would u like to have a match?

crazy love game

 im really sorry if this toke to long to update.... school is stressing me out and im lazier now :p

i come back from changing and hear 2 girls talking about who krystal likes and how she went to school in the morning with another guy. I walked straight to the gate where yesung is practicing tennis because i knew he can listen

" u still like krystal dont u ..." i asked in a sad tone " not really, i already got rejected" " your lying" he turns around with a surpirsed face " no im not"

" ur such a obtinate person " he started to become anrgry " u moron!!" " your so contrary" i said "preserve u are"he said " your insolent ' " insensible"

"ah.." we both said " so u dont actually like her" he sighed " its useless for me to like her..."
"so u mean that...." i couldnt finish my sentence " this is for u, you should give up on me" that line gave me a large impact it made me really shocked.

he turned around again then.... suddenly i picked up a tennis racket and went in the court " YESUNG!! " i yelled. he looked at me " would you like to have a match .... if krystal falls in love with you then u win but if u fall in love with me then i win got it?" he was confused

" im not giving up. and that means, senpai. That you cant give up either!!" he thought about it for a moment " hehe ur a moron..... fine lets have a match" "ahhh yesung do u have a crush on me" he laughed " i thought u were screwing with me" 

"ehhh??? im really serious" he giggle again " your a curios one hey, yuri did you know?.... but krystal likes minho" " EHHHHHH MINHO!! .... hehe then you might lose yesung" "hey!!!" 

that day the match has started and the playing starts...( next day at lunch in the oval yuri is writing something " its kinda like a catch isnt it... i like yesung while yesung likes krystal, and krystal likes minho..." she starts to write if down

yuri <3 yesung <3 krystal <3 minho

" waahhh there is no pay-off.. but i understand taht krystal really does like m--"

" hey yuri how was club" i sit up energeticly " aaaa---anthony" " uhhhh who... i wonder who it is.." he said. but what we didnt noitced someone was watching us.....

"well yuri u like yesung right..." " ahhh yesss... wait WHAT??... your asking so suddenly" " no i think your very brave. i like that sort of thing." he surprised me

" ur werent listening weren't you okay i'll say it again... " he took a deep breath, my heart was thumping but someone was watching us but who?

" i like you kwon yuri" the person who was watching us listened and his eyes wideneds ( a little spoilt its yesung but they dont know its him )

wait so its like this.....

yuri <3 yesung <3 krsytal <3 minho and minho loves... me!! (yuri)


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Chapter 5: It's a little hard to follow at first because of the grammar mistakes and the paragraphing, but I still love it <3 It was so sweet :) Yuri running after Yesung is cute. And in the end Yesung being jealous is aww <33 Haha :) Good one, make more YulSung fics ^^
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
yulsungxtaeteuk #3
ahhh im making a minyul story
spolier yuri and minho are really good friends. their in 2 of the same classes. yoona is yuri best friend but minho use to date yoona but it didnt work out..... 5 months later minho regrets breaking up with her and tries to get her back with the help of yuri. but what he doesnt know is......... ( if you want more you just have to wait till its comes out or when i finished all of my stories )
cool story... but i like minyul more....^___^
saranghaeSUJU_SNSD #5
I'm a certified fan of YULSUNG!!
nice story..
yulsungxtaeteuk #6
Im still am a minyul fan but I'm more in love with yulsung and haeri hehe and yeahhh. The manga is more cuter. I've done another story that's based on a anime ova called " nagareboshi lens " ( or something like that )
BlackPearl_ELF #7
what a nice story! :D and you're just like me! I'm MinYul fans before. But Yesung and Donghae came and now I'm YulSung and YulHae/HaeRi shipper :D
I've read the manga , its nice !
saranghaeSUJU_SNSD #9
I'm curious about who won the game....

Yesung fighting..