
Captured Moments


artwork/poster was done by myself. 

“When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves: one for your enemy, and one for yourself.” 

― Chinese proverb


Are you there yet? 

No. But don't worry darling. I know what to do.


"Sir? We've arrived." 

The man smirked and nodded, adjusting his sleek black suit once more as the doorman opened the door for him. He stepped out carefully, adjusting his dark sunglasses, despite the darkness of the black night. The doorman nodded, "Welcome Mr. Choi. Your wife is awaiting you." The man in a breath and replied sharply, "I must imagine she is." 

The man nodded, "Y-yes sir. Right this way." The man, Mr. Choi, gave him a brink nod and shrugged his shoulders sharply, adjusting his suit once more. The other doorman held open the shining glass doors for him, bowing slightly, his forest green uniform creasing as he did so. "Welcome Mr. Choi." The man raised his hand and smirked as he walked inside.

The receptionist smiled at him as he approached the counter, "Welcome Mr. Choi Seunghyun to the Langior Plaza. You wife is waiting for you in Suite #60. It's located on the 6th floor." She handed him a key and smiled, "Enjoy your stay." He smiled again, replying in his throaty voice, "Don't worry, I will." 

"Seunghyun." He turned and smiled at the woman in front of him as he leaned his back against the balcony, "What is it babe?" She pouted, her painted red lips plump. "Honey, when are we going to be together?"

He groaned, turning his face to the side, letting the warm wind blow his dark hair back. "You know why I'm doing this. For us." She nodded, "I know," her voice was high pitched, in a nagging sort of tone, "But hurry. Okay?" He chuckled, taking her hand in his, pulling her to his chest. "Okay babe. Anything for you." She smiled and just as she leaned in, a beep sounded out and her smiled quickly fell into a deep frown as he looked at the screen of his phone.

"It's her, isn't it?" she said bitterly, knowing the answer. He sighed and nodded, "Hey, you know you're the reason I did this, right? This is all for you." She nodded, and stood at his side as he answered his phone....


"Seunghyun?" The man looked around, his brows furrowed before he spotted the source of the voice. He walked over to the door in two quick strides and leaned in against the doorframe. "Hey babe. Why didn't you answer my text?" he said, smirking. The woman smiled and looked away, saying softly, " Sorry. I must have misplaced it somewhereTo imagine, what we've been working for for over three years is finally about to happen tonight." He sighed, his chest sinking down and he closed his eyes, still hidden behind those dark shades. "I know." he said after a moment, his voice slightly hoarse, "Three years. Three long years. And then we can finally be together. I have to go now, but I'll be back soon." He smiled at her and she winked back, opening the door slightly more to reveal a slinky black night gown. His smile faded into a smirk and he pulled her by the arm to him for a quick kiss, but to his displeasure, she pushed back, shaking her head. "I just had a Reese's Cup. Sorry babe." He nodded and pulled her hand up, gently brushing his lips against her pale skin. "Soon my love." She nodded, blowing him a kiss as she closed the door behind him, gently as he turned and continued walking down the hall towards a room marked with a gold plate, the number "60" engraved into it perfectly.


"Jessica?" the man called once he had shut the door behind him. He heard glasses clinking in the other room, so he followed the sound to find his wife standing at the bar, in her hand a bottle of liquor, which made his facial expression change to a smirk. His task would be even easier now. She turned and raised a sharp eyebrow, her voice calling out in it's usual bored tone, "What is it Seunghyun?" He shook his head, "Nothing honey, it's been a while." 

She turned back and nodded, her perfectly curled caramel hair cascading down her back. "It has been." He took off his glasses and placed them on the counter next to her and shrugged off his jacket. "Well, how have you been?" he asked softly. She shrugged, "How do you think I've been Seunghyun?" He raised an eyebrow, and sighed. "Alright. I shouldn't have asked." She turned and gave him an icy stare and spat back, "No, Seunghyun. You should. You should ask me if I'm alright, how I feel, what it's like, something like that." 

He sighed and held his forehead in his hand, resting his elbow on the bar counter. "Listen Jessica, I'm not doing this. I know you've been through a shock, but you need to bounce back." She pulled in her lips into a tight line before closing her heavily made up eyelids and letting out a long breath. "How the hell do you expect me to bounce back from something like this?" She shook her head and walked towards the glass doors leading to the balcony. "I can't deal with this right now Seunghyun." The man sighed and glanced at the drink she had just mixed, gulping it down in a few seconds.  He wiped his bottom lip with his thumb and sighed, gathering his bearings before getting up and walking towards the balcony. "Jessica..." he called. 

She didn't turn from her position, leaning against the metal railing, her back to him. He bit his lip, it would be so easy, just push her. It wouldn't be hard. Everyone would just assume... just assume she gave up, and he'd win.

"Jung Corp's President, Jessica Jung announces startling news." she read out loud, looking over the paper to her lover. "What is this Seunghyun?" The man sipped his beer and simply replied, "Read on." She nodded and continued scanning the paper silently. Silently until she let out a shrill shriek. "What?!" The man laughed and winked at the woman, "I told you it wouldn't be long." The woman grinned and quickly made her way over to him, hugging him, "Oh, finally."  She sat up straight, her eyes wide and shining, "Just imagine. Soon we'll be billionares!" Seunghyun shook his head, still smiling, "Soon baby, so soon." 


"Seunghyun." He blinked out of his thoughts and snapped back to reality. This had to happen. Now. He walked over and put his hand on the small of her back, feeling her slender frame through the thin fabric of her blouse. "What is it babe?" She sighed and turned, and he moved so he was leaning against her, she leaning slightly against the balcony, her hair flowing freely with the cool air blowing. "Are you okay with it?" He moved his face into her neck, gently brushing his lips against her smooth skin, "Okay with what?" he asked, his hot breath tickling her bare skin. "Okay with not having kids with me?" He looked back up at her, leaning into her even more so she had to clutch the railing with her thin fingers. 

So close, he thought. Just a little more. No one would suspect anything. Suicide, they'd call it. He nodded, moving his lips back to latch onto her neck once again, murmuring, "I'm fine. It'll just be you and me." He pulled back and smirked, "And imagine, without kids, we'll be able to party as long as we want, stay out late, drink..." He laughed, a low rumble in his throat, "You know you make the best drinks." She smiled and caressed his face gently, "Do I?" He nodded and pressed his lips against hers, pulling back to look at her through half lidded eyes. "Especially the one you just mixed, absolutely amazing. You should tell me how to make it." She smirked and replied, "If I told you my secret Seunghyun, I'd have to kill you." He chuckled softly, "What if I want it when you're not here with me?"

So damn close, just a few inches. She jumped. That's what he'd say. No one would question it, after all, she was a woman who had just found out she could not have children. She killed herself out of anger and sadness, leaving behind her caring husband. He closed his eyes and breathed in her floral perfume. Her caring, and devastated husband would then have to take care of the rest of the massive business, becoming the heir, and then slowly, he would recover from that grief and marry again. And no one would know. She smiled and kissed his lips, "Three years, and I've always been by your side. Who says I'm leaving?" He nodded, "Right..." She sighed and locked gazes with him, "Seunghyun, you don't have to hide it now." He frowned, still leaning against her, now moving his hands over her, taking them in his.

If he let go, he would get everything he wanted. Would she scream on the way down? Or just fall silently until she hit the ground? "You really want to know the recipe?" He looked up, clearing his throat as he felt it tighten. "Um... s-sure." She smiled and asked, sweetly, "What is it Seunghyun?" He shook his head, breathing out. It was just the alcohol buzzing. "N-nothing. Go on." She smiled again and replied, "It's called Nuts and Holly." He looked up at her with wide eyes, coughing, moving his hand away. She quickly grabbed the railing and fell back to the ground, her heels clicking onto the floor. "What the hell Jessica, you kn-" 


His angry rant was cut off by a fit of coughing, him clutching his stomach as his face began to redden. "It's part Scotch whiskey, part Irish cream, and the rest is hazelnut and almond liquor. How do you like it Seunghyun?" He began wheezing as his knees hit the ground. She coolly leaned against the rail and called out, her tone now cold, "How the hell did you think I wouldn't find out Seunghyun?" More wheezing, damn, it hurt. Soon he wouldn't be able to breathe at all. His hand shook as he struggled to pull his phone out, only to remember it was in his jacket pocket. His shaking hand was burning as he noticed the red marks rising on his hand. "I'm not stupid Seunghyun." He looked longingly to the glass door, but fell again in an attempt to stand up. "You and your dirty of a girlfriend." she spat out bitterly. 

"Mrs. Jung?" The woman turned to glance at another woman smiling sweetly at her. Jessica raised an eyebrow and nodded, asking slowly, "Yes?" The woman smiled and moved forward to place a hand on her bare shoulder. "I recently read in the news about you. I'm very sorry." Jessica took a sharp breath in and nodded, looking away as she pursed her lips. "I'm fine. But thank you for your concern." She smiled slowly, and uncertainly. The woman nodded, "That's all. Enjoy your night with your husband." she said as she waved, hastily backing into her room. Jessica nodded, waving back, not quite sure what had just happened. She was about to step away as the woman's voice rang in her ears, "What?" she said softly to herself. She shook her head, she must had heard wrong. She stepped forward only to spot a black device on the ground, it must have been the woman's phone. She picked it up and couldn't help noticing the flashing screen. She bit her lip, contemplating whether she should knock on the door and return it, but once the name on the caller ID flashed, her eyes widened in recognition. She sighed and scoffed, "I knew it." she whispered to herself, walking towards her own room, her eyes set on the gold plate on the door as she thought, do you know what to do Seunghyun? "I certaintly know what I am." she said to herself, once inside her suite. She reached the bar and smiled slowly as she read the label of the nearest bottle, Amaretto.
 She wasn't going to lose this game. 


"J-jes-" She laughed and said, her voice laced with malice, "What? You want help?" She grinned and leaned down, eyeing him, "Why don't you ask your lover?" He coughed and sputtered but she did nothing to help him, instead she laughed again, this time drily, "What did you think Seunghyun, you could just use me and throw me away?" She stood up straight, her voice a bit shrill, "No, no way, Seunghyun, not this time. Now, I'm going to win, and you're going to suffer." She leaned down again and cooed, her mind high on the moment, her sudden voice changes apparent proof of her facing heart and mind, "Just let go Seunghyun, it'll all be over soon." And soon enough, he was breathing out his last few breaths, barely, as she watched him silently. How fitting, she thought, a hot flame burning in her chest, was it guilt, or was it a sense of victory? The man with a passion for drinking, a weakness for vodka, die at the hands of his own vice. She smiled slowly, the edges of her lips curling upwards and she whispered softly, her voice leaving a hint of laughter in the cool air.


 "Cheers Seunghyun." 

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Chapter 3: wow. do more please. :)