One-night Stand


After 3 years of marriage, HyunA and JunHyung has a daughter named JunA. On the surface, the three of them seem to be a happy family together. On the inside, however, their love had withered long long time ago. For the sake of her daughter, HyunA endured her husband by staying in the marriage which she hated. Even so, she'd spent the nights in the arms of others.

Unsurprisingly, everything ended when JunHyung discovered this side of hers. He allowed HyunA to take JunA and disappear from his life.

Breathing a sigh of relief, HyunA continued her life after the dirvoce. But the world really is small. She met HyunSeung, who happened to have an one-night stand with her. Now he is her work colleague, and he secretly has a thing for her. HyunA also has quite an affection for HyunSeung. JunA, on the other hand, does not like him at all.

How would their relationship turn out to be? 


Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot

In real life, I usually ignore it. But in my story, I allow NO ONE to insult HyunA. Please remember that.

The idea me suddenly, so I'm not sure when it'd strike me again. If you think you can't wait for long, don't read it.


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please update soon ^^
update soon plzzzzzzz