step by step

step by step

Bursts of white-hot flame erupts from Chanyeol's palms and barrels towards his opponent with deadly accuracy. The adrenaline from the release of his the pent-up energy was exhilarating. Chanyeol stays where he is, trying to keep his powers in check. He stands in the corner of the sealed room and watches Suho catch his breath. Something inside him observes with a brutal satisfaction at the sight of the third-degree burns lining Suho's palms and a dark burn marring his cheek. When Suho finally gets into a ready stance, Chanyeol grins with teeth showing, this time with a strangely manic twist to it and calls upon his phoenix form. 
Suho watches with mounting horror as the heat within the room escalated, Chanyeol transforming into the majestic creature was a sight to behold, the golden wings of the phoenix flaring in a shrill cry. Suddenly, the phoenix turns its beady eyes on Suho, and lets out another guttural, predatory snarl before it lashes at him with its claws. Suho barely manages to leap out of the way in time, the sheer heat from the phoenix scalding his skin even without contact. He attempts to source for even the smallest bit of water from the air in the room, but the overwhelming heat the phoenix emitted had already gotten rid of any source of water Suho could use. Even his sweat was evaporating as quickly as it came. At this rate, he was going to pass out and leave himself an easy target for Chanyeol. 
Suho considers calling for Baekhyun, for the light-wielder never failed to calm Chanyeol no matter the state he was in, and Chanyeol was clearly in some state of euphoria, high on the energy of the ancient flames and definitely not in his right frame of mind. The phoenix lunges again and cuts short his hurried train of thought. He leaps aside again, raw skin stinging as it stretches to accommodate the movement. This time, he isn't that lucky. His right hand brushes against one of the talons of the phoenix as he moves, the flames burning the entire back of his palm down to the bone as he screams. The white-hot pain immobilizes him, rooting him to the spot awkwardly cradling his hand. The phoenix turns, and with a final cry sinks its claws into his chest. This time the pain was so absolute Suho screams until his throat is hoarse, and he continues, until it relinquishes its hold for a short moment. He forces his eyes open then, vision marred with tears, and is relieved to see Chanyeol back in human form. 
Then the pain strikes him again, unbelievably even worse than before. Suho opens his mouth to scream, only to cough out copious amounts of blood. He vaguely registers Chanyeol's voice in the background, and the next coughing fit has him passing out before anything else happens. 
Chanyeol was lost to the adrenaline of the moment, basking in the release of the pent-up energy that had had him restless the past few days. He felt his senses heighten and sharpen, and when he saw Suho in the corner sweating heavily marked with deep burns, a rumble of satisfaction came through, and his predatory instincts, dormant for so long, finally overcame him. He lunged after Suho, seeing only prey under the addictive and giddy haze of power. It was only until the piercing screams reached him that he snapped out of it, and immediately morphed back into human form. Chanyeol nearly screamed himself when he saw Suho underneath him writhing and convulsing violently, on his chest a gaping wound that would have bled him to death had the flames not sealed it close. Chanyeol dropped to his knees shakily, reaching a hand out to his hyung, and was relieved to see him open his eyes until Suho began coughing blood. Chanyeol flinched at the sight of it, and began to panic when Suho passed out. 
He stayed stunned for a few moments before he came to his senses and carried Suho, careful not to jostle his injuries, and rushed to the infirmary.  When he kicked the doors open, Yixing jumps, startled from the sudden entrance. His instincts kicked in within a few seconds, and shooed Chanyeol away before pulling out a knife to snip the shirt off Suho. Yixing winced when he saw the severity of the burns on Suho's chest. He then focused his energy onto the wound, and slowly, the skin shifted and mended beneath his fingers. He stopped when the burn was almost healed, and turned to Suho's right wrist. 
The glistening red of the flesh against the sharp contrast of the white bones was a terrible sight to witness, but when Yixing felt deeper into the wrist, he frowned at the severed nerve endings and muscle tissue. He wouldn't be able to help with those. His healing only extended towards physical injuries, anything further and he could do nothing. Yixing sighed, and proceeded to heal the tattered wrist and other more minor injuries to the same degree. He knew first hand the uncomfortable feeling when he healed the injuries fully. The disconcerting feeling and terrible itch for the next few days was not worth it. He wrapped the injured areas meticulously with pristine, sterilized bandages before calling Chanyeol back in to take care of Suho. 

Chanyeol stays by Suho's bedside for two days until he wakes. He tells himself that he should be locking himself in the training room and learning how to control his powers in phoenix form, but he just couldn't bring himself to leave. His mind had repeatedly played Suho's pained screams over and over, the memory haunting his sleep endlessly. 
He looks down at the delicate features of their guardian angel, and runs his hand through his hair in frustration, wondering how he ever managed to even dare lay a hand on Suho. Chanyeol sighs quietly, and then lights a flame on his index finger. He absentmindedly draws the flame over the back of his palm in random patterns, the warmth from the small flame a slight comfort in all the negativity he drowns himself in. Suddenly the flame extinguishes without his command, and Chanyeol turns around to find Suho awake and smiling weakly at him. 
"Stop blaming yourself, Yeol-ah." Suho manages to force out of his parched throat before he begins to cough. Chanyeol hurries to fetch a glass of water and helps Suho into a sitting position before resuming his vigil by his bedside, knees pulled up to his chest. 
"It's not a big deal, Chanyeol-ah. It's nothing I can't recover from." Suho reiterates, purposely omitting that he couldn't feel his right hand past his wrist, much less move it. 
"B-but, I hurt you. I hurt our guardian angel. It's unforgivable." Chanyeol whispers. 
Suho narrows his eyes, and sends a sharp flick of water onto Chanyeol's forehead. 
"Never say that, Chanyeol-ah. Don't you dare blame yourself for this." Suho utters harshly. He meets Chanyeol's downcast eyes, and immediately softens at the sight. 
"You silly child, hyung doesn't blame you for this," Suho coos, pulling Chanyeol into a hug. He feels Chanyeol shaking in his arms, and rubs little circles on Chanyeol's lower back as he whispers quiet words of comfort soothingly. When he feels Chanyeol finally stop crying, he sings a soft lullaby, and smiles tiredly when he sees the boy asleep against his shoulder. Suho gently maneuvers Chanyeol down onto the bed, and tucks his own head into Chanyeol's chest, pulling him close. Very soon, Chanyeol would need to lose the almost god-like worship he held for Suho, and Suho was determined to be with him with every step. He tugs on the covers, and let exhaustion drag him under.
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