Ice & Eternity


It was on his 16th birthday when the madness began. The shadows had visited him and I knew, with the splinters of hatred in his eyes, I would never see my childhood friend again.

A retelling of one of my favorite fairytales.



When the seasons of Spring and Summer still existed in the land, Gramma used to tell Kai and me tales of the immortal Snow Queen and her army of shadows. She would repeat the tale of how the shadows broke the Queen’s Dark Mirror into little pieces and spread them all over the world, tainting the visions of everyone and glazing their eyes over with evil. I was happy that Kai and I were only children and that we need not worry about the shadows or the Snow Queen. It was on Kai’s sixteenth birthday when the madness began. The January that year was beautiful. Snow blanketed our village ever so gently and everything seemed to glow and sparkle. The night of his birthday celebration, Snow Queen’s shadows had visited him and I knew, with the splinters of hatred in his eyes, I would never see my childhood friend again. And the land became bound to an unprecedented harshness of eternal Winter.


Author’s Notes
I shouldn’t be posting this because I have another fic that requires my attention.
However, I couldn’t resist! And why is it another EXO fic, I don’t know.
I wrote this after my AP Calculus Exam because I write when I’m emotional.
If I continue this, it'll probably be a short story. I'll say six-ten chapters?
"How to Save a Life" is still my first priority!


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pls update!!!!
This is such a good idea lol
Update sooon please~