4 - Painful Confession

His Butterfly

For this one, I recommend 'Honesty'.

Last Chapter recap, Choi Minho's POV

I started awake at the same time as Taemin-ah did. It was different this time. Taemin-ah sat bolt upright and just…looked at me, mouth hanging open slightly. Sure, I had heard of shared dreams, but this was crazy. I blinked repeatedly, tying to figure out what the hell was going on. "Hyung…was that…did that…I mean…did you…'Saranghae'?" Gods. I had confused the hell out of Taemin-ah. "I…think we just…experience the strange phenomenon of…sharing a dream, Taemin-ah," I said, "however…since we're on the subject, and I won't have the courage to say it to you later, yes. Saranghae, Taemin-ah. Please…don't hate me."

End recap.

Lee Taemin's POV

Somehow, Minho-hyung's confession didn't even confuse me very much. His nightmare, yes, but his confession of love for me? Not in the least. Because…I loved him back. But I could only look at him in shock. He sighed in exasperation and took interest in the floor, his long, curly hair hiding part of his face. I blinked for a few moments, and smiled to myself as I made up my mind. I knew how Minho-hyung was. Beneath that charismatic exterior, he was extremely caring and fragile. He would be devastated if I rejected him. And I would never do that. I leaned towards him slightly, reaching out and gently brushing some of his hair back from his face, tucking it behind his ear. I then proceeded to his cheek with the tips of my fingers as I spoke. "Minho-hyung? Why so sad?" I asked quietly. "Taemin-ah…" My hyung looked over at me, unintentionally leaning into my hand. I smiled at him, to tell him without words that he hadn't offended me or something silly like that.

Choi Minho's POV

I didn't know what to think when Taemin-ah smiled at me like that. What he told me next though, that put me on cloud nine. "S-Saranghae, Minho-hyung. I love you, too," he whispered, gently trailing his fingers from my cheek down my neck and part of my chest, to rest his fingers for a fleeting moment over my heart before pulling his hand away and his cheeks turned the darkest shade of red I'd ever seen, made all the more darker because of his pale skin. I almost couldn't believe his words. But, somehow, I knew that they were true without a doubt. Taemin-ah didn't lie. I couldn't help but grin when he drew his knees up to his chest and began to bite at one of his thumbnails, looking away from me shyly the whole time. I scooted closer to him, and drew the maknae into my arms.

Lee Taemin's POV

I practically melted inside the moment Minho-hyung wrapped his arms around me. As close as we all were, it was rare for there to be much real contact between us, and with Minho-hyung most of all. I cherished every simple touch, the little congratulatory hugs after a performance, and the last time I had been in his arms for what seemed like an eternity at the filming for Dream Team when he completed his given task. I sighed contentedly, leaning into my hyung's embrace and ignoring the slight pain that I was in. He tightened his hold on me, nearly pulling me into his lap. Minho-hyung rested his chin on my shoulder, asking me quietly; "Taemin-ah…will you…you know…" he trailed off, and I finished his sentence for him. "Be…your boyfriend, hyung?" A soft 'yes' was his reply. I grinned, leaning my head back a bit to kiss his cheek. "Yes, Minho-hyung. I will be your boyfriend," I whispered against his skin. At that point, I turned my whole body around, nuzzling my face into the crook of my hyung's neck. "No, Taemin-ah. Not 'hyung' anymore," he whispers to me. "What then?" I say into his neck. "'Minho-ah' is fine, Taemin-ah. Please?" he asks. I try to ignore the pain that has been itching at the back of my throat and the bottom of my stomach as I reply to his request. "Okay…Minho-ah it is then," I say, stifling a cough with a quickly-moved hand. He gently loosens his hold on me, taking full notice of my coughing. "Taemin-ah, are you sure you're okay?" he asks me. I winced in pain, and replied softly; "No, Minho-ah. I don't feel so good." I grimaced again.

Choi Minho's POV

And now our positions have reversed. Where Taemin-ah had been my caretaker last night, I was now caretaker for him. But what frightened me more than the fact that Taemin-ah was sick was that I didn't know what to do about it. Thankfully, Key-umma picked that moment to walk into the tiny living room with his keys in his hand. He held them up and jangled them, smiled, and nodded towards the door. One look at Taemin told me all I needed to know. Hospital. Now. I scooped the maknae - now my boyfriend, officially - into my arms and followed Key-umma out the door and to the car our manager had rented for us. Key-umma looked back at me, and I looked pointedly at the backseat door of the car. I wasn't leaving Taemin-ah. Key-umma smiled gently, and walked a little faster to go open the car door for me. I slid into the backseat, careful not to bump Taemin-ah into anything, and Key-umma closed the door behind me.

Kim Kibum's POV

I ran around to the other side of the car, slipping into the driver's seat as soon as I got the door open. I started the car, speed-dialed our manager on my cell-phone, and began a rapid conversation on protocol for such a situation as we were in. I followed Manager-hyung's directions to the nearest hospital, frequently looking behind me to check on Minho-ah and Taemin-ah. The next half-hour flew by in a haze. The next thing I knew, Minho-ah and I were sitting in a waiting room while Taemin-ah was taken away from us. Minho-ah's hands were clasped together tightly, his knuckles white, as he stared at the white-tiled floor. I absent-mindedly rubbed his shoulder and stared off into space.

Manager-hyung arrived a little while later to take care of all the paperwork and such. Minho-ah didn't even look up while I talked to him. Manager-hyung informed me that he had called Jinki-hyung and Jonghyun-hyung, who were already en-route after reading the note I had left them. He went on to say something about leaving for home after Taemin-ah was well enough to travel, but I wasn't quite paying attention. Manager-hyung noticed, and turned to try and find what I was staring at. The doctor who was in charge of Taemin-ah was in a heated argument with one of the nurses, who, from what I could tell of their almost-shouted English, was against telling us what was wrong with our maknae. Manager-hyung sighed, and went over to effectively stop the argument in its tracks and pull the information we would all need to know out of the doctor. Jinki-hyung and Jonghyun-hyung came in then, coming straight to Minho-ah and I the moment they saw us. Jinki-hyung, being his ever-loving self, sat next to Minho-ah and gently wrapped his arms around his band-mate, trying to comfort him, telling hi it wasn't his fault, that everything would be okay.

Jonghyun-hyung sat next to me, and wheedled out all the information I knew. He sighed in frustration at how little information I had. Thankfully, Manager-hyung returned at that point to relay what he had just learned. And it wasn't good.

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Thank you for all the comments and subs, guys! I promise I'll update His Butterfly soon, hopefully this weekend.


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I really wanna find out what's wrong with them!! Update soon please!!!
chihine #2
I love this fic is really great ;w;
poor taeminnie what is wrong with him and I'm so curious yeah
kyah2155 #3
saw this on ff.net i think. please continue the story!
jabbers23 #4
this is really good and interesting!
definitely deserves some love and comments :D