
The Misconception

My eyes widened as Kikwang came in the room with a lunchbox and sat next to me.

Immediately, I turned away from him just to hear him sigh.

“Eat.” He said, opening the lunchbox and pulling out a pair of chopsticks.

I cautiously looked back at him in confusion.

“Eat. I know you're hungry.” He insisted and I slowly started to unravel my body so that I was more stretched out and facing him now.

“Why? And how do you know for sure that I'm hungry?” I asked coldly, hoping to make him go away but he stood his ground.

“Because no matter how hard you try, your body really needs the food to live. And you want to live, right?” He asked, hoping for a yes. I glared at him.

“No. Why should I live? You heard Mi Young.” I retorted but the sadness in my eyes gave me away.

“No. I know you still want to live. You still want to think that you have hope. You want a reason to live.” He said, firmly, surprising me.

I looked up at him in shock that he could read me so well. He smiled at my reaction and pushed the lunchbox towards me.

“Eat.” He said once again and this time, cautiously, I took the lunchbox and ate in silence with him watching in content.

Once I had finished the lunch that he brought, he smiled and got up.

For a second, there was a flicker of disappointment that he was leaving but he got up to the iPod speakers, plugged in my iTouch that he miraculously somehow stole from me while I was eating and flipped through my songs.

My eyes widened and my heart sped up as he put Shock by BEAST on play and started to dance.

In the mirror, he looked straight at me and smiled. He nodded his head, indicating that he wanted me to join with him.

I shook my head, remembering that I had a cover: a weak, ugly girl who has no talents.

He sighed, frustration evident but came up to me, pulled me up with him and started to dance once again.

My body moved of its own accord.

I started to dance along with Kikwang, dancing Yoseob's part.

As I was dancing with Kikwang, a smile slowly started to form on my face.

It was the first time in years that someone other than Dae Hyun has made me smile.

It feels awkward.

It feels weird.

But it feels nice.

It's comforting.

It's making me happy again.


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Chapter 40: Aww, I just LOVE this story. I felt so bad for Sang Hee through the whole story. I was so happy to finally see that she fell in love with Kikwang. I had a feeling that it was going to be him, as seeing he was always there for her. LOVE IT!
Thank you. :) I'm glad that someone can empathize with me here. :) <br />
Awesome! I just learned some Korean! XD
ainieacestarn: Thank you for your concern. :) I'm happy that all my readers care for me. :D<br />
Yes, I'm a lot better than I was in the past. I've matured greatly and I'm finally starting to recover from the abuse. Before, I used to be practically mute and had very low self-esteem because of what my father did to me; I always thought that I was "pathetic, weak, and ugly," as my father often called me. But now, I've turned into a new person and starting to build confidence in myself. :)<br />
Ah, if only I could read Korean...what did you say? o.O
Lollie: Yes, this is all about my life. As I stated in the forewords, the abuse is based on the abuse that I had to go through as a child and this is something that I would never joke about.
Is this story all about your life ? Just wanna ask . cuz I'm actually still a new reader and still reading the early chapters. The tortures came are all so..........fearing. And seriously I cried. Just imagine how i got ignored by my mom once before . :/