She's mine

She's mine

He opened the door. Darkness and silence greeted him. “I’m home,” he announced his arrival but as usual, like any normal days, no one answered him.

He stepped into his house and closed the door behind him. Soon, he was engulfed by the pitch-black darkness of the night. He stared into the dark, thinking of nothing, feeling as empty as the silent night.

A few seconds passed and his fingers searched for the light switch. “Click” the sound of the switch and automatically, the whole house seemed to be full of light.

He trudged himself towards the room. He opened the door and switched on the light. Instantly, his room which was full of pictures greeted him. A smile lit up his face as his gaze fell upon the pictures.

He approached one of the pictures, his gaze intent on the content of the pictures. “Sungmin, you are simply a fascinating creature,” he murmured as he touched the picture.

His gaze left the picture and fell onto another which made his beautiful sculpted face ugly by scowling angrily. “What did he do to deserve her?” I deserve her, not him!” he scowled to himself.

He lay on his bed without even bothering to change his clothes. He closed his eyes and the scene from two days earlier floated to his mind.

“Kyuhyun, eat some more,” a soft gentle voice, urged him.

He smiled and nodded. He took some more of the fish. As he did that, his older brother who looked exactly like him, though they are 1 year apart, entered the kitchen, looking flushed as he had just returned home.

Sungmin kissed him on his cheek and took the coat from him as he slipped into the chair opposite Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun stared at the display of affection in jealousy. If only I am him, he thought bitterly.

Kyuhyun turned to his left and stared at the family picture. His brother, Baek Hyun was always the apple of the family whereas he was the black sheep of the family. His brother was the smarter one, got himself a job in a prestigious company and got married with one of the most beautiful and kind-hearted woman on earth. Kyuhyun detested his brother. As his family always favored Baek Hyun over him, Kyuhyun had grown introverted and bitter.

Kyuhyun closed his eyes. A noise woke him up. He sat up straight and remembered what he was supposed to do when he returned home that day. He walked towards his bathroom and opened the door.

There sitting against the bathroom wall was the mirror image of him. Kyuhyun squat in front of him, grinning at him. “Are you comfortable, dear brother?” he asked, sweetly.

His brother squirmed and struggled but the ropes that bound him was tight. Kyuhyun took off the gag that covered Baek Hyun’s mouth. “What are you doing? Let me go! You are sick, Kyuhyun!” he screamed.

Kyuhyun laughed. “Shh…This will be over soon. The two of us will be in our rightful place. Sungmin will never know the difference,” Kyuhyun replied, putting the gag back into his brother’s mouth.

Kyuhyun took out the surgical knives that he bought earlier. In the background, soft music was heard.

It was fascination, I know
And it might have been there, at the start
A passing glance, a brief romance
And I might have gone, on my way, empty-hearted, empty-hearted

It was fascination, I know
Seeing you under, the moonlight above, baby
And I touch your hand, and I kiss you
and fascination, turned to love, baby

My fascination, turned to love, oh baby, yeah
My fascination girl, ooh, turned to love

“Sungmin is a very beautiful lady, both inside and outside. I was fascinated by the way she wanted to mend our broken relationship, brother. That fascination soon turned to adoration and soon turned to love. No one had ever pay attention to me the way she did,” he replied.

His brother could only stare at him in surprise, unable to do anything.

A few days later, the police found a decomposed body with a wallet belonging to Cho Kyuhyun. When the family was informed, everyone was shocked but not overwhelmed by sadness that Kyuhyun had died. Sungmin was upset with it but she could not do anything anymore for him.

Baek Hyun was called in to identify the body. When he was left alone with the body, he smiled. “She’s mine. That fascinating woman is now rightfully mine,” he whispered.


(Song from: Kem from the OST of Take the Lead movie which is called 'Fascination')

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akxshi #1
Chapter 1: Omg kyumin angst D:
oh~oh~ i like this...
Oh... Kyu killed his brother....
petalcha #4
Kyuhyun is.. is sick. Really sick. OTL
loveSungmin #5
nice one
neverland85 #6
Hahaha... thanks! I was testing my writing skills.. Will try to make a longer story..
neverland85 #7
thank you!
minzy-woo #8
ohhhh good job!!