A big bang

Their touchs like Fire and Ice

Melinee was wheeled back to her room, after running all their test the doctor said she could be released by the end of the week which was two day away. He also said that she was lucky to be alive, if she'd been brought in even a minute she might have never woken up but he also said that the people that visited her so often probilly had a positive impact on her too. The first thing she did was call her mom, which almost ended in her mom coming to "scoop her up and take her home" but Melinee skillfully talked her way out of being scooped anywhere. After she hung up with her mom she the tv and flipped through the channels, the caption Bigbang made her stop. She stared at the tv feeling a rush of longing wash over her as she watched the live broadcast of their concert. She couldn't wait to see them.

**two day later**

Melinee was sure that what she was experiencing was what it felt like to win an Olympic gold medal. Seungri pushed her wheelchair through the hospital halls toward the exit on either side of her she was surround by big bang, they where all smiling ear to ear well amost, Seunghyun was just there akwardly he hadn't looked or spoken to hear the whole time. It made Melinee's heart hurt to see him acting so distant and indifferent, outside the media swarmed like bee's to honey YG had the foresight to know that this would happen so there was a team of security that kept them at bay while Melinee and the boys got in the van and headed back to their dorm. In th van three of five members fought for Melinee's attention, in contrast Jiyong sat on her left quitely holding her hand and watching her interact with the others.

Seunghyun who sat in the passenger stole glances at the scene taking place in the back, fighting back need to jump in the back and pull Melinee away from Jiyoung who was staring at her like above sick puppy, no matter what Jiyoung said Seunghyun could tell that he wanted what was his. After pulling up at the dorm everyone got out of the van, Of course the media was waiting for them Melinee was moving a bit slow and having trouble getting out of the van, Seunghyun turned back to help her but his way was block but Jiyoung who stood in front Melinee who was seated on the seat, reaching out his arms like he was picking up a baby Jiyoung took hold of her wasite and lifted her up and the gently placed her on her ground. But he didn't release he hold on instead he shift so that one hand was around her wasite and the other was holding her arm.

"are you ok to walk"? He ask bring his lips close to her ear, too tried to really be flustered or thinking anything more of his actions Melinee nodded and allowed herself to be guided inside, after settling her into bed, the big bang members gathered in the living room.

"i want to stay"! Seungri whinned srubbing his hands over his face in a dramatic fashion

"do any of us not have a schedule for the rest of the day"? Taeyoung asked the others, all of them shock there head from side to side "Well we can't just leave her here by herself". He said shoving his hands in his pockets

"I have a radio appearence at 10pm other then that I'm free". Jiyoung said earning everyones attention 

"NO"! Was all Seunghyun manged to say through clenched teeth as he glared at Jiyoung struggling to hold back his anger.

"What, why not"? Daesung said oblivous to the anything but friendly vibe being passed between Jiyoung and Seunghyun "Someone has to stay with her, other then Jiyoung who else can"?

"I'll ask Bom or Minzy, I don't want him around her". Seunghyun left the hundle and pulled out his cell and began to unlock it when Jiyoung pulled it from his hands and put it into his own pocket

"Don't bother the girls, they just made their comeback and are tried". Jiyoung said staring into Seunghyun's eye daring him to say something, but Seunghyun knew that Jiyoung had done it again, if he insisted now he would like he didn't care bout the others that he would be bothering, Bom's words that he'd yet to put into action flashed in his mind. Taking a deep breath he turned his back to Jiyoung.

"Fine do what you want....just DONT". He said using the words that Jiyoung warned him with many times before, with that Seunghyun walked down the hall, Jiyoung started after him

"Where do you think your going"? He asked reaching out for Seunghyun even as the other man slipped into a room and closed the door behind him and locked it. Reaching out Jiyoung tried to open the door to follow but the knob didn't turn, he thought about pounding on the door or even kicking it in but Melinee was inside and he didn't want to upset her or show her that side of himself.

Turning quickly Jiyoung walked back into the living room to find the others staring obviously lost with the coruse of events. "Just go, or you'll be late". He said breezing by them and going into the kitchen to getting something strong to cool of his head. The obayed and mutter a good-bye before leaving the apartment.


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I love this story!GD is so mean in this story :c but i still like him xD
Chapter 33: Awww i hate Jiyong so much here :( and i don't like the ending. Poor top,he deserves cin and she need to return back to him n leave the fake work of happiness with ji.
Chapter 41: I just don't know anymore...I can't with her or ji or top
Carmelnap #4
Chapter 41: Uggh cin, and now your going to try to love him. He I'm still mad at you. just make him pay and get the love of your life back.
Carmelnap #5
Chapter 40: Ugh i am disgusted by Cin, Jiyong, and Se.