The First Human-Zombie

The Girl Next Door.

                      Key's POV                   

I knew that girl , it was ___________Noona , my saver , and I though I was dead  , and now I'm alive , what's been happening !?She was crying hard , then I slowly get up , and noticed that it was NOT a ward I've been in , it was a weird room ,  and I was , covered in white sheets. "Noona , why are you crying ?" I asked her , as I sat up . Then she seems to be frighten and screamed "Key Oppa !?!" and she ran out. A few minutes later , a doctor and some nurse ran in , followed by Taemin and ______ Noona. "Hyung !? Why and how can you ... Wake up ?" Taemin asked , almost stuffing his hands into his mouth as the doctor said "Kibum , you're dead just now , the computer is never wrong , there are no  heart beats and you're not breathing , so why are you here.." As soon as the doctor comfirmed that I'm alive , I was transfered into a normal ward , and each day , ______Noona will come and visit me.

               Taemin's POV                  

I've killed Key Hyung , I though sadly as I sat down on the waiting bench , as the doctor came out , he shook his head and walked away , Key Hyung is dead , no more Key , no more arguments , no more fun . Then , I saw ___________ Noona ran in Key's room , as she was crying loudly , I started to cry too , even though I'm sitting outside of the room , I dont want to see Key's face anymore , or else , I'm going to feel sad again. Then suddenly , I heard Key Hyung's voice coming out from the room , "My imagination"I though , but _______ Noona burst out from the room and screamed "Key's alive ! His awake !" I feel like jumping into the see to celebrate , but before I could even take another step , about ten doctors and nurses ran into the room , as I quickly followed by ______Noona  , and after much squeeze and hits , I finally managed to get in the room ! Key was sitting on his bed and those doctors dragged huge machines and computers out , after  much questions and double checks , they finally manage to confirm that Hyung is alive , "Yay !" I shouted as I jumped across the room , dancing and singing , "Key Hyung is awake ! Hyung is awake !" and rolled around the room , but before I could roll around again , Key grabbed me by the collar as he lifted me in  two fingers , as he shouted "The hospital is filled with germs , go and wash youself now !" But I'm too happy to be angry , but when I saw Key lifting me , I screamed , he lifted me in just 2 fingers !? How did he do this !?  Normally , I'll be the one sitting on him , and now , he was lifting me with 2 fingers !? "Yes Umma" I replied to Key as he smiled "Do I look like your Umma ?" He asked me , but I just giggled , and then the doctors told us "Key seems to be fine , as I think , he can be discharged tomorrow . " The doctor explained , as  me and ____  Noona jumped like  a mad couple.

                        Key's POV                                 

I watched Taemin and ________ left , they were holding hands , hand in hands , just like a couple. "Im so jealous !" I said in my heart after they left , as I grabbed my cup and squeezed it , then it shattered. "Eh ?"I looked clearly at my cup , I'm not so strong , I'm not  strong by the way , I'm totally considered weak , but how did I manage to break a cup in just one squeeze ?  I though as I swiched on the television. "Bird chips everyday to make sure their voice don't break , and they fly around because their preys wouldn't be able to see them. " The television explained , I laughed , as I flapped my hands like a bird and I was laughing so hard !  Then ,  my smile disappeared , I was flying , I was floating , I was floating in the air ! Not in the water !  I begun flying as fast as I can to the doctor's office , as I break through the door , I screamed "What is happening to me !? I can fly ! I can break a cup in one light squeeze !" But the doctor just stared at me , as he laughed "Nobody in this world can fly , not humans , so don't lie !" He laughed , then I flapped my hands , then I floated up and I screamed " SEE !?" Then I took his cup , then I Gentle squeezed it , it broke into million pieces , as the doctor stared at me in disbelive , then he used his emergency walkie talkie and screamed " Emergency ! Please gather at the the .. MY OFFICE !" He screamed as he threw his walkie-talkie down and pushed my onto a chair.


How's this chapter ? I received private messages from some readers then I  wrote this , please subscribe and comment , I'll love it if you do it , and this is a serect preview for the next chapter

(I screamed in horror as I knew what dieases I have , it was never discovered  by a doctor , but something much different , super different , it had something to do with the other world beside this)

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lunermist #1
Love it!!#!
Sherinaaa #2
My eyes is gonna spoil ! T^T BUT ! nice story
Kibums #3
Coloured words and highlighted words make my dyslexia go all over the place...
jumpingfrog #4
next chapter, waiting! :D
thefanficslove #5
hei. . what happened with key? can't wait 4 the next chapter.<br />
i'll waiting patienly :)
New reader here^^ I like ur writing style!! and the first chapter is great, can't wait for more^_^
Jinkitor #7
Uhm...Maybe you won't want to highlight your words...? It's kinda...uhm. Annoying. SORRY. Btw,dead like a rat. HAHAHAHA :)