Chapter 2

Living with my GAY bestfriend


It has been about two hour since DongHae has left the apartment, Eunhyuk sat hunched over his work desk. A dozen pictures of skirt and jacket designs laid out along with pieces of cloth. Frowning his brow the blond sat back and rolled his shoulders, his soft cotton shirt slipping lower off his shoulder. Untwisting his silver chain Hello Kitty necklace he couldn't help but think what will happen to DongHae as he went to retrive the items. Eunhyuk only hope Donghae could do these simple tasks.



While with DongHae...

DongHae just finished getting the packages and the cream. It took him forever just to find the locations, then at the post office the old man couldn't find the packages at first. He didn't even want to remember what happen at Ulta. DongHae felt a shiver travel down his spine, never again..The grocery store lay ahead as he turned his blinker on, parking in a spot he jump out. Entering the store he took out the list and unfolded the paper. DongHae grabbed a cart and pushed it around looking for things on the list. When he was younger he'd go shopping with maids, so this wasn't to foreign too him. Going into the freezer section he grabbed two things of frozen vegetables then rolled over to the dairy section. Picking up two things of strawberry milk, DongHae laughed softly.

You haven't changed much...”

DongHae?” Said man spun around only to be met with a familiar man.

Siwon? What are you doing here?” Siwon was an old friend, tall and athletic. He hasn't changed much, just a little older.

Wow! Would have never thought I'd see you go shopping like regular people!” Siwon's brows lifted in disbelief.

Shut it,” DongHae sighed. “Parent's kicked me out until I learn 'things' I guess...” The taller had a sympathetic look and patted DongHae's shoulder.

If you need to crash at my place, it's open.” Siwon commented and smiled brightly.

Thanks Si-brows but I'm staying at Eunhyuk's place.”

Eunhyuk? The ?” DongHae cursed in his head, Siwon hated Eunhyuk with a burning passion.

Yes, Eunhyuk the... ..” He was hesitant with the words, scared Siwon will demand him to stay with him.

..Oh... I see...” The taller spoke slowly, almost unfocused, the he snapped out of it. “I gotta go... Being CEO of a famous company is hard.” With that said Siwon took off before the brunette could voice his farewell.

Awkward...” DongHae turned away and went back to his shopping. Soon he had all the items and paid. Placing all the groceries in the car he slam the door and went to the front. Pushing the key into the hole he started the car, and again he was off to his next destination. Jo Kwon's Studio.




Approaching the studio DongHae gaped like a fish out of water. The building was huge and extravagant, parking he step out. “Well... This is the right place....” Stepping inside he walked up to the lady at the desk who smiled at him.

How may I help you sir?” She replied politely. DongHae took notice of her livery, it was bright and colorful so unlike most desk ladies. Yup this is definitely a designer studio.

I'm here to pick up fabric for Lee Eunhyuk.” The lady nodded and buzzed the microphone to talk to who ever. When she was done she looked up to him and told him to go to floor nine, he's fine Jo Kwon there. Thanking the girl he walked to an elevator and slipped inside and pressed the right floor. Soon the doors swished open, DongHae was almost blinded by how colorful things were in the room. Walking slowly out he felt very out of place and lost. Suddenly a high pitch gasp broke his thoughts.

Oh my god! Why is there a flubbering, fish freak who has no taste in clothes dare step into this studio!” Soon a man strut into the room with his head held high, white glasses perched on his nose. He wore a plum purple sweater and a black thin scarf, his hair was short and simple. Unlike his personality. His pants were tight white skinnies with black stars all over them, and his shoes were bright orange rain boots.

Who are you and why in the fashion WORLD are you doing here?” The man asked, his glare fixed on DongHae.

Er....” He was at a loss of words. The man leaned to one side and jutted out his hip for support he placed his hands on his hips.

Speak you stupid fish before I throw you to the seagulls!” The diva man scowled and lifted a perfectly plucked eyebrow.

I... I'm not a f-fish....” DongHae stuttered, the diva rolled his eyes. “I mean... I'm here to pick up cloth for Eunhyuk.” The man's eye brighten at the name.

Ohh~ Eunhyukkie! Yes! Come come! I'll get you that cloth.” The diva strutted off with his hips swaying like no tomorrow, DongHae followed behind him slowly, feeling a little scarred.

I'm Jo Kwon, and you are fish?” Jo Kwon asked as he turned his head to look at the other.

I'm not a fish.” DongHae growled deeply. “DongHae, Lee DongHae.”

Still a fish! Will always be a fish!” The flamboyant man sang as he walked into a bigger room filled with rainbows. Yes rainbows, Donghae was starting to think he was high.

Yah! Kwonnie!” A man who was taller than Jo Kwon walked up, he held a force field of arrogance and a certain look that made DongHae shiver.

Heechul, be a dear and go get the cloth I was suppose to give Eunhyuk. Alright hun?” The Heechul man flipped his long black hair and stomped off.

Err... What's his problem?” DongHae asked feeling curiosity peeking.

The man's just mad he didn't get any of this fine last night.” Jo Kwon had a cocky lop sided smile and shrugged. DongHae choked on his spite.

Your a too?!” The taller covered his mouth after the words left. Stupid fish!

I am not a bundle of sticks. Mind you. You are living with a . And if I hear from Eunhyuk that you hurt him...” Jo Kwon step closer to DongHae, even though he was short his glare was three times his height.

I will castrate you with a very dull wooden spoon. Then I'll stuff them down your throat until it comes out your as-”

Here's your cloth.” The voice broke Jo Kwon from his threatening stance and into his cheery mode. Flaunting over to Heechul he kissed his cheek and smiled.

Thank you hunny. Heechul this is DongHae...” The shortest motion towards him. “He lives with Eunhyuk. DongHae's the fish.” Heechul understood quickly and harden his glare.

You hurt Eunhyuk and I wont even care what Jo Kwon does to you.” Heechul said and shoved the cloth into DongHae's arms. Wrapping an arm around Jo Kwon's smaller frame he smirked. “You should leave before it gets... hot in here....” With that said Heechul pulled Jo Kwon into a heated kiss, DongHae's eyes widen and he ran for his life.

Once safely in the elevator breathed in deeply.

I can't work like this... I need to get a real job...”

Eunhyuk flopped onto the couch ungracefully, after being locked in his office for most of the day then being locked in his studio for the rest he was happy to be out. He loved his job it just was tiring to be an up and rising designer, but hey it was what he loved. Looking at the clock he wondered when DongHae was going to be back. He had hoped that after today DongHae would deiced to go find an actual job. He purposely sent him to Jo Kwon cause he know DongHae could only take so much flamboyant vibes, Eunhyuk chuckled at the thought of his friend yelling at poor DongHae. Hearing the door click open he looked up from his spot, DongHae walked in face red and huffing.

I'm not going to be your errand boy. Tomorrow I'm finding a real job!” The huffing brunette set the groceries on the counter and left to grab the rest. He was unaware of the blonds sly smile.

Oh Eunhyuk what a good idea!” The blond praised himself and smiled brightly.




A/N: I want to apologize for not being able to update sooner! I blame school! I'm sorry! 

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Flinma #1
Hi i'm a new reader here, i like this story so much ^^, i hope you can update this story soon~
huh??why is this so familiar~~
pielover101 #3
Hahaha love this so far XD
What happesens next plz update!!!
what happens next ??? Omo update