To Be By My Side Again





A story of a guy who was left by the girl he loves. But even though she left him, he never forgot about her. She never left his mind and heart... he always think about her and never get her out of his mind... He waits and waits until she comes back. Telling her he loves her, the girl acted like she doesn't care anymore... But her heart is against what she's saying.. Her heart is against with what she wanna feel... What if one day, both of them were put to danger and only one of them will be saved. 



How will their story end? Will they be together and have their 'happily ever after'? Or will they just let it be that way and not follow their hearts?


A story based on a wonderful song composed by the most handsome fish, Lee Donghae... From Super Junior's 5th album Mr. Simple..... 











Staring... Kim Yesung of Super Junior and Choi Min Hee (you)...




Looking at you; me

Just only a smile

A smile immersed with shyness

Your eyes looked sad when you looked at me

Perhaps that was when you were about to bid farewell, baby

Repeating like everyday,

My appearance

Missing you that it became restless

Will you forgive me?

Please think twice,

Think again

I won't let go at this moment

Make you cry,

Is because of my stupidity

Letting you go,

Is because I am lacking in many ways

Please forgive me who wants to forget you

Please let me have a chance to breath again

Looking at you; me

Tears rolled down

You turned me into a fool

Perhaps when you change your mind

I will stand on the road where you used to travel back to me, baby

Your leaving which had been known earlier,

Has no difference from a pain which causes me almost dead right now

Time passes

I still can't let you go,

Letting you go,

I've did too much for you

Make you cry

Is because of my stupidity

Letting you go

Is because I am lacking in many ways

Please forgive me who wants to forget you

Please let me have a chance to breath again

Where can I start telling?

Where can I start telling?

What can I tell?

Those precious words had been forgotten; you will understand even if I won't tell


Those moments we spent together,

Minutes and seconds which we miss

The shimmering, beautiful smile

Has to be kept in your heart

I prayed while heart aching,

If we can still meet when the rain stops

I am very miserable right now

Your leaving made the current me suffer

What matters me

I think of you every night

If there's one day I don't think about you,

My heart will feel unsafe, girl

You, no

Mmhm, no

Don't know anything right?

You are not familiar with this kind of me

If only you would think about me anytime,

If you could come back by then,

That would be great

The phrase 'I love you'

The phrase from me that you can listen to

The phrase 'I miss you'

The phrase that says I wanted to hug you

The only one

I wanted to protect you

Once again

For you,

To be by my side again

-> Y by Super Junior




"Y-yesung..." Min Hee said as she held my shoulder


"Gwaenchana?" She asked with her voice stuttering.

"Do I look like I'm okay?! Min Hee, please... Leave me alone!" I said as I turned my back to her.

"Why won't you tell me what your problem is? C'mon... I might be able to help you"

"I said, leave me alone!!!" I wasn't able to control myself that I hurt her. Both of us were shocked because of what I did.



"Mi-Min Hee" I said trying to hold her shoulder but she moved it away.

"I... I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry.." I continued, still, trying to hold her.

"Sorry? Sorry again? You're saying that word again.." She turned her gaze at me. "But going to do it all over again?!" She was looking at me straight in the eyes. Her eyes....tears are welling up in there...

"You're always like that Yesung!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. But going to do it again! What is happening to you?! Why won't you tell me what your problem is?! What if we're already married?! What will just happen to us?! Our marriage is just around the corner and you suddenly act like that?! Tell me! Do you really want to marry me?! If not, then fine!.. I'm not going to force you to marry me!" She shouted and tears are continuously falling from her eyes.

"No... Its not that Min Hee.. I wanna marry you... I'm going to marry you" I said in a calm voice attempting to wipe her tears but she slapped my hand.

"No..." She said looking at the floor..

"Let's not continue the marriage.. Let's cancel it" my eyes widened because of what I heard.

"M..Min Hee"

"I don't wanna marry a guy who doesn't want to tell me his problems and... I'm already tired with how you act right now Yesung... You already hurt me like that even though we're not yet married... What if we're already married?" She said and looked at me. The way she looks at me.. Her eyes, they're so sad.. 


I can't stop the tears from falling... I'm also crying now.

"Min Hee... Don't.... I'm sorry... I won't do it again... I'm sorry.." She shook her head and turned her back to me. 

"Its better like this... Let's... Let's break-up" she said and walked away. But before she can go near the door, I hugged her from the back.

"Don't leave me... I can't take it... Don't leave me... Jebal.." I pleaded while hugging her tightly. She removed my hands and walked towards the door.

"Let's just forget each other... Sorry... But I can't take it anymore.." She said without even looking at me then left.

As the door closed, I immediately fell on my knees and cried.. I put all my anger out. I'm so mad with myself.

"M...Min Hee" 

I screamed with all my heart and just continued on crying... She's gone... She left me.. I made her cry because of my stupidity... She left me because I can't make her happy.. I hurt her... Physically and mentally... I'm so stupid... I'm really stupid..














That's it... My world stopped already...


And I don't know how to make it start again..










My life was perfect because I have you... But I was too stupid to let you go...



Please come back...













'I'll do everything just for you to be by side again'





























'To be by my side again'



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Chapter 1: Its beautiful :">
I got teary because of this :"
Jongwoon is really determined :"

You should make a Sequel <3
That was good, I love a bit of drama.
That was soo good... I got a little misty eyed reason this