My Guardian angel


My Guardian Angel;

Do you belive in guardian angels? Some of you are not, but some is. Guardian angels is an angel who have the responsibility to protect you from any danger and guide your way to a better path. Every person in the world has a guardian angel itself, but do you know who is your guardian angel? Who is the one who protects you? The one who cares for you the most? No one knows, but god. But what will you do if a non-existing person falls inlove with you and you can't able to love him back? How can you take the pain? How long can you take being unfair for your own feelings? How can you take the consequence in the future? How can you take the time when he needs to leave you all the way down? All of this question is still unanswered. You just need a one decision that can change your life in something different. Now choose one, Happiness or Loneliness?

"Seeing you smile, makes my heart flutter. Can you just please smile forever?"

"I love you and all, but i'm sorry.


.. My guardian angel."


Meet the characters;
—The guarded girl(you);
Your a simple girl named Song Hanuel, your 18 old years old girl who have a dream to roam the world to showcase your talent to everyone. But this dream slowly scattered when your parents died into an accident, along with your younger sister and brother. Since that day, you live alone. You live into a dull, empty condominium that your parents owned before. Your working into a small restaurant that gives you your daily food and money. Then a night comes, You've dreamed about a guy, with a charming smile and a pair of wings. Your life change when you met this guy, whose really your Guardian angel. How long can you hide your feelings for him?


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The guardian angel;
A guardian angel named Suho, whose means "Leader" or "Guardian". He's the guardian angel who assigned to protect and guide you. He's the most kindest of all the guardian angels from heaven, even though all angels is kind, He's still the most kindest angel in a different way. He's charming yet mysterious smiles capture every girl's heart, including yours. How is this charming guardian angel change your life?

—The fellow angels;
The group of angels known as EXO-K angels. They are seperated in each mission, to protect and guide one human being. Kyungsoo, a cheerful but clueless guardian angel. Chanyeol, a happy virus guardian angel. Sehun, a serious but caring guardian angel. Kai, a mysterious guardian angel. and last but not the least, Baekhyun, a loving and kind guardian angel. Behind those charming faces and sweet smiles, One angel is under a bad spell of a devil. Disguising into an angel, and have a plan destroying and makes your life miserable. Who is this guardian angel?



and more to be added soon. c:




a/n: Hello everyone! x--Lucibabeeh here. So as can you see, This is my first ever fanfic here in AFF. So i'm a bit nervous about it. Okaai, wait. Are you wondering where did i get this idea of guardian angels? Well, I just get this idea here. Yeah yeah, that song. That makes my heart flatter and melt due to their voice. It's all started when i get what the point of the song is. AJSHAJKSHJKSH. That song is just a masterpiece, and the voice of those handsome-- Let me stop it there OAO Please support this fanfic and i will do my best to make a good fanfic for everyone. *salutes* That's all, Thank yooooooooou. OuO





p.s: I choose Suho as the guardian angel because his just really an angel in my eyes and you can't blame me from being crazy over him. Thank you. C:


and now let's feel their beautiful voices, omg Q__Q ♥


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Acha135 #1
Cool story! Update soon!!! ^^
this interests me so much!! I can't wait for the story, so plz update!!! <3