*You should look down there not here* =))

Food and Housework [Oneshot]

Once upon a time,... no i meant now, at the present, there was a a house, actually it wasn't a house, it wasn't even a room, not too big, not too small, not too clean but not too dirty,.. it's like... a house for a monster to live in (?!) There were 7 handsome guys lying on the floor like they're all dead, but our ancestors said "don't judge a book by its cover", them, who can steal the hearts of millions of girls but definitely can't steal.. the hearts of vacuums, mops and stuffs that doesn't go well with singers, but housekeepers ( ^^~ )

"Get up! Fasttt....!!!" Wooyoung commanded with his most tired.

"Andwae!" 6 other people replied "We are tired to death!"

"Te fuq? We just finished cleaning Taec hyung and Junsu hyung's room! And besides, manager hyung said if you guys wanna eat then you'd have to clean the house!" Wooyoung came over and pulled everybody up.

"Taec hyung and Jun hyung's room is even dirtier than a pig house! It's like the dirtiest place i've ever seen and been to in my life! Dust was covering the whole room, just one single blow and we're all blind." Chansung said and glanced at the 2 "clean" people in a scary way. 

"Aish this kid..." Taecyeon aimed a fist at Chansung "You think you are clean?"

"Yeh! Cleaner than you~" Chansung stuck out his tongue, not care about Taecyeon's face which is redder than tomato.

After teasing Taecyeon, Chansung decided to make fun of Junsu "You look like a prince,.. but the place you live in is just..." he smirked

"What do we have here..~~?? Our maknae likes to die today, doesn't he?~~" Junsu stepped forward to Chansung but he managed himself to hide behind Khun, but he didn't forget to stick out his tongue

"WOULD YOU KIDS STOP THAT?" Jay shouted "This is not a fish market so please stop making it into one!"

"This is not a fish market so please stop making it into one!~" Junho imitated Jay's accent

"Yah Lee Jun Ho!~" Jay screamed "We aren't deaf! Who asked you to repeat it again? Do that one more time and i'll let you scrub the toilet!"

"Ne..Neh. I Won't do it a again... Don't let me do that job hyung. Although i look like this but i'm not used to those stuffs. If you want someone to do it then you have to let Wooyoung hyung!" Junho smirked

"What's wrong Junho ah?~" Wooyoung put his arm around Junho's shoulder, he smirked which made him really scary..

"Nothing! I didn't say anything about you, why you asked? Ahh~~ I guess you want to scrub the toilet that bad right? I knew that from the beggining so i already told that to Jay hyung" Junho smiled like he has nothing to do with it

"Oh ok! You should help me since i like you the most in 2PM~ Come on, boy~" Wooyoung pulled Junho into the toilet\

"Aigoo that hurts! Let me go! You are such a ert!" Ho's expression like he was about to cry

"SHUT-UP! ALL OF YOU! SHUT UP!" Jay once again shouted "Oh God! These kids, are they deaf? Just because i'm short doesn't mean you guys can look down on me! I have 6 abs~ Anyone wants to have a body competition with hyung?~~"

"Taec hyung~ His body is gorgeous and he's even TALL~" From behind Nichkhun, CHansung once again make fun of others

"Nichkhun, out of hyung's way! I think Chansung needs a lesson!" Jay walked toward Khun, he pushed Khun aside but Khun grabbed his hand "What are you doing?"

"Hyung ah~ We are adults not kids." Nichkhun said gently

"But.. But... Chansungie~..." Jay pointed his finger to maknae, he still didn't understand why Nichkhun is on Chansung's side

"Everyone! Yo! Who's hungry?" Khun asked

"MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~~~~~~~" They all replied with their tired voices. Wooyoung and Junho's voices from the toilet were like screaming, they were afraid Khun would forget them

"Then in that case, Youngie and Ho will still be in the toilet srubbing it. Taec cleans Ho's room, Junsu hyung cleans his own room, Jay cleans the living room, and i'll clean the kitchen! Deal?"

"Hey what about Chansungie? He's not playing.. i mean cleaning with us?" Taecyeon asked, pointed his finger to Chansung

"Nope. That kid is gonna cook!" Khun winked

"What? Cooking? Me?" Chansung widened his eyes, he ran into Khun, pulling out his best aegyo "But hyung~~ I don't know how to cook~~~"

"But you do know how to eat~" Junsu said

"Just because i eat a lot doesn't mean i can cook! Hyung is so mean~~" Chansung pouted "Nichkhun hyung~ My pretty, kind hyung~ I won't cook~~"

"No excuse! Or not you'd be craving for food tonight cause' i won't let you eat! Oh and remember to wash the dishes too after cooking. They've been in the sink for like.. a week?" He turned his head to see TaecSu "And you 2! Go wash the clothes!" It's turn for Jay to get "punishing" by Khun "After cleaning the living room, go to the laundry shop to get the clothes. I only trust in you ok?" Then Khun looked into the toilet "Scrub it hard! Clean it! NOW!"

"What about you Khun? You only clean the kitchen but Chansung get to wash the dishes?" Jay asked

"You think your kitchen only have dishes? Go down there and see how "clean" the kitchen is! I can't bielive we eat in that dirty place the whole time. Ew~"

"Yeh.. Hyung didn't no. None of them told me... Jja~ Let's get to work!" Jay encouraged 2PM "Just think about food after cleaning this.. thing.. ok? HWAITING!~"

"I'd rather stay hungry than eating Chan's food.." Taec said with anooyance

"Yeh~ Cooking for pigs would be good job for him to do" Junsu said after Taec

"Thinking about Channie's food i'd rather stay in the toilet scrubbing all day" Junho sigh

"I guess tomorrow there'd be a section the newspaper with the title "6 beautiful members of 2PM died because of food poisoning" Woo dreamt about a dark future..

"Think so too, babe" Jay blend it "What time is it now?"

"It's dead time.." Everybody's voices was souless

"Stop it guys! Let's get back to work!" Nichkhun said


10 minutes later

At the toilet

"Why can't i flush the toilet?"

"God! Junho ah! Who asked you to put nylon bags in there?"

"I put it in the trash can!"

"Erm.. The trashcan is over there..."

"Wooyoung hyung! Why can't the water drain? Did you pull of the hair that got stuck there?"

"Who knows? OMG why is the water keep pouring into the sink??"

"Cover it up! Hyung! Pull out all the trashes that got stuck in there!"

"God look at the toilet! It's all your fault."

"Molla~~ I'm too tired know! T_T"


Junsu's property

"Oh God... That's... cockroaches' and mice's poop... "

"What's this? Why are all of your candies melting??"

"Eww... What's that smell? Did something die?"

"I think i'm about to die T_T"



Khun's property

"Mhhh..... Khun's room smells nice, and clean"

"Ooh~ Korean book. He studies well~"

"Omo the mattress is soft.... I have to sleep in here one day.."




Living room

"Leadja like me has to do these kind of stuffs??"

"This place is big...."

"Forget it! I'll get the clothes first then deal with this later"

"But where did we leave our clothes? I forgot... Hmmm... Jan Di's laundry? Ok, whatever 

- $jbjksdg73%^^@@$%****_#_)%^ IHK(jkgknjhf9783@!#$#^ (HGFFFFFFFFFFFFFJ^*)W#)@(I#$)(_)@#($_(#_)_)_)_)_)_ )_)_ bla bla 
*Note: That's Thai. Don't know how to write it. So anyway Khun was asking for help on the phone. LOL*


Where maknae cooks

"How do we wash the dishes again? Ow my back hurts.."

*Few minutes later*

"OMG.. They are all broken.. Pshh... Forget about them.. Buy new dishes. Anway let's cook. What should i cook? Kimchi stew? Kimbab? Ah~~ I have something to make. Hwang Chansung is a genious!"


3 hours later


"Anything that we can swallow before it came out on the "other" way" Junsu replied

"PICKLED CUCUMBER IS HERE~~~" Chansung hold a jar of pickes

"TE FUQ???"

The End




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2037 streak #1
Chapter 1: haha :D seriously? After three hours or so, Chansung just gave them pickled cucumber?
The story was utter craziness author-nim :P I wonder from where you got the idea. Khun taking charge? does that happens in 2PM? I mean Khun being in charge?
mrsb2st #2
What if things in the 2PM dorm were actually like this? Oyyy..... Craziness! HAHA! x)