Out Shopping

That's My Dream Boy!

It was a hot Summer morning and the sun was shining bright upon your face "ugh why is the sun out it was night time" you groaned "Haha ___ its morning dude" Amber had yelled loud enough for the neighborhood to hear "Yah keep it down my ears aren't use to this much noise in the morning" Amber pouted "SORRY!!" "ITS K!" you yelled back. You sat up from bed and yawned while stretching "Dude how about we go shopping today!" Amber was in the kitchen cooking which made you get up and go to the kitchen "Hmmm alright". After breakfast you hopped into the shower, put on a slim tee, shorts, and converses then you and Amber was on your way to the mall. The first store you too went into was Aeropostale to get some sweat shirts then Old Navy to get some t-shirts and some shorts. You wanted to go into Victoria Secret Pink but it was full so you pouted which had made Amber chuckle. You two walked over to Wet Seals and spotted Your friends Victoria and Sulli "Hey guys!" They yelled from inside the store"Hey!" You and Amber yelled back "Jinx" Amber playful smiled "Shh" you scoffed. "What are you guys doing here?" Amber went and put her arm around Sulli's shoulder "We felt the need for some new Summer clothing so here we are" Victoria picked up a cute shirt and went to try it on "Hm cool" Amber smilied at Sulli and walked back next to you "Well were gonna go see you guys" you and Amber waved "BYE' Sulli waved "OMG ITS SO CUTE I WANT" Victoria yelled loud the whole store heard "Um sorry hehe".

  "Amber unnie lets get some ice cream" "Okay I'M GETTING CHOCOLATE :DDD!!" Amber acts so adorabs whenever the word 'ice cream' is involved. "Haha okay" When we were walking to the ice cream parlor I spotted someone "Amber stop" Amber stared at me with a questionable look on her face "Woohoo ___ um what are we looking at? o_O" There was Donghae along with his crew known as Super Junior all walking and laughing with each other. Donghae had on a plaid shirt, ripped dark blue jeans, and protege shoes and he looked HOT "____ SNAP OUT OF IT!" Amber shaked me which made me come back to the real world "HUH WHAT OMG GET DOWN" you pushed Amber down next to a plant which made he give you the wtf look "Dude why are we hiding?!?!" "ITS DONGHAE" Amber tilted her head and stared at me then Donghae "Oh yeah you look him right" I wanted to scream when Amber said that "OF COURSE I LIKE HIM" I crouched still and quiet behind the plant because I sensed someone looking at me. "Ah I see ha people say me and him look like each other" while Amber was talking you directed your attention back to Donghae and his crew.

~Amber's Pov~

I bet whenever she looks at Donghae she see's my face haha!

~Your Pov~ 

 Donghae looks so hot! I just want to walk over to him and tell him how much I like him but what if he's all wtf about I mean I'd look like a freaking idiot just walking over there. I won't I suppose i'll just leave the mall for now SORRY AMBER YOU"LL GET ICE CREAM LATER. "Okay lets go" I jumped up and grabbed Amber while covering my face so the Suju crew won't see "BUT BUT ICE CREAM!" "Amber i'll get you it later but for now we have to go!" I ran out of the mall and stopped to take a breath. When I was running past them I swear I felt someone look at me but I could've been wrong "I BETTER get my ice cream after this" Amber stared me down and crossed her arms "Alright Amber lets go".

~Donghae's POV~

Who was that girl? Those long legs, That silky hair, and milky skin it all reminds me of my crush but I never got to tell her how much I liked her before school ended. Maybe it was someone else but I'm never wrong it must've been! I ne- "Donghae! come on lets go!" I need to know "K Hyuk!".

~Your POV~

I love vanilla ice cream it just taste so good! I wish I could eat it all the time but then I would get a tummy ache. Amber was enjoying chocolate ice cream as if it was the only thing in the world right now "Hows the ice cream Amber" I giggled "Really good" Amber smiled and continue attacking her ice cream. There was a spot of ice cream on her nose but I didn't tell her until she done eating.  Amber poped out her phone and was in surprise from the text msg she had "Oh I g2g ttyl!" and with that Amber dashed off. Hmm wonder where she could be probably meeting up with Minho or Hen- I lost my train of thought when I saw the Suju crew come into TCBY I was so caught up in looking at the fellas that my ice cream had dropped all over my shirt "Ugh damnit!" I cursed under my breath so nobody would hear me. I lowered my face and listening to what the guyds was talking about.

~Eunhyuk POV~

"Look at all the chicks in here they're are all hot ;D" I stared at the girls with a smile on my face. "Hyuk stop it your such a pig" Sungmin had hit my arm which had made the other members look at us "Not my fault the chicks are hot pfft go to Kyuhyun Sungmin he's your hun anyways" I walked away from Sungmin to hear him yell something at me but I wasn't paying attention. I walked over to Donghae to see him sitting alone and having a look on his face as if he is thinking "Hey Hae" Donghae continued being silent untilI nudged him "Oh hey Hyuk" Donghae sat back in his chair and sighed "Hae what's wrong is it anything you want to talk about?" Donghae got closer to my face and began talking "It' just this girl I liked for awhile and I never got to tell her before the school year ended but remember when we were at mall I thought I saw her but I could be wrong" Donghae sat back and looked at me "Well Hae I hope you get to see her again so you can tell her how you feel" I patted Hae's should and he cracked a smile at me before walking away.

~Your Pov~

A girl hm could he possibly mean me? Hm of course not there's over a billion girls in the world that he could be talking about so what the hell am I talking about. Then again I did feel someone looking at me from the back of my head but who knows I could've just been thinking things. I'ma head home now it' getting really late and I should see what Amber is up to if she ever got home. I paid for the ice cream then headed home to go to bed. 

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uuugghhh...again...Jessica the person that always ruin Donghae date -.- update soon >.<
update soon ^^
iammiyoung #3
update soon ^ love this story :D :D
Update chapter 1 soon!