
It Was You

It had only been three hours on the tour bus, leaving for whatever city was first on the tour. B.A.P. was going on their first trip out of Seoul to put on a concert and they had decided to take one of those big fancy buses that had the beds and kitchen in it instead of taking a plane or the regular small bus.

I was bored out of my mind already, sitting on the little seat in the area that was the living/kitchen area. Nobody was doing anything because they were all off on there own, but I was stuck sitting here watching Himchan and Jongup watch some show I didn't even know the name of.

Himchan was in the room with the beds with Daehyun and Youngjae doing who knows what. Youngjae was probably reading and Daehyun and Himchan were napping when I'd last been back there.

I was sitting there, staring back and forth between the TV and my shoes. I had no idea where Zelo was. I didn't even want to think about Zelo at the moment. I didn't have the heart.

Just thinking about him made my insides flutter and my lips curl up into a smile. I tried to hide it, as I have since I first realized.

I'm in love with Zelo.

But it's not meant to be...

I smirked at that thought, finding it painfully amusing how messed up my heart was.

“What's so funny, Hyung?” Zelo asked, walking out of somewhere and sitting beside me. Close beside me. His knee hit against mine.

Jongup and Himchan chose that moment to go 'check on the boys in the back' and they disappeared behind the door leading to the bunks.

I was alone with Zelo.

I could already feel the butterflies in my stomach. A need to grab Zelo and kiss him ran through me, but I repressed it and instead moved away a little so that we weren't touching. I forced myself to look up into his amazing brown eyes.

He was smiling at me, the same slightly shy, reserved smile that he always gave me. Apparently, I wasn't looking to happy because Zelo's features grew concerned rather quickly as he looked at me.

“Hyung, what's wrong?” He asked, turning so he was fully facing me.

“Nothing, Zelo. Just thinking.” I answered.

He didn't seem convinced. Zelo always seemed to know things like that. He could tell when people lied to him, especially when it was me. I could never seem to keep anything from him.

“About what?” He pressed, trying to get me to talk.

I looked at him again, chewing on my lower lip.

“Just...a person.” I said.

“Who?” Zelo asked, moving closer to me.

I wished he wouldn't tease me like this. If only he knew what he does to me when he moves his body like that. When he shifted one leg onto the seat so that my eyes would follow the seams of his jeans straight up the inside of his thighs and to his crotch. If I could get my eyes away from his crotch to see that his shirt had slid up and was showing some of the soft skin on his tummy.

I bit my lip hard and forced my eyes back up to find him looking at me with an unexplainable nervous expression.

“Does this person have a name?” He asked.

There was an anxiousness in his voice that was uncharacteristic. Of course, I would have been more concerned had it not been Zelo. The boy was strange in all sorts of ways and I could never tell what tone he would use when speaking. He could become suddenly shy, nervous, hyper, happy, angry, changing the way that he spoke or acted for seemingly no reason at all except that it was just what Zelo did.

“Yeah.” I answered vaguely.

He seemed to realize that I wasn't going to say the name...his name.

“What about him?” He changed his question, voice barely above a whisper.

“Who said it was a him?” I asked, letting out a small laugh. I looked back into his eyes.

He flashed me his famous smirk, the one that made all the noona's squeal and fall in love with him.

“Nobody, I guess.” he responded. “But let's just say that it was a boy. What were you thinking about him?” he asked, laying his head on my shoulder and running his finger over a hole in my jeans.

I tried to repress the shudder I got as his fingers touched the skin of my leg. It was nearly impossible to keep calm when he kept doing things like that to me. He had to know this effect that he had on me, didn't he? He was young, but he couldn't really be that dumb.

“Just...about him.” I answered nervously.

Zelo's face fell and he moved, closer yet. We moved as if by instinct, not realizing we'd moved until it had happened. My arms wrapped around his middle and his arms around my neck as he shifted around, filling my lap with his weight as he shifted into my lap, laying his head on my chest and looking up into my eyes.

“No..It wasn't just about him, Hyung.” He whispered. “I saw your face. That look you had..only one thing can make a guy smile like that.” He looked away as he spoke. “You love this...guy.” He finished and clung to me.

I exhaled deeply. “Yeah. I love him.”

“Does he love you?” Zelo asked. There was something in his voice. Something that I couldn't quite place. Hope, maybe?

“I..I don't know. Yeah, I guess. He does love me...just not the same way I love him.” I answered.

Zelo lifted his head and locked eyes with me. It was then I realized how close we were. Just a slight tilt of our heads and our lips would meet.

“How do you know he doesn't love you like that?” he asked. His mouth hung open slightly, teasingly. My eyes went back to his lips, but I pulled them back to his eyes.

“Because,” I whispered. “He...he's one of my best friends.”

Zelo's eyes widened slightly. A silent moment passed as we stared into each other's eyes. What I wouldn't give for him to be mine. My eyes went back to Zelo's lips. I put all my attention into breathing. Controlling, or trying to, my ragged breaths. My heart was thumping so hard I was afraid Zelo could hear it.

I tore my eyes from his lips and set them upon his eyes once more.

I could feel Zelo's breath on my neck, shallow and quick.

“Yongguk?” He whispered, using my full name.

My eyes watched longingly as his lips and voice whispered my name.

“Yeah?” I whispered back.

Zelo's lips colided with mine. My eyes fluttered closed as I kissed him back, pulling him cloer as he deepened our kiss.

After a few blissful minutes, though it could have been and eternity, we broke apart.

I opened my eyes and stared, stupified, at him. What had just hapepned? Zelo had kissed me. HE kissed ME. Does that mean he loves me back?

“Z..zelo?” I stuttered, astounded that I could even form words.

“Hyung..I..I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.” He whispered, tensing.

“Why not?” I asked, holding back sudden tears. He was sorry. He shouldn't have done it. He didn't love me.

He bit his lip. “Because..” He started but paused, needing more coaxing from me before he finally began to speak again in a hushed, rushed voice. “You love him, but he's not me because I love you but you don't love me and I shouldn't have kissed you..”

“Zelo?” I whispered his name, a smile replacing the upset expression that I was sure was on my face.

“Yeah?” He asked, looking up at me with eyes that were brimmed with tears.

I pulled him to me and kissed him again. I felt him smile into the kiss.

“It was you...I was talking about.” I whispered between kisses.

His smile widened again before he pulled me into another kiss. I smiled, allowing our lips to connect together again and again as we whispered sweet words to each other.

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T-O-P-oppa #1
So cute and fluffy!!^_^
PigRabbit1912 #3
awwwww kyute!!! yayayay they lub each other!!! ^^
omg so fluffy!!!
awww :D
Keke love it≧▽≦
dawwwww i kept picturing gerard and frank the whole time lol
Awwwww! So cute <3