


Any minutes now……  


“Oh god I’m dying.” I pressed my tummy.


“Dying from what?” Minzy raised her brow.


“Starvation. What took him so long in there?”


“He’s only gone to the kitchen for 1 second.” Minzy sighed.


“But it feels like hours.” I pouted.


Minzy smirked at me and played with her phone. Then, Daesung came with foods and drinks.


He served everything on the table and before he could say anything, I quickly grabbed a biscuit and stuffed it in my mouth.


“I’ll go to my room first. Please enjoy.” Daesung bowed a little and headed upstairs.


“You eat like a pig,” Minzy said as she bit the biscuit, “This is good. I wonder what’s in it.”


Suddenly, something came to my mind. Yeah, this is good. I wonder what’s in it too. Wait, could there be….


I looked at Minzy and clamped her face, “What if he puts drugs in it?”




“He might drug us and then, us. No, me.” I started to imagine me being by a loner.




“You’re overreacting.” Minzy slapped my hands off her face.


“What if it’s true?” I raised my brow.


“If it’s true then, I’ll record it.” She grinned.


“You really are a ert.”


She shrugged and continued eating her biscuit. Suddenly, I saw Daesung walking downstairs as he talked with someone on the phone.

I think I’ve got something in mind. I motioned Minzy to follow me upstairs to Daesung’s room.


She hesitated at first but after I gave her my charm, she sighed and followed me.


Yeah, I know I’m good.


We carefully went inside his room. Minzy looked around as I slowly and professionally, opened his drawer to see what lies beneath.


“Excuse me, just what are you guys doing?” Daesung suddenly asked as he stared at us.


“Well, we-we-we-we just looking for…… peanuts.” I scratched my head.


“Peanuts?” Minzy raised her brow.


“Yes peanuts, with an S.”


“But why do you look for peanuts in my room?”


“Well, I thought you keep peanuts in your room because I keep them in my room. You know, snacks.” I explained like an idiot.


Minzy only stood there, listening to my stupid blabbering. She didn’t even help me. Just what’s up with that?


“Okay, look at the time. We gotta go.” Minzy grabbed my arm, “Thanks for the food and sorry for the disturbance. See ya tomorrow.”


Daesung nodded and accompanied us to the door. We bid him goodbye and walked home.


“Peanuts huh?” She giggled.


I rolled my eyes and said, “At least I’ve got something to say. Damn, you don’t even help me.”


“I know. I just wanted to hear a professional reason from a professional spy. Beside, you’re lucky that you’re with me. If you’re with GD, only god knows what’s going to happen to you guys.”


“Is that an insult or a compliment?”


“What do you think?”


“I’ll take that as an insult.”


Minzy smirked and messed my hair. I sent her home after we bought two ice-creams at the nearby store. Then, I walked home and went straight to my room.


Oh damn, I’m so damn tired today and kinda hungry. Hmm, should I eat or sleep? 



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lol finished reading, and I had a good time reading it
got my attention for sure lol good job

I found this in the random story by the way
oh, I'm in chapter 5, and I'm loving it lol
I kept smiling
now, back to reading lol
soupah #3
lol, cute!
ChoZen #4
haha i like it
lol, what an ending, not a gay?? <br />
haha<br />
make a new story asap!! ^^