
Into Your World Poster Shop♡


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He cheated on HweJi twice. First time was a year after their marriage. HweJi forgave him and wasn't expecting it to happen again. The second time was 4 years later when they already have their 3 years old son and 2 years old daughter with them. A happy family right? Sadly, it wouldn't last long since Woohyun is destroying it with his own hand. That's the time when HweJi decided to leave Woohyun , the time Woohyun finally realised that he's losing HweJi to someone else.

Note: Is this okay? You stated in the form that the theme is Angst/Dark, then you said not too dark. Soooo, i dunno. Is this okay? PM me for a redo. Credits okay?






I Met Him in Front of the Dubboki Shop - comedy fluff infinite ljoe myungsoo romance teentop - main story image

*Clicky ze poster*


It all started when I met him in front of the Dubboki Shop

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Ohai guys; I thank you for staying with me & for requesting. :) You guys can still ask for request on my wall. :) THANK YOU, LOVEYOUALL:*


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What site do you guys use to make posters?
Manduboo #2
Omo I LOVE the background! And the poster is awesome, thank youuu~! <33
Added As Affiliates (; Link back Please..

InLockets Grahpic Shop
Added/Linked. Please do link back C: .

Requested. Sorry i forgot DD: xDD
Manduboo #8
I just requested ^^
OMG IM SORRY.. I'm going to cancel my request.. Sorry for the inconvenience T.T