Chapter 1


A little over a year ago I had moved to Seoul from London only looking for something new to do in my gap year. Why? I’m still not entirely sure. I’d never really been a fan of K-pop or been particularly interested in the culture but one of my mother’s friends had told me of her experiences and I thought I’d give it a try. So I came out as a English teacher. Only planning on staying 6 months. Well, plans don’t always go how you thought.

After a few months I was begged by some of my students to participate in the school talent show that they were running for extra credit. They told me I could do whatever I liked. What they didn’t know is that I really did have a talent which I regularly worked on: my voice. I took the opportunity happily and told them I would prepare. No one expected it.

At 7.10pm on Thursday the 9thof May i stood on stage for the first time in years. I looked out at the shadowed faces in front of me savouring the heat from the bright lights above. I lifted the mic and sang.

“For you there’ll be no crying. For you the sun will be shining.”

Everyone was gobsmacked. Absolutely flabbergasted.  I was very happy to see that my voice was still in quite good condition. It was the best feeling in the world and one that id missed. After that performance I realised how much I missed performing.

The teachers decided to go out to our local bar to celebrate (foreign and locals). I was gratefully receiving a soju shoot in my honour from a senior when Sarah (another English teacher) pulled my arm and whispered in my ear,

“Hey, Chrissy, don’t turn around but theres someone at the bar watching you!”

Well of course I turned around: It was a reflex! Sure enough there at the bar were a couple that appeared in their early 30’s, dressed in a business style, watching. Watching me? There were many of us foreign teachers here, and many of us young girls, we often gathered a little attention when out together. I brushed it off.

“No way! Gosh, don’t flatter me. I bet their staring at you!” I back but she shock her head.

“Your wrong. Trust me, lets move around the bar and you’ll see them follow.”

I decided to play along. Why not? I didn’t belive her anyway. I walked over to a few friends on the other end for more shoots. Sarah nudged me,

“See.” She jutted her head to a corner where I could see the same couple now standing.

I did feel slightly suspicious.

I sighed, “well mabey they are, what should I do about it? They’ve probably never seen a 5’9 blonde girl before.”

Sarah laughed and had to nod in agreement, it was probably true, I did stick out like a sore thumb. She opened and was about to say something when a voice came from behind us

“Annyeong Haseyo,” I turned suddenly to find the couple now right next to us. Slightly embarrassed thinking they might have heard me I replied by bowing as did Sarah.

The woman continued in Korean,

“I’m sorry to bother you but you were the one at the talent show this evening?” She looked at me expectantly.

I replied in her tongue, “yes it was.”

“Oh you were wonderful!” the man contributed smiling broadly.

I was not sure what to say. Normally I would easily accept compliments (I thought it impolite to do otherwise) but I felt uncomfortable knowing that they’d been watching me in the bar.

“Thank you very much. I am flattered. I am Chrissy by the way and this is my college Sarah.” I remembered my friend

“Annyeong Haseyo” she smiled shyly.

The woman looked at the two of us with a overly pleasant expression. “What great Koran you girls speak!”

“Oh, I’m not very good yet but thank you. I’m glad that I’m making sense.” I was not very confident in my skill as I had only been seriously learning for the last 4 months.

“Nonsense!” the man encouraged, “you look so young, and to speak so well! You must be very bright, and with such a beautiful voice. You have many talents.”

I was very overwhelmed by all the compliments coming from these intimidating strangers. I could only smile and thank them quietly as I began to look at the floor embarrassed.

Finally someone offered an explanation,

“I’m so sorry, we haven’t even introduced ourselves! How very rude of us,” she hit the arm of her partner. “I’m Ma ChunJa and this is Yoon JoonSup. We are representatives of a entertainment company and came to the show tonight looking for some fresh young talent. Never did we think we would come across you!”

“I’m sorry?” I was sure I’d miss understood something.

They laughed at each other while me a Sarah exchanged equally baffled looks. JoonSup smiled gently to me and spoke in perfect English,

“We’d like to invite you to an audition. No strings attached! Just come along and sing for some of our company leaders. Who knows, it’s very unlikely to go anywhere but you sing so nicely it would be a shame not to be heard,” and he slipped a card into my left hand. I didn’t look at it but continued to stare at them with a blank expression.

They laughed to each other again and then ChunJa spoke, “Well please do drop by. We’d love to see you.” They turned to leave when she quickly added, “oh and try to sing something Korean.” She ended with a small wave and they disappeared into the crowd and out the door.

I turned to Sarah.

“What?!” we screamed at each other and began jumping up and down.

“Oh! Oh! Read the card! THE CARD!” she exclaimed in her loud American accent.

I shook my head trying to see clearly, I held it up to my face and emidiatly droped it after seeing the business name. I stood gaping at her. She ducked to retrieve it from the floor to see why my mouth had become so wide.

She whispered holding her hand to , “S.M Entertainment?” She looked at me then suddenly pulled me into a suffocating hug stretching. “S freaking M entertainment?” She said much louder as I quickly hushed her not wanting any more attention.

“I can’t believe this, the largest company in Korea. Gosh Chrissy I knew you were good but S freaking M entertainment?” 

I stood grinning like an idiot when I suddenly pulled myself back to reality, “wait, let’s not get too excited. It’s only an audition. Besides, it’s a filliping long haul: I’m white. I don’t want to get carried away.”

“Ok! You are sort of right.” She then smirked at me and whispered, “but this is still freaking cool!”

We laughed for a while and she made me promise to take her with me. Then for the rest of the night we celebrated with our friends. Everyone was happy for their own reasons. It was a great night.

I kept that car hidden securely in my pocket where I would pull it out from the next morning just to check it was not a dream.

The day after it hit me: nervous.

Crap. What was I going to sing?

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Sgug478 #1
Ok as promised here is a better comment. First off my name is Sarah so I thought it was cool that Chrissy's friend is named that. Second I have my own fiction about trainee life at SM and I've always wanted to read someone else's version of it so thank you! Overall I really like it and can't wait to read how the auditions go! :)
Sgug478 #2
Whoohoo first subscriber and first comment! I plan to leave a better comment later but I got to book it to class so I'll drop in after it get's out. :)