You Don't Know What You Have Till You've Lost It (One Shot)


Title: You Don't Know What You Have Till You've Lost It

Author: Miko

Paring: JongKey

Genera: Angst

Disclaimer: Don't Own the singers of SHINee, I only own the plot and story. 

Short Summary: Jonghyun left for war after he and Key had a fight. He has been gone for about a year and Key keeps on sending him letters. Key got very sick and was transfered to a hospital. When Jonghyun comes back.....


A/N: This is my first one shot so please let me know what you think, comments are much appreciated!


Dear Jonghyun,

      Its been a year since you left for war. I can't tell you how much I miss you. The last words that we said to each other was...silence. You remember, I got mad at you for coming home with the scent of a womans perfume on your shirt. I can't begin to describe how guilty I feel after you left for war. I didn't even get to say I'm sorry. I miss you so much, I count the days until you return home, I'll wait for you. I have been sick for the past few days so Onew checked me into a hospital for some testing. I'll be alright, don't worry about me. I'll write more letters soon. I promise.



Jonghyun walked through Seoul after he arrived back, clutching the letter that Key had written to him. He walked past his house and turned left, he was headed to the cemetary. He walked through the gates and past many tomb stones, until he reached the one he was looking for; it had freshly put flowers and offerings on it. He knelt down , his eyes glazed with unshed tears as he spoke, "Hey, I'm back. I got your letters, all of them. I wanted to see you, to apologize to you, to tell you that everything will be ok. I- I wish I could've written back to you...." He paused then letting his tears fall down his face as he tried to hold back the sobs as he continued, "...I was too late, please forgive me, I love you, I always have." Jonghyun leaned in and kissed the tomb stone he stood taking one more look at the tomb stone and then at the letters and turned to leave the tomb stone that read 'Kim Kibum'


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luciole #1
Aw~ :'(
sama-oppa #2
so sad... but i love it ! ^^
My poor Hyunie. :(
It's so sad.. ._.
RukiKazama #5
I cried.
(SOBS) no key why did you die ^^