The Beginning

Everything is a Lie

A/N: Ahhh I'm sorry this really isn't very good. ; __; Work has really been crazy lately, and I haven't had a lot of time to write. I promise that I'll get the next chapter up soon, though. I have a few days off, so I can use those to write~ Anyways, I'm sorry for the abrupt start and end with this chapter and the just overall terrible-ness of it. Is that a word, terrible-ness? ANYWAYS, I promise I'll get all of the members characterized and more things will happen in the next chapter! Lucia is really kind of bland in this chapter, but more about her will be revealed and she'll have more of a chance to interact with the boys in upcoming chapters. Thank you for reading and subscribing~. c:

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Pain. That was the first thing that registered when Lucia emerged from unconsciousness. Everything hurt. Without opening her eyes, she tried to assess the damage to her body. Her right leg was definitely her, along with her stomach and her left arm. Her head hurt too, but at least her hands were okay. Letting out a shaky sigh, Lucia slowly opened her eyes. Dried blood caked the side of her face and she lifted her good arm to wipe it away as she slowly sat up. The bus she had been in was flipped over, and she realized with a start that she was surrounded by broken glass. Carefully pushing herself up into a standing position, she tried to find a way out. If she was careful, she could crawl out of the broken window next to her. Lying back down on her stomach, she carefully slid out of the ruined bus, wincing as glass cut her forearms and shins. But she was free, and as she slowly pulled herself up once again, she tried to remember what exactly had happened.

Lucia had been on her way to work on the bus, tapping her fingers along to the beat of a song she had been working on. It had been a normal day; the bus had been crowded and the businessman who always drank sickly sweet cappuccinos had tried to strike up a conversation with her again. After that, most of her memory was a blur. She remembered something falling from the sky, people screaming, and the businessman shielding her from the blast with his body. Pain lanced through her head and Lucia clutched the deep gash just above her right eye, wincing.

Would this be a legitimate excuse for being late to work? Lucia’s boss wasn’t exactly the most easy going man, and she was worried that even if she showed up missing limbs, he would be pissed because she was late. Gritting her teeth and pushing her hair out of her eyes, Lucia began to limp away from the wrecked bus. Cars were overturned everywhere, some thrown off of the highway. Squinting against the harsh morning light, Lucia brought one hand up to shade her eyes and stared at the massive metal structure that had embedded itself in the ground. She had never been one to care about life outside of earth, but that was without a doubt a spaceship. Curiosity got the better of her and she slid down the slight hill that led to the spaceship and limped slowly towards the gigantic structure. Work be damned, she wanted to see if there were any aliens nearby.

The last thing Lucia had expected was to be grabbed around the throat, a deep voice rumbling in a strange language in her ear. She immediately began to panic and lashed out at whoever was holding her. After a bit of useless flailing, her elbow finally connected with flesh and the person who had been slowly choking her let go with a grunt. Whirling around, Lucia faced her attacker and hesitated. He looked strange, his hair a deep purple color and a mask covering most of his face. He was doubled over, clutching at his stomach and cursing. Shaking herself back into a state of awareness, Lucia immediately brought her leg up and kicked him right between the legs. With a grunt, he fell to the ground heavily, curling into a ball and whimpering.

As Lucia turned to leave, two more men ran up to her, one tackling her to the ground. She let out a cry and struggled as he pinned her to the ground, the other watching them from a safe distance. They spoke in that strange language, but Lucia could have sworn a few words sounded almost like Korean. Deciding to take a chance, she cleared and spoke as loudly as she could.

“Excuse me?” Her voice cracked a bit, but both men abruptly stopped talking and stared down at her, obviously shocked. Glad that she had their attention, Lucia forced a smile and ceased her struggling. “Okay, so we share a language. That’s good. How about we talk this out?”

The man holding her down raised an eyebrow, looking almost amused by the suggestion. However, the other man crossed his arms and replied to her, irritation set in every angle of his body.

“You mean talk it out like you did with Yongguk?” He gestured to his friend, who was still curled up on the ground. “I don’t think so.”

“To be fair, he did attack her first,” the man holding her down said. His grip loosened around her wrists a bit and she let out a relieved sigh. “I’d say she reacted pretty well given the fact that he was going to snap her neck.” He looked back down at her and released her wrists, running a hand through his black hair. “Let’s talk it out.”

“Commander, I really don’t think—“ The other man started to speak, stepping a bit closer.

“Youngjae, stand down. If we’re going to be stuck on this planet for a while, we should at least be friendly with one Earthian.” The man, who Lucia now knew was the commander of this ragtag group of aliens, stood up and backed away from her.

Lucia groaned and pushed herself up using her good arm, cradling her injured one close to her chest. She could feel fresh blood trickling down her face and reached up to wipe it away, wincing as her fingers brushed against the re-opened wound on her face. The two men watched her closely, both of them tense. Struggling to stand, Lucia kept weight off of her injured leg and wrapped her injured arm around the cut on her stomach, applying pressure. Finally, she looked back up at the men standing in front of her.

“I’m thinking that introductions are in order,” she said, blowing a few strands of brown hair that had fallen in her eyes out of the way. “My name is Lucia.”

“My name is Himchan, and this is Youngjae. I’m the commander and he’s the brains of the operation,” the man with black hair said. His eyes crinkled up in a smile, but he still looked tense and uncomfortable. “How about we make a deal, Lucia? Your Earthian military is probably going to show up soon, and we don’t have a place to stay. If you let us stay with you, we’ll… uh.”

Youngjae rolled his eyes and shoved Himchan, stepping closer to Lucia and looking her up and down. She tightened her grip around her stomach and stared him down, trying not to let her fear show.

“We’ll let you in on everything we know,” Youngjae said. “You get alien knowledge, we get a home. Sound fair?”

It didn’t exactly sound completely fair to Lucia, but she had no doubt in her mind that if she refused, they would find a way to kill her. Clearing , she forced another smile and shrugged.

“Help me keep the apartment clean and we’ve got ourselves a deal,” she said.

Himchan clapped his hands and Youngjae let out a small sigh of relief. While Youngjae wandered over to Yongguk to make sure he was okay, Himchan wrapped an arm around Lucia’s shoulders, making her tense up. He ignored this, however, and steered her towards the crashed ship.

“Great. We just have to get the others and we can go to your apartment and get all settled in.” Himchan didn’t seem to have noticed her limp, so Lucia struggled to keep up with his fast pace and long strides.

“Wait a second. Others?” Lucia scowled up at Himchan, stumbling a bit before catching herself. “Just how many of you are there?”

“Six,” Himchan answered. “Surely we can all fit in your apartment.”

If this had been any other situation, Lucia would have suggested for him to take his idea and shove it up a very uncomfortable place. But her life was riding on this, so she bit her lip and forced a sickly sweet smile, trying to ignore the throbbing pain that seemed to run all over her body.

“Of course. Just tell them to hurry up.” She needed to get her wounds looked at, explain just what had happened to her boss, and then make sure the six aliens she would be sheltering knew how her house ran. Lucia had really gotten herself into quite the situation, and she cursed her terrible luck.

Three more aliens, all male, emerged from the space ship and all six of them gathered in front of her. Ignoring the sudden dizziness that had started to wash over her, Lucia looked over all six of them.

“First thing’s first. You need to get rid of the masks.” The six aliens looked at each other, puzzled, but then agreed and removed their masks. Lucia looked each of them over and sighed. “Well, you can easily blend in here. Your hair is really going to stick out though, some of you are going to have to dye it.” Specifically the blondes, the tall one with pink hair, and the guy with purple hair who had attacked her earlier. “I’ll need to find all of you proper clothes so you won’t stick out. The fatigues are okay for right now, but you need clothes for a long term stay, right?” Himchan nodded as an answer and she shook her head to try to dissipate the fuzziness that seemed to creep into her limbs. Quickly, she gave them explicit directions to her apartment, major landmarks around it, and different modes of transportation they could take to get there if she wasn’t with them. “And when we get there, don’t…”

Lucia clutched her head, stumbling slightly. The six men stared at her, looks of confusion passing over their handsome faces. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried once again to try and regain a proper sense of balance. However, her limbs were becoming incredibly heavy, and darkness was starting to crawl into the edges of her vision.

“Don’t… make the neighbors… suspicious.” Lucia barely finished her sentence before she fell heavily to the ground, her eyes drifting shut. The last thing she aware of before she slipped into unconsciousness were alarmed voices and a pair of warm hands shaking her shoulders. 

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This was a great chapter :D I really enjoyed reading it!

Keep up the good work and I look forward to whenever you can update~
krazykezi #2
Yay this looks interesting can't wait! >\\\\\<