The One That Got Away.


I should've told you what you meant to me.
Cause now I pay the price.





15 minutes.
He's standing infront of the door for fifteen ing minutes, the key tightly clutched in his hand and yet, he remained rooted on the spot.
The sun is scorching hot. He can feel that drop of sweat crawled at the back of his neck. Still,he stood.Shivering.
Another minute went and he's still unmoving. It's sixteen minutes passed noon. He purposely messed up his alarm clock so to have an excuse on not getting up. But his ever hyper parents just had to barge in his room early in the morning, whining about how late it was and promising to buy him another alarm clock as soon as they'll get back from their trip.
Another minute.
He sighed. It's not like he didn’t want to come inside the-- Oh wait. He really doesn't want to come in. He felt his feet embedded on the Park’s doormat, he could feel the raging butterflies in his tummy and he blamed the fact that he didn’t had his breakfast for it.
Because ByunBaekhyun never had butterflies in his tummy.Ever.
He's a bit flustered, okay. Just a bit.
Another minute.
It's been years; almost three years since he last stood on that doorstep but back at those times, Baekhyun will just hobble in like he himself lives there. Three years ago, he'll be here to watch morning shows because his older brother always hogs the one back home. Sometimes, during weekends, he'll come so early in the morning to have breakfast, then come back home at night after dinner.
But more often, he'll go straight to His room just so they can spend all day together.
That was three years ago.
Another couple of minutes.
He took a deep breath. Ofcourse, he can do it again. What will be the difference? He had done this three years ago.
There wouldn’t be any problem doing it again, right?
He managed to insert the key on the doorknob, and he wanted to bash his head because apparently, he’s trembling. Languidly, almost like those old slow motion movie tricks, the door opened. But Baekhyun had to close his eyes at the sudden flash of light.
"20 minutes and 48 seconds. Not bad Baekhyunnie."  A deep baritone voice that is so sickeningly familiar echoed that Baekhyunjust had to snap his eyes open.
And there he was, smiling the same old toothy grin with his large shining eyes, a polaroid camera on his right hand as his left held the door for Baekhyun.
What will be the difference?



A/n: There! My very first Baekyeol fic! :D Will update this after Pandora's Box's first chapter. I'm sure you'll already know the plot because of the line on the foreword, right? XD But ofcourse, the story will still be affected by the reader's comments,so i might change the story line as the fic progress. I think this will run for 4-5 chaps? Ahh,and thaks for my sister ifallelsefails for beta-ing this one. :D

So what do you think  you ?? :)


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exotadpoles #1
ok this is weird i know but who is the exotapoles you're talking about?
exotadpoles #2
ok this is weird i know but who is the exotapoles you're talking about?
Chapter 1: Wow! This is good~! So that's why Yeollie didn't celebrate his birthday. His dad died on his birthday. Poor him. Must be hard on the family. I hope you update soon. I really want to know what happen in the foreword.
Chapter 1: Wow! This is good~! So that's why Yeollie didn't celebrate his birthday. His dad died on his birthday. Poor him. Must be hard on the family. I hope you update soon. I really want to know what happen in the foreword.
wow that was nice i liked a lot! i will keep on reading hope u update soon!
AsianfanKC #6
Chapter 1: Really liking the story do far. Keep it up ^^

Ps love that gif of Chanyeol ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: i freaking love this <3
but is there any misunderstood, coz i don't know why i was tagged in ur awesome ff XD
love litle Yeollie btw ^^
I really like this story and you know, you don't have to compare your writing skills to your sister, you are you and personally, your writing is good!!:D kekekekke but yes, I really, really like your story!!!xD hope you write more soon!xD
this is a nice good story
update soon please :'D