Unexpected Costumer

Beauty is not in the face.

Waking up, you yawned and looked at the clock. You had this magic ability of waking up five minutes before your alarm. You just smiled and went to shower. Todays is the last day of school. You were finally finishing the second year in high school but still weren't sure of what kind of job you want to have for the rest of you life. You looked at yourself in the mirror before taking off your pajamas and sighed. A fat girl with huge cheeks and messy short hair was staring at you. You got your face closer to the mirror, staring at the girl.

"Well.. At least you have double-lids. " You joked, laughing bitterly at yourself. " I should just take off this mirror of here. It only gets me more depressed in the morning. " You said, finally getting in the shower.

The water was warm and it only made you get sleepy. You heard your mother knocking in the door of the bathroom, telling you to get ready fast because she had to leave to work.

Being a single mother taking care of a girl, your mom always did her best - and you were proud of her. Everyday - even on sundays - she worked at least nine hours in her beauty saloon. For you, her job was amazing. She took care of people, making them feel good about themself. And you loved to help. Seeing how the costumers smile after seeing themself in the mirror gives you a great feeling.

Finishing the shower and putting your uniform on, you check your cellphone, seeing a message from DaIn.

" Last day! Finally! FREEDOM! Don't you dare to get late, ______! I'll be waiting for you in the school gates! " You laughed and quickened your pace. Only DaIn was able to make you smile with such a short message. You were happy that she was your friend.


Searching for your shoes,  you can't seem to find your socks. Going down stairs, you want to ask your mom if she saw them, but all you see is a pair of socks on the dinner table and a little note at the side. You leave your backpack on the table and read the note.
" I'm leaving earlier. Your breakfast is on the counter. I'll get home around 8pm. Love ya. " Looking at the counter, you see a cup of orange juice and something that seemed like a burned sandwich. Your mom could be an amazing hairstylist and makeup artist but she was the worst in the kitchen.
Looking at the clock, you see that if you didn't go out in ten minutes, you were going to get late. You put your socks and shoes, drank the juice and took the sandwich with you. You go out of the apartment and run to school. You walk two blocks and can already see DaIn talking to a person in the school gates.
You get closer and realize it is a extremely handsome guy. You clean your throat, making a little bit of noise, so DaIn could see you.
" Ah! ______! " She said, smiling at you. Saying goodbye to the guy, she ran to you, ignoring any weird people staring at both of you. " Huh? "
You looked at her and didn't understand why she was staring at you, with her head tilted to the side.
" What? "
" Where's your backpack? " She asks and so then you realize you forgot your backpack on the dinner table.
" Oh, sh-" You curse, running back to your apartment. " Come back fast! Or they won't let you see the ceremony! " You heard her voice fading away as you ran.
Of course, structure of your body didn't let you run as fast as you wanted, but since your house was close by, you still could make it in time.
Getting closer, you see a car parked close to your apartment. If you had a good memory, no one in the building had this car. Panting, you walk slowly to your floor, trying to recover your breath, but you see a strange man standing infront of your door. He seemed to be around forty years old. 
You were scared, of course. You've never seen this man before, but you needed get inside.
" S-Sorry... " You started, making him look at you. " Can I help you? " He smiled.
" Yes, please. " His voice was low and husky. " Do you know if Park Eun Bae is in home? " He was asking for your mother. You didn't know if you could trust him or not, but he didn't seemed like a bad person.
" No, she's not. My mom is working now. "
" Your mom? " He repeats, looking at you from the bottom up. " I'm Kim SeungKi and I want to talk to her about a job. Do you think you can help me? "
" A job? " Taking your cellphone from your pocket, you see it's already late and you can't get in time to the ceremony. You just sigh and smile at the old man. " Yes, of course. I can take you to her beauty saloon. It isn't far away from here. "
" Great. "
The walk was silent and awkward. The man just followed you, without saying a single word. Sometimes, you peeked to see what he was doing, and all the time he was just using his cellphone - probably sending messages. Fortunately, you could already see the huge beauty saloon from far away. And easily see your mom working from the window. At the same time, she looked at you and made a surprised expression. She talked to the costumer she was serving and came outside.
" Shouldn't you be at school? " She said, more curious than mad. She looked up and saw the man following me. " And may I know who are you, sir? "
" I forgot my backpack at home and when I went back to catch it, this man was waiting at the door, saying he wanted to talk to you. " I summarized the story and the man just laughed.
" Nice to meet you, Ms. Eun Bae. May we talk inside? "
DaIn sent me a lot of messages, angry because I ended up missing class. I explained what happened but she didn't seemed convinced, but that didn't mattered at the moment. I was more focused on listening to the conversation between my mom and the strange old man. He was asking her to work for his company as a hairstylist and makeup artist. My mom was more famous than I thought.
" This offer is amazing, sir. " She said, but her face kinda of contradicted what was saying. " But I don't think I can just leave my beauty saloon like this.  This is my second home. "
" Please, think about it. You're the only one we think of accepting for this job. " He seemed really obstinate.
Their discussion was easy to see that wasn't going to finish soon. I just decided to go buy some ice cream.
Going back to my mom's job, I heard my name being called. Turned around and saw DaIn running in my direction.
" What are you doing here? " I asked.
" The day was boring without you. " She smiled. " I said I wasn't feeling well and they said I could just go home. " And with that, she did a V sign with her hand. I just smiled.
" What about a haircut? " She jumped on me, excited, as we went to the beauty saloon.
DaIn sat on the chair with her hair wet and I started peaking her bangs. She looked at my mom's office.
" What's happening in there? "
" Some guy from a company wants to hire my mom for a job but she doesn't want to leave here. " I answered, t the ends of her hair. " You hair sure grows fast. " I said, seeing that it was already reaching her waist.
" You should let your hair grow, too. " She said, looking at me. 
" Nah. It won't look good on me. Want me to curl your hair? " I said, getting the hairdryer. DaIn pouted. " Yes, please. " I laughed and started drying her hair.
My mom and the weird guy came out of the office, still discussing about the job. I tried to focus on my friend's hair and went to catch the curling iron. 
DaIn's hair was really soft and nice to work with. She was definetely my favorite costumer - she was my best friend, after all.
Finishing the curls, I passed my hand through her hair to make the curls softer.
" Done. " I said. DaIn got up from the chair and looked at herself in the mirror. " Wah, _______. You sure have magic hands. You're awesome! "
" You surely did an amazing job with her hair. " A low husky voice said. I turned around and saw my mom and the old man clapping.
" ... Yes? " 
" I see you have the same abilities as your mother. Are you good at doing makeup too? " He looked up to my mom and she just nodded. " How old are you, girl? And what's your name? " His questions came out of the blue, so I took a while to answer it.
" I'm Park ________. I'm from 1995, sir. I'm eighteen this year. " He smiled and came closer to me.
" So, ________, would you like to work with me at TS Entertainment? "
AN Just so you guys know - In Korea, you add two more years to your age. So "you" is 16, not 18. :) Adulthood is when you reach 20 years old. 
I personally want to end with JongUp. lol But you guys choose.
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please update soon, author-nim~ :3