Chapter 1

Boyfriend or Pet? (Under construction)

~Em POV~

"Hey, MinJun oppa?" I looked up from my laptop. He, too, looked up and walked towards me and sat beside me in the window ledge. He leaned to the opposite wall I was leaning at with his laptop on his, well, lap! His feet was hanging a centimeter away from the studio floor. On the other hand, I was leaning between the wall and the window, with my feet stretched pointing at MinJun.

"What is it?" He looked back at me with soft eyes.

"Where's Eunmi unnie?"

"I'm not responsible for her, Min. I'm only responsible for you, yeobo." He smiled and went back to his work, talking to his Bluetooth about my new arrangement.

"Oppa." I called, and he raised his eyebrow at me, but nevertheless, continued talkig to his phone.

"Can I go eat?"

"You're already fat." He smirked. Yes, A REAL TAUNTING SMIRK!

My eyes widen and looked away from me. He patted my knees, like he always does, to apologize. He was never good at apologizing nor thanking. He's so awkward when he does it. I sighed and decided to take a peek on his laptop.
 It says at the top:

To: AllKpop 

From: FNC Music Entertainment Midnight Rose Project


(Reply to:)

Hello, this is AllKpop Reporter asking for interview for Midnight Rose.


So we already have people from AllKpop bothering for us? That's cool! It's better that way.


Hello AllKpop,

PDnim and I have decided about your offer and

Just before I can read more of his super long message, he glared at me and shut his laptop. I got scared that I sat back down in my corner with my shoulder caving in. I heard a sigh and oppa patted my knees again, muttering a short apology.

I sighed too and went back to tweeting and updating for Midnight Rose debut.

"Oppa." I whined again, wiggling my body in the process. I was bored.

"Oppa." He didn't bulge.

"Oppa~!" I stretched out loud. I was suddenly stopped when my body was lifted off from my seat and I was twirling around the studio. He almost set me back down, but he dipped me and winked.

"Aigoo! Oppa is so playful." I pouted, getting a ruffled hair.

"Saying Aigoo a lot is making you seem old." He teased.

"Grrr! Oppa!" I shouted and chased him around. Right before I caught the hem of his striped shirt, someone coughed.

"Ahem." Oppa and I stopped and looked at the door. PDnim was standing there with an amused look.

"Wah~! Ajhussi!" I shouted and hugged him immediately.

"Minyoung, settle down." He chuckled. "Have you arranged her schedules?" He asked MinJun, and he returned a polite nod.

He turned to me, again, and asked me, "Have you seen your pre-debut introduction?"

I shook my head and received a evil sprinkled smirk.

Aish! I hate that smirk!

~Eunmi POV~

"I. Hate. You," I said to Daehyun, my manager.

"And you say these words why?" He asked me looking over to where I was sitting in the cafe.

"You took me away from my dongsaeng to get coffee because you didn't want to be alone! Why didn't you just take her manager with you?" I said crossing my arms while he set a white mocha frappuccino in front of me. I sat there not looking at it, but at him while he sat down.

"You know if I were to do that, the President would get mad because no one was looking after you two," he said right before taking a sip.

"We don't need to be looked after every single minute of every single day," I said and finally took the coffee and drank it. He smiled and looked at me.

"Uh, what trouble could you possibly get yourselves into? A lot," he said looking at me with sincere eyes. I smiled and nodded and took another sip. I looked at the people walking by and noticed that almost all of them were a couple.

"Oppa~ Why don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked him tilting my head. He was in the middle of taking a sip and choked slightly on it. I giggled while still looking at him.

"Because I have to take care of you and-," he was cut off by his phone ringing. I frowned and he answered it. I sat there tapping my finger nails on the table until he got off the phone.

"And your schedules have been confirmed!" He said smiling and putting his phone back in his pocket.

"What schedules?!?!" I exclaimed, scared that I might be separated from Em.

"Ah, Sumi, don't worry. You will be with Em, just doing other stuff!" He said smiling. I looked at him again before I took a sip. This could be either bad or good, but I don't want to know which one until it happens.

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