
Champions League

Its almost 11PM now, but Eunmi still in front of her laptop. She didn’t feel sleepy yet, she just do some blog walking. She is waiting for her brother to come home and they’ll watch the Champions League Final Match together. Suddenly her messager get a new notification, its from…

MAXimum: Hey, you there? Heyy. Yes, I’m here. How are you?

MAXimum: I’m doing good. And you? Same here. So, are you at LA now? Hows there?

MAXimum: Ne! Its still 9AM here, I guess its about 11PM at Seoul. Yeah. Almost midnight here. You didn’t go for rehearsal? The concert is on Sunday right?

MAXimum: I’m the middle of doing it Ne?

MAXimum: Just having some rehearsal, now its Super Junior turn. I’m done, but still at the venue. Just get bored, that’s why I go online. Oh arasso. *imagining Kyuhyun doing rehearsal*

MAXimum: Yaaaa! What kind of scene that you imagine? It’s a secret :p

MAXimum: ert Nugu?

MAXimum: You Eh? You are! I just imagine Kyuhyun sing a ballad in front of me

MAXimum: Huahahaha. ert Choikang Changmin!

MAXimum: :))

MAXimum: Why don’t you go to sleep? Didn’t feel sleepy yet. I wanna watch Champion League Final Match. Plus there’s someone who disturb me via messeger :p

MAXimum: Champions League Final Match? I’ll watch it too. After rehearsal done, all of us will going straight back to hotel. Chincha? So Kyuhyun will watch it too? Assaaaa~

MAXimum: Errr. Yeah, all of us will watch it together. So what? What if Kyuhyun’ll watch it too? Haha, I don’t know. I’m happy that we’ll watch the same match even though in different place :p

MAXimum: You like Kyuhyun that much? NE! I’M A BIG FAN OF HIM

MAXimum: Woooot! Calm down, don’t abuse that capslock Haha :))

MAXimum: Lets make a bet, shall we? A bet? What kind of bet?

MAXimum: This final match. Lets guess who will win. Chelsea or Bayern Munich? And then?

MAXimum: The winner will ask anything from the loser Errrr. What kind of favor?

MAXimum: Anything So if I win, can you please arranged a date for me and Kyuhyun?

MAXimum: Yaaa! What kind of favor is that?! You said ANYTHING! And this is my anything

MAXimum: Okay. But prepare your self if I win What?

MAXimum: Just prepare, I’ll ask anything from you. Errrr..

MAXimum: So, are you in? Uhm..

MAXimum: Its okay if you arent. So I don’t need to ask Kyuhyun then. Okay I’m in! I’ll go for Bayern Munich

MAXimum: Forever Blues Chelsea! Don’t broke your promise if Bayern win!

MAXimum: Wooot, what if Chelsea win then? You have to do my favor :p Bayern will win for sure!

MAXimum: Lets see!

MAXimum: Eunmi! I gotta go. Everyone was done. We’ll going back to hotel now. Catch you later Kyaaa~ please wipe Kyuhyun’s oppa sweat for me

MAXimum: Errr! He can do it by him self. Bye~~


Next chapter depend on the final result of tonight's match. If Bayern win, Eunmi's win. If Chelsea win, Changmin's win

This is a short story, I guess. Maybe its about 3-4 chapters.

Dont set a high expectation from me, I'll dissappoint you for sure XD

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chsnghyn #1
Chapter 3: OMG! love this story >.<
please please update (ˆʃƪˆ) (ˆʃƪˆ) (ˆʃƪˆ)
sorry not intended to be a burden :D
I love it!
lol 4th box
HeartGold426 #4
New reader here~ ^ - ^ I really like your story so far!