My Fallen Angel


You are an ordinary girl in a very boring town. You have the same routin every single day. 

Get up for school, get t ready, go to school, go back home, then do your homework, and then scroll and 

reblog on tumblr the rest of the day. Your father is the CEO of a big company and your mother is

the head of the biggest fasion company in the world. You have all the things you would every want in

life but the thing you wanted most. Company. A person to share your everyday life with. You were always

alone...with the exception of your best friend but she's not always there.., sure people adored you in

school but it was diffrent. So what happens when someone new comes around? Will you hate or like that

person or maybe even both? 


HEY GUYS HOPE YOU LIKE IT ^^ (ooooooh colorful xD)


No Forward laugh


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