Weird dreams

Weird dreams


Taemin had had those dreams for several weeks now. They haunted him both in his sleep and when he was awake. He was too scared to tell anyone about them especially to Minho, who had a very "special" role in the dreams. Taemin wasn´t available to look at Minho in the same way anymore - not as long as he kept remembering those dreams. Every time he saw Minho, he would turn away pretending to have something else to do. And Taemin knew that Minho felt the growing gap between them, but he couldn´t do anything about it.

One day nearly a month after the dream came to Taemin for the first time, he decided to confront Minho:

"Minho hyung..." he made sure that none of the others were around and sat down beside Minho on the couch. Minho looked slightly bored watching television laying down on the couch.

"Yes, Taemin-ah?" he answered not taking his eyes from the screen. They had just finished today's dance practise and Key had occupied the shower for the next half hour leaving Onew in the kitchen in a conversation with Jonghyun. Once in a while the kitchen exploded with laughter making Taemin wonder what the hell they were talking about.

"I have had a dream for a long time now...." Taemin said already beginning to regret even bringing up the subject. Minho looked at him as he could hear the nervousness in the maknae´s voice.

"I dreamed about us two... being together" Taemin continued looking at the television to avoid meeting Minhos eyes. He felt how his cheeks slowly became warmer.

"Together? Isn´t that a good thing?" Minho asked looking slightly confused.

"I don´t rea-... what did you say?" Taemin looked at Minho, surprised by the answer. Did Minho really understand what he was trying to say? Maybe he was making fun of him?

"Yes? Isn´t it a good thing that the group are together?"
"yes..." Taemin felt both disappointment and relive as now understood what Minho was talking about - but it wasn´t really what he himself was thinking about. Minho raised an eyebrow.

"you don´t like us being together?" he asked

"yes, yes of cause I do, I just thought...."

"You aren´t thinking of going solo, aren´t you?" Minho interrupted looking  very seriously at him.

"Of cause not!" Taemin nearly yelled. The thought was pure craziness. He had never even thought of that opportunity.

"Then what the heck are you talking about?!" Minho definitely didn´t liked when he didn´t understood things.

"Nothing, it was just a dream" Taemin retreated fully regretting brining up the subject.

"But I want to hear about it, Taemin. You´re making me curios"

"It´s nothing special" They looked at each other for some time, Minho looking both irritated and confused.

"Hyung it´s nothing, really...." Taemin repeated looking at the television again while he hoped that the conservation would end here. But Minho wasn´t as tired as Taemin first thought cause he wasn´t ready to leave the subject yet.

"What´s wrong with your? You sound so... so scared? Are you a chicken? Then Onew is going to eat you!" he said, joking about the leaders love for chicken.

"I´m not a chicken, and I´m not scared" Taemin nearly yelled again, tired of his hyung making fun of him and not understanding anything at all.

"Your face is red, Taemin"

"Not it isn´t" Taemin felt his cheeks burning and knew it was true.

"look in the mirror then - it is red. Are you by any chance in love? Is our maknae finally growing up?" Minho smiled and laid his hand on Taemin´s shoulder.

"NO!" Taemin replied and slapped his hand away looking terrified with the thought of girls. Screaming, fanatic and pink-loving girls.... no thanks! Girls were scary creatures.

"Hey relax, I´m only joking. Then... tell me what you meant if it is that important to you" Minho said looking more serious again, but it didn´t helped Taemin as he felt more and more stuck in a situation that he couldn´t control at all.

"You wanted to know it, it wasn´t me who was dying to tell it" or... originally it was, since he had thought of having this conversation for weeks. But this was definitely not how he had imagined the outcome of the conversation to be. They completely misunderstood each other all the time.

"Yes, but you didn´t answer me. Taemin your acting weird" Minho commented throwing a look at the kitchen door when yet another cry of laughter reached them.

"It was just a dream! Nothing special! I repeat: Nothing special" Taemin definitely didn´t like the look on Minho´s face now. He was a smart guy, Taemin knew, and he feared that Minho was beginning to understand the originally meaning of his words.

"Together your said?" Minho asked looking puzzled.

"Yes...." Taemin replied feeling how all the blood slowly disappeared from his before so warm cheeks.

"Ah, now I get it!" Minho looked at him again smiling brightly.

"You're missing us, aren´t you? Because we all have such a full schedule and doesn´t see each other as much as before?" He looked like he wanted to hug Taemin, but Taemin just stared at him. How did he manage to get it wrong two times in a row?

"You´re so cute, Taemin" Minho hugged him, but Taemin pulled himself away from him nearly feeling sick.

"I´m not cute..." he frustrated replied.

"Why not? You use to like when I call you cute" Minho looked puzzled again, making the anger grow in Taemin.

"I´m not cute because I dreamed about us two having a relationship!" he yelled. Minho sat silent for a couple of moments before he got up from the couch looking at Taemin with a weird look in his eyes.

"You seriously have some weird dreams!"

Minho left the room and Taemin let out a deep sigh not sure if he had just ruined his and Minho´s relationship.


Taemin still sat on the couch in front of the television when Key finally left the bathroom only making a short visit in the room they all five slept in, before he joined Taemin on the couch.

"Hey" he said, looking at the television.

"do you mind if a change channel?" he said, having already having pushed the bottom. Taemin shook his head not really minding it.

"What´s wrong?" Key looked at him, feeling the tenseness of the situation.

"I just had a conversation with Minho hyung" Taemin began to speak before even thinking about it. It was weird how Key always had that influence on him. It wasn´t without a reason that he was called the mom of the group - besides being the diva. Taemin told him everything - also about his dreams and how he didn´t know how to react to them. To his relieve Key didn´t begin to laugh and didn´t even look like he thought it was weird at all.

"I have dreamed about Onew many times, Taemin. I guess that´s completely normal" Key said patting the youngsters shoulder. Taemin felt relieved but not completely happy.

"Why did Minho seem to get so... surprised about it?" Taemin asked, making Key smile.

"you will find out soon, Taemin. Just give him some time" with those words Key send the maknae off to bed and tried to join the others in the kitchen only to get angry and offended by their jokes, before he himself got to bed too. Onew and Jonghyun joined them shortly afterwards and Taemin, who still laid awake, heard Onew quietly apologising to Key.

Taemin was close at falling asleep when he felt his madras move a bit as if someone sat down on it. He opened his eyes a bit and looked straight into Minho´s dark eyes.

"... I´m sorry for my reaction, Taemin. I was just surprised..." Minho whispered in the darkness. Taemin felt his heart beat faster.

"it´s.... okay...." he whispered back. His eyes widened as Minho slowly moved closer and closer.

That night Taemin had a feeling that Key was still awake, smiling in his bed as he knew exactly what was happening in the darkness beside him.

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Minho is sure is one big slow idiot. And wow, you stopped at the good thing. You didn't even write the kissing part.
nana_17 #2
uhhmm. you need to make a sequel!!
weird night!!
lol, just saying.. bwahahahaha!!
i really want to read more
aoiworld #4
HA!!! !!! HAHA!!! Jk jk!! XDD

BUt I bet that would happen next! XD
DinoFroggy #6
It's really good. I wish it wasn't a oneshot. I want to read mooore. XD