while hugging

Warrior invasion

your p.o.v:

i was walking with himchan to the filming site.

"hyung hurry!we're already 1 week late"zelo shouted.we postponed the filming for 1 week because bap were behing scedual.we reached there and started filming.everything was going smoothly although i was nervous before..i was actually having fun.we were doing the scene where im in the car angry at himchan.

"ok good.now himchan put your hand on_____'s and_____,you throw his hand away angrily and get out of the car"youngjae was such a good director.i did as i was told.

"now himchan grab her hand,turn her around and..hug her?!"he looked at daehyun questioningly.deahyun merely shrugged and nodded at him motioning him to go on.

"ok so you must hug"

bang's p.o.v:

"what?hug?hey you never told us about that"they were both looking at youngjae wth 0.0 faces.i swear the look on their faces at that moment was priceless.i went and stood beside himchan.

"it's your chance pabo..get close to her"i whispered.

"hyung!im not a ert!..wait you did this didn't you?"i smirked and nodded at him.what could he do now.when i want something i always got what i wanted.

himchan's p.o.v:

i just glared at him.he was looking at me with a determined look as if telling me what are you gonna do now.i knew i could'nt do anything cos whan hyung wants something he got it.i sighed a long sigh before returning to filming.

"are you ready?"yongjae asked. Inodded

"you're gonna run to her ,her back facing you.you grab her by the arm and pull her to you to an intimate hug.________ you bury your head in his chest after fighting a little.this scene needs to  show that you love him..its really hard for you to love him secretly but he's always assuring you that he can protect you ok?"

your p.o.v:

we started the hugging scene.i got out of the car acting angry.although i knew about the scene i was surprised when himchan turned me around and hugged me,it was an awkward hug i didnt even put my head in his chest

"yaah!you call this a hug?!"youngjae walked angrily toward us.

yongjae's p.o.v:

that was the most awkward hug i've seen in my life.i was waiting for something romantic but these two spoiled the moment.he held her while bending his back leaving space for me AND zelo to squeeze in and ________ didn't do anything she just stood there.PABOYAS!

"himchan come here ______ come with him" they both stood infront of each other"hug her i comanded.he hugged her in the same way as before.

"not like that you idiot!"i said then i pushed both of them closer to each other.they looked at me, then at each other where they blushed and turned to the other direction.

"youngjae-shii..can we please have a break?_____said trying to hide her red cheeks.

your p.o.v:

"oh yeah! we need a break!"himchan exlaimed

"lunch break! everyone take a rest"youngjae said walking away.

"ok..so umm..you know..i need to go.."i said awkwardly"

"yeah..i was going..so..umm..see ya" himchan said and we both walked away.i felt so shy hugging him..i saw leen coming out of the corner..what brought her here?

"hey leen! whacha doin here?"

"just cme to take a look on my friend and also zelo invited me"

"so he likes you"

"i guess"she said happily

"so how's it going with himchan?"she asked excitedly

"i dont know..oh yeah! do you have any experience in hugging?"

"whe?"leen asked

"there's a hugh scene in the MV"

"ok!lets see,i hugged my brothers.my father my mother....i do have experience!"she nodded to her self.

"come here"she said,i stood infront of her.she then hugged me tightly i couldn't breath,after several seconds she released me.

"thats how its done arasso?" i nodded at her.her phone rang she answered.

"YAAH!COME HERE!I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR AGES!"i heard someone scream on the other side of the phone.leen looked at me apollogically

"coming!"she said before she closed the phone.

"gotta go!oh by the way i heard this news from somebody i know.he/she says that himchan likes you!anyoung!"

"an..young"so thats why he was blushing when we hugged how cute!...

"lunch break is over..back to filming everybody"jong up started calling.i started walking to the filming site again.so what if he likes me,we cant be together not with all the media surrounding us like bugs.

himchan's p.o.v:

i like _______.and i decided as i was walking that i'm gonna ask her out,no matter what the media says.i can protect her from them.and from all haters.

your p.o.v:


himchan put his hand on mine,i threw it away angrily and stormed out of the car,i was walking and waiting for himchan to turn me.i let off my guard for a second and he chose that second to turn .his hand held on my arm strongly-stronger than last time-as turned me quickly and and pushed my head into his chest..i was flustered and forgot to fight him..my hand moved to his back and hugged him..we stayed lke this for several seconds..nobody could hear what himchan whispered into my ears at that moment

"free tommorow?"i nodded into his chest he must've felt it because he replied

"wanna go somewhere then?"

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Gonna update more frequently now...promise!


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amanda13 #1
Chapter 3: very interesting ^^
Chapter 15: coooooooooooool,can't wait till the nxt chap. =)
Chapter 15: AWESOMEE!!! Yong Guk is so....sweet!!!!!!!! And himchan....man!I think you got each and every character EXACTLY the way they actually are))))amazing.Spelling mistakes leen....
i know that medal, amazing chap.
door flying in his face?EPIC
clap, clap, clap, amazing dude.:)
^.^... thnks!
very good story love it.^^