Lies Are Never Better

DayDreams (Oneshot)

I stood in the pouring pain. It was starting to get heavy but I didn't want to go home. I had just confessed to Key and told him I was gay. 

"WHAT? I'm not gay!"

"But you-"

"I can't wear these clothes without being called gay?  I guess we're the opposite of our looks. I look gay according to you and you look straight." He laughs, tossing a pink jacket on the floor.

"What about all those times we flirted?" I tried again

"It was just for fun. You didn't seriously think I was gay?" 

I felt my heart break in two but still I managed to put a smile on my face,'No. I just wanted to see what would happen if I asked you."

"Well get out. I have to get ready for my date with Yuri," He said, tossing a pillow at the door. I gave him a thumbs up before running to the door. My heart feeling like it was about to burst.


I pulled my phone from my pocket not bothering to check the ID,"Hello?"

"Jonghyun! Where are you? Me and Taemin have been waiting FOREVER!!!" said Jessica, practically yelling the word

I checked the clock on my phone. It read 10:00 PM. I was suppose to be at Taemin's house at 7:00. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I could only stare at the pouring rain. As it seeped into my clothing and cake box I had gotten earlier. It's probably ruined but what did I care.

"I'm sorry," I whispered

"You better be! Now get your over here!" She swore, her words bouncing off my head. Even on a bad day Jessica could somehow manage to make things better. 

I sighed, hanging up the phone. Taemin's house was only a five minute walk from here. If I started walking now I could be there quickly. I took a painful step forward. It was going to be a long walk.


"Why are you all wet?" Minho asked me, opening the door. It was normal for him to be there. He was after all Taemin's boyfriend. Boyfriend. Funny how the word seemed so great a while ago.

"Rain ," I snapped.

"Shut up," He mumbled, going over to the kitchen. He reached in the fridge for Taemin's famous strawberry milk.

Laughter rung in the background. Kai lay on the couch staring at me and laughing. I had to do a double take to make sure it was him. Sometimes having twin brothers as friends was hard. His hair fell down gently into small curls like Taemin. Yet he had a manly touch to him unlike Taemin.

"HYUNG! JONGHYUN HYUNG IS HERE!" He shouted,not bothering to move from the couch. After all his favorite show was on. Nothing could move him.

Taemin popped up out of nowhere,"What took you so long? Now we can start the party!"

"What's a party with our favorite dino? " Jessica smiled, walking up to Taemin.


"Then what about a Barbie?" Taemin smirked, pulling his Barbie outfit from behind him.

My face paled,"Oh no."

"Oh yes. GET HIM!" 

I screamed as Kai, Minho, and Jessica tackled me to the ground pulling my wet clothes off me. The whole time I could feel Jessica putting something on me. Something dark on my lips, lipstick? Under my eyes,eyeliner? The faintest touch on my eyelashes, Mascara? Finally after much pulling and tugging they released. Kai pulled a mirror to my face showing the results.

"So how do you feel?" Minho asked, smirking.

I"m a Barbie girl in a Barbie worldddd!

Life in plastic. It's Fantastic! (A/N Baby!)

You can brush my hair undress me everywhereeee.

Imagination. Life is your creation

Jessica joined in untying her blond bundle of hair. For the first time today I really smiled, happily singing along with Jessica. Then Key appeared with the beautiful brunette who stole his heart from me beside him. Yuri.

"Jonghyun?" He questioned."What are you doing?"

my voice softened,"Itmakesmefeelprettyalright?"

"What?" They all asked, leaning in close to hear me.


The room burst into a laughter. Taemin fell to the floor holding his stomach. Jessica and Key laughter rung loud outshining Minho's and Kai's. Yuri stood there unsatisfied like she hated me. All of a sudden she pulled Key in entangling their tongues together until the laughter died down and my face blushed red with embarrassment. 

"Oppa what are we doing here? When we could be doing other things." She ran a manicured nail up his arm seductively, staring happily at me.

I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled  a jacket over my head running into the even heavier rain. I couldn't barely see through it but I didn't car e. I couldn't stand to be in that room for one more minute. I could hear Key chasing after me, telling me to slow down.

"JONGHYUN! Please slow down!" He yelled, his voice growing farther and farther away.

I stopped immediately at his tone of voice. He was begging practically crying for me to stop. Lights shined on me brightly blocking my sight of Key. I turned to the source of light. Just as the truck hit me.


My breath came in quick breaths. I could feel myself dying. There was a faint light at the corner of my vision as I saw a man jump out of a car. He rushed to my side along with Key.

"Hi," Was all I could say as he held me in his arms.

"Don't you die on me. I love you too much."

I frowned, he was lying to keep me alive."No you don't. You proved that earlier."

'No! No! I thought it was a bet or a prank. I mean I couldn't actually believe all these years I been crushing on you that you would just say you love me."

He did love me? My dream was right? It's sad that it's too late now. I'm going to die.

"Please don't cry for me. I want you to be happy and kick and make sure you make someone very happy." I wiped the tears appearing on his face.

"No! Don't accept to death!"

"It's okay. I know someday when I'm reborn I will meet you again and maybe we'll get to date then," I laughed, stop because of the blood in my mouth."Just promise me you'll live life to the fullest."


The light was closer now,"Please."

"I-i will to the f-f-"

I met my lips with his. They were warm and tasted of chocolate. My favorite. "You can do it."

"Fullest," He ended

I let my hand drop to his, remembering the last warmth I felt from him. My eyes closed.

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Vellastarr #1
Awwwweee so messed!!! Sad face :( sequil!!! Bring him back!!! Pwease :(