Chapter 2




My cousin's school was having a talent show and I’d agreed to go to see him dancing. I knew it meant a lot to him as he really did look up to me for my own skills in dance. Since I was still only a trainee I didn’t have to inform the company I was leaving, I just went along with my mum and sisters.

I was sitting waiting for his performance. He was really very good. I thought to myself that Ill help him to audition in the future once he is older.

Another reason he begged me to come was the performance of one of his teachers. He’d informed me a few months ago about his new English teacher that he had a massive crush on. It really was very cute. He would tell me of how charming she was. He did fail to tell me what performance she was taking part in though so I almost forgot about her completely. That was until about 7.10pm when the entire audience went dead silent as an angel stood centre stage.

“JongIn, pick up your jaw.” My sister whispered and laughed at me.

I quickly composed myself, embarrassed as I thought of how dumb I probably looked.

Her crystal clear vocals rang like bells in everyone’s ears. At one point I closed my eyes and only listened just to be certain I was not being blinded by her beauty. No, her voice truly was that good. After she bowed and walked off many people sat trying to recover from what had just hit them.

I didn’t realise how long Id been staring into the darkness until my mum brought me back to reality, “Hey, I asked you if you felt like pizza? We should treat your cousin after such a performance!” I thought she was being gracious by not commenting on the effect the girl had had on me and embarrassing me further.

“Yeah sure, that sounds great,” I smiled and quickly stood up and followed them out of the auditorium. As we walked along I overheard my mum saying,

“Have you ever seen such a stunner?” to my sisters as she turned to wink at me. I blushed and quickly carried on as if id not noticed.

Before we left the school I desperately searched the room for a glimpse of her. Nothing I could not spot her. I sighed and left praying secretly that id one day see her again.





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Sgug478 #1
Ok as promised here is a better comment. First off my name is Sarah so I thought it was cool that Chrissy's friend is named that. Second I have my own fiction about trainee life at SM and I've always wanted to read someone else's version of it so thank you! Overall I really like it and can't wait to read how the auditions go! :)
Sgug478 #2
Whoohoo first subscriber and first comment! I plan to leave a better comment later but I got to book it to class so I'll drop in after it get's out. :)