Chapter 11

Under The Same Roof [ Hiatus ]




“Thanks for taking me here in the amusement park, Donghae” Jessica said. The both of them were in the amusement park after they had taken their lunch. They rode all the rides. Now, they were walking around the park before heading home


“No worries! Anyways, it’s getting late and it looks like it’ll rain hard so we better head home now!” Donghae said and they exited the park and went to the parking lot. They arrived home 30 mins later. Jessica stopped in front of the door and turned around


“Donghae, thanks for today! I had a great time!” Jessica thanked him


“No worries. Anyways, when are you free again? I want to ask you out” Donghae said nervously


“Hmm… this weekend!” Jessica said simply


“Alright then! So movie?”


“sure! Bye now!” Jessica went inside the house. Donghae stood there smiling to himself





“We better hurry home! It’s getting to rain now!” Changmin said. They were both stuck in a traffic jam. Suddenly, the rain poured down so hard like a bucket


“ok! It’s raining now! I really wish this traffic jam would lessen” Sooyoung said looking out the window. 15 mins later they were already out of the traffic. Suddenly Changmin spotted a familiar person walking down the sidewalk without any umbrella


“Soo, that girl over there, Isn’t she your friend?” Changmin pointed to the familiar person. Sooyoung followed Changmin’s finger and was shocked to see who it was


“omo! Tiffany! What the hell is she thinking!? Park the car nearby, Changmin! I’ll go out” Sooyoung stepped out of the car before Changmin could protest. She approached Tiffany who was walking down, head hanging low


“Tiff! What the hell are you thinking!?” Sooyoung called out and went in front of her stopping her from walking. Tiffany looked up and Sooyoung noticed that she’s crying despite of the heavy rain that would cover the tears


“Tiffany! What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Sooyoung asked worriedly. Tiffany was just silent refusing to answer Sooyoung’s questions. “let’s get you home, Tiff! You’ll get sick.” Sooyoung said softky and held Tiffany’s hands and went to the car where Changmin was waiting


“what happened to her?” Changmin asked when Sooyoung opened the car door. Sooyoung just shrugged and told Changmin to go to Fany’s house.


10 mins later, they arrived at Hwang’s residence. Sooyoung opened the door and saw three figures in the living room


“Tiffany!! Where have…… WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!???”   Sunny asked when she saw Tiffany dripping wet


“aish! Yah! Lee Sunkyu! Can you not scream!? And she got wet under the rain! Take her to her room for a while so she can changed immediately” Sooyoung said and Sunny helped Tiffany to her room


Sooyoung saw the two figures staring in front of her. Feeling awkward, Sooyoung bowed to them and they bowed back


“I, er, I’ll go now”  Sooyoung said and started to head out


“Stay” one of them said simply. Feeling nervous, she decided to stay. She didn’t dare looked at them cause she was too scared


15 mins later, Sunny arrived followed by Tiffany. The two unfamiliar figures immediately went to her. Tiffany looked up and saw Sooyoung standing awkwardly with Changmin. She smiled and told them to sit down. She then began to talk knowing that they want to know what happened


 1 hour later, Sooyoung and Changmin bid goodbye to them and headed home


“we’re here, Soo! You okay?” Changmin asked worriedly. Ever since they went back to the car, Sooyoung has been staring into space.


“huh? Oh! Yeah, I’m fine. We’re here? I ‘ll go now! Bye and thanks for the day. Goodnight” Sooyoung stepped out of the car


-inside the house-

Sooyoung entered the house and was surprised when someone automatically hugged her causing her to fall on the floor


“Little Soo!!! How are you, my baby!!” Sooyoung looked up and grinned. It was Soojin, her older sister


“Soojin unnie! I’m fine and I grew taller! Kekeke” Sooyoung said which made the other stand up and stormed to the living room


“hi, soo! Where have you been? And what happened? Why are you wet?” Yuri asked when Sooyoung entered the living room


“I’ll explain later. Besides I have something to say to you all. Anyways, where’s Sica?” Sooyoung asked. They all pointed to the SooSica’s room. Yuri was about to say something when Soojin and Yoona stopped her.


Sooyoung entered the room when Jessica suddenly screamed “AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Sooyoung stood frozen in place. Jessica was only wearing her undergarments. Her hair was dripping wet at the back causing her to look so hot.


Oh god! She’s so hot! What the!? Sooyoung, stop thinking naughty! But honestly who can’t resist it! her y body is being displayed!


“yah! Why are you staring? You like the view?” Jessica asked teasingly which made Sooyoung’s cheeks heat up. She immediately went to the bathroom which was attached to their room.


“hurry up, Soo! We still got business!” Jessica teased jokingly.


“shut up!!” Sooyoung yelled from the bathroom which made Jessica laughed


15 mins later, Sooyoung went out and saw Jessica lying on the bed, sleeping. She looks so peaceful in her sleep but after knowing Tiffany’s story made her heart hurt without knowing why


Why am I hurt after hearing the story? Why do I feel like I want to be the one to mend it?


Sooyoung went out and saw Soojin, Yoona and Yuri sitting on the floor with a pizza watching a movie. Soojin was tearing up


“what the hell is that!?” Sooyoung yelled causing Yoona and Yuri jumped. Soojin was still staring at the screen crying harder


“aish! Unnie, can you paused that drama for a while? I want to tell you something” Sooyoung said. Yuri immediately paused the movie causing Soojin to go nuts


“aish! Little soo, start now! Gosh, I can’t believe you’ve got the wrong timing! The girl is about to confess, you know!!” Soojin complained while Sooyoung just rolled her eyes


“what is it Soo?” Yuri asked. Sooyoung started to tell them about what Tiffany said at their house an hour ago



“you mean, you lied to my cousin when you told her you actually didn’t love her!? How could you!? Taeyeon became miserable because of you!?” Sooyoung yelled after hearing her story


“I’m sorry, Soo! That’s why I came back, for Taeyeon. I love your cousin, Soo! I always do” Tiffany said softly. Her tears were rolling down on her cheeks


“you know if I was in my cousin’s shoes I would do the same. But we’re different. Tiff, why don’t you wait? I’m sure Taeyeon would forgive you. she still loves you. I know her. Pls give her some time. And as for the ice princess, I’ll handle it” Sooyoung said quietly. Tiffany just nodded


“don’t worry. We’ll be here for you.” Sunny said as she put her arms around the girl’s shoulders


*end of flashback*


The three were shocked after hearing the story. They didn’t speak for a few minutes. Soojin decided to break the silence

“so, Tiffany really loves our dear cousin?” Sooyoung nodded


“I still don’t understand for Sica? Did Fany really love her?” Yoona asked


“yeah! But she thought that loving Sica would mend her broken heart but she was wrong.” Sooyoung replied


“so how are you gonna tell Sica about this?” Yuri asked. Sooyoung shrugged saying that she doesn’t know how


“anyways, I’ll go to sleep now! Goodnight!” Sooyoung stood up ann went to her room


Gosh! How am I supposed to say this to her? Aish! She’s hurting and I’m hurting. Wait what? I’m hurting when she’s hurting? What does this mean? (A/N: it means you love her. Kekeke) shut up, author! Aish! I’ll just sleep now and think about this tomorrow



here's the update! boring right? yeah, i know. i didn't know what to put. so just bear with it.

kekekeke!!! ^__^


anyways pls comment and subscribe! mwah! <3

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Chapter 18: hope you can update soonest..
youngvra #2
Chapter 18: Good story author
Chapter 18: hi Author, are you going to continue this story? :)
Author-sshi update soon plz. >.<
I really wanna know what happens...
I'm really starting to get impatient for SooSica xDD
omo aish what did the Lees do??? and what does Taecyeon want with Yoona unni??? and Top, Bom, Changmin are really cool friends :3
SooSica <3
YoonYul <3
TaeNy <3
i love changmin top and bom here love them love them
and what other couples in here
hate donghae and the bad dudes :(
please update ^^
ZhEnIsCrAzY #7
This is interesting, even if I just read the description. I believe this story would turn out good!!!