Her birth as His enemy~

I love you.. my enemy~


"A-OUCH!!" Junsu cried as he rubbed his head. He fell off the bed. The girls were on the bed giggling while looking ily at him. He frowned, stood up. The girls' giggled more, louder.

"Hey what's your problem?"

"Oppa, cover that." a girl said as she pointed to his hard monster.

He looked down, full of shock, he plops down the floor, staring at the girls with emotion he himself cant explain.

"What have you done?!"

"We were bored. We guess it would be nice if we ride you for a couple of s." a girl said giggling.

"Y-you me!!"

They giggled. What's that suppose to mean? He stood up and motioned to get out of the door when the girls stopped him. They held his arms and legs, one girl backhugged him and palmed his .

"We're not done yet oppa~"


His eyes grew wide. The girls brought him back to bed. They were tasting him again when...

BANG!! The door swung open again~ 

Bringing his car, Wooyoung went to the club to save his hyung. Junsu managed to secretly send a message while the girls were busy raoming, placing kisses and doing random things on his body again.

"Hyung! Lets go!" Woo called. Motioning Junsu to get outside. Nickhun also came to see the happening. "Eew."

Junsu hurriedly wore his clothes and ran towards Wooyoung's car leaving the two boys behind...

The girls looked at Junsu leaving and shifted their look at Wooyoung and Nickhun.


"Want to replace Junsu oppa here on bed?"

Meanwhile, in the car, Junsu was panting heavily, catching his breath, horrified from what had just happen. "Girls just don't get satisfied." He told himself.

"You seem happy." a voice came in beside him.

The horror! He turned around and saw...

"Suzy ssi?"

She gave out an evil smile that creeped him out. "H-hey.."

She changed her smile to a sweet one. "You alright?"

"Of course not. Those girls me."

"Would it be called if you liked it?" She smirked.

Junsu glared at her. I liked it? What the f-- is she talking about? He looked away frowning.

"That's not true."

"You don't have a girlfriend. The 'girls' you were referring to while we ate breakfast are s. right?" Suzy told him as she looked out to the window and glanced at the club.

"Shut up Suzy."

"Wae? Its the truth. And are you hurt? That means you're affected."

Junsu was silent. After a few minutes. He turned around. "Shut up or i will do the same thing to you."

A questioning look. "What same thing do you mean?"


She frowned. "Don't treat me like how you treat them. I thought you told me you're treating me differently."

"You're making me change my mind." He smirked.

Junsu pinned Suzy on the car seat, hovering over her. "Don't do it." She said. "Hate me. You already hate me, don't you?" Suzy struggled to get off. He leaned down and started to kiss her and stripp her off but she didn't let him off with his habit.

Suzy kicked Junsu's legs. He screamed in pain. "You f--.. !!"

"I told you not to do it." she smirked devilishly. He locked her arms tighly, leaned over again to do the same thing. She again, kicked him, but now with her heels. He dropped his head in extreme pain, gripping her wrists tighly that even blood cant run freely in her veins. "H-hey let me go!" She struggled more, drawing her hands from his grip.

Junsu got a solution and took her heels off, tossed them out the car. Now she can't hurt me. He pressed his body down to her. Suzy was quick. She hit Junsu's clothed organ with her knees. He lost hold of her and flinched down the car seat feeling extreme pain. "Y-you!!" and spits on his face. He tried to dodge. But failed. FFFFFF----------CK.

"I told you not to do it. I was serious when i told you I'd kick you when you do this to me. You deserve that" 

He wiped off her saliva from his face.

"And treat me differently Junsu."

"PUT THIS ON YOUR MIND BAE SOO JI," he said as he gave her a deadly glare. "IN MY EYES ALL GIRLS ARE THE SAME! THEY ARE ALL S!" He walked out of the car and rode a cab to another club far away.

Suzy just grinned, feeling happy about her victory.


"He deserves that."

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Junsu is... a monster. A y monster. LOL.
Pls update soon... I love JUNSUZY!!!!!!!!